PAGE 4. ELCSlÀ,DECEMIBER 3.q' 9869 WHITBY FREE, PRES 151Pubiished overy Wodnesday DOUG ANDERSON whitby ,BPh79Onro .111lihe VV By ~~ho:6698na-o61.1u1ao E11I/fJIMAURICE PIPHER Mr? puEditor The Fr eeProse Building KEN HATHAWAY 1 31 Brook Street North Advrtsîng Manager VOICI 0F THE COUNTT TOWN P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. The oniy Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Wliby residents Secondary plan meetinig is preferred procedure. Residents of Palace, High and Mary Sts. got some good news ln a double dose Monday night over an application for a development to which they were opposed. First, the application for rezoning to permit a 47- unit, three-storey condominium apartment was withdrawn. Then Councillor Joe Bugelli, suppor- ted by the other two administrative commIttee members, delivered more îgood tidings as he proposed a freeze on the loW density residential zoning for the property. The problem is that the property is Included ln the area for which land usesare now being Iden- tified ln a secondary plan. Should colincil pass the commIttee recommendatiQnr, the property could be isolated, as planning director Bob Short noted Monday,,depending on the zoning finally approved for the area around It. Moreover, thé property on Nfigh-St., between Dundas St. and High St., would appear to have been given special consIderatIon, no matter what wIll be decIded ln the secondary plan. Counclilor Bugelli argued that the zoning f reeze Was warranted sInce 80 many residents, 60 ln a petition, 30 at a Nov. 17 meeting and 10 on the past Monday, had voiced objection to the proposai and any future such proposed use. His recommendation has yet to be a guarantee but the- motion itself rather underminos the process and intent of thesecondary plan. Couldn't that opposition be made apparent at the public meetings of the secondary plan s1tudy? Such Input Is to be taken Into account, by the Whitby planning department as the guide for development in Whitby ln future years is drawni up. *Perhaps residents will attend next week's meeting of the secondary plan study to make known their views'about the property as well as others In. the main central area. It was a suggestion by a resident at the Nov. 17 meeting and It is recommended. Letters to the editor Let's restore sanity to Whitby To the ecitor: "Insanity Strikes Whlt- byll..again (as usual) Wlcome residents of Bluegrass Meadows, you're juat going through what your neighbors of Lakeview and Swan's Landing (alias Rolling HuIs) subdivisions were goig through two years age. A fight to save your homes., It wasi late suminer of- '84 that the homeowners ef Lakevlew and what was then Roling HuIs found eut that noteonly was the GO ALRT extension geing te swing north of the 401, once east of Brock St. (Whitby) and travel along the border ef their develepments, but that a marshalling yard fer such was geing te be klssing their back yaýdýas tnewe hnd nebody te go te bat fer us. At least you've get one councillor and the ratepayers' association iring your views. By the way, the only thing that stopped the GO trains from geing through was a change of government. Presently councillor Joe Drumm and the ratepayers are engaged in batties to keep Decomn from settling in the Rosedale area and Ou- tario Housing -from rlslng up lu Bluegrass. rears Its ugly head for it la being suggested that when the GO train is ex- teuded east of Brock Street lu Whitby that it swing north over the 401 and follow the CPR tracks lute Oshawa. Those tracks go threugh the backyards of Eberlee Homes, Lakevlew and Swan's Landing. Se I'm just going to presumne that the ratepayers aud ceunciller Drumm will take Up the *cause of fighting the GO uine nor- th ward extension. Why would the GO train want te, cross over a major freeway in the first place. Just think of how many 'more -millions (of taxpayer's meney. that's you & me) this is going ,te cost besides the traffie tie- ups as the GO rail tries te bridge over six lanes plus on & eff ramps. Just ask anybody who has been in a hurry te get te Toronto (or home) aud has been held up in traffic at the Westney Road construc- tion. Throughout its entire length the GO rail line is south of the 401 frem Oakville to Pickering. The land south ef the 401 east of Brock St. does net have major residen- tial areas te disturb, la zened industrial, up fer à ale, (check out ail the for sale signs) and eau follow the CN tracks. . 50 let's restore sanity to Witby, stop this taik of swinglng the GO train. extension north of the 401 and write to: .Gary Herrema Vice Chairman of GO Une Extension 6w Rosslad Road East Whtby, Ont. LUN 6A3 te, telU him what an asinine idea it la te Put theGO extension north of the 401. Just like Bluegrass dees net want Ontario Heusing, er Resedale, or Iecom, 50 Lakeview, Swan's Lauding and 1 presume Eberlee Homes wen't be war- ming up te the idea ef the so und ef GO trains going clickity-clack threugh their neigh- borhood. LannyCook e Swan's Landing 72 Sawdon Drive Whltby K eep the 'Ruddy' in the hospital name To the Editor: 1 fully, agree with Brian Wnter's letter in your Nov. 26 issue urging the reteution of Dr. Ruddy's nameln the title of our community hospital, and appeal te ether like-mlnded citizens to rally te. the cause. As a uewcomer te Whitby ,and one privile ged te have been. Parents are wanted at meeting To the Editor: An open letter te con- cerned parents of students at F.M. Heard Public Schoel, Whltby Senior Public School and Palmerston Avenue Public School. Parents: As you are aware there has been a great increase in erirolment in Whitby public elemen- tary schools, those just identified, during the past few years. This in- crease is expected te continue. In this regard the Durham Board of Education is con- sidering a number of alternatives regarding future accommodation of our children. We have ail received notices from the Durham Board of Educatien concerning a public mneeting on Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1986, at 7:30 p.m., at Whitby Senior Public School te receive more infor- mation and express our cencerns. For the sake of our children's future, please try te set aside this evening and plan te attend this very impor- tant meeting. By atten- ding we show that we care. Yours truly, M.K. & C.C. Flewelling co-chairpersons Palmerston Parents Advsorr Committee subjected te our hespital's efficient, warm-hearted care, I, think it is vitally impor- tant te keep uppermest in aur minds the unique quality of dedicatien inherent in the founder. in my experience, members of the hespital staff exhibit the same spirit ?f sensitive caring associated with Dr. Ruddy's memery. For those advecating a shor- ter title, Mr. Winter's suggestion "Whitby Dr. Ruddy Hospital" seemns most apprepriate. Yeurs siucerely, Deoug Henderson Whitby Po Iicy Thle Whtby Fiýee Presa la aiwaya looklng for Jettera to the editor and welcomea Jettera on any Iasues that concern ta readiera. While the paper reaervea the right to reject or edit any ettera for publication, a letter that le; short and to the point la motIlIkely to appear on our edtorlal page I- tact. Although not al lasues can be addreaaed ln a short letter, the beat la one of about 300 worda or Jsa. Al ettera te the editor muat be aigned and accompanled by a phone number for the editors inormation. Lettera may be aent to: Tint Editor, Wbtby Free Preaa, 131 Brook Street Nor- th., Whtby, Ont., LIN 581.