Whitby Free Press, 10 Dec 1986, p. 12

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PAGE.12 ,,WHITBY FREPRESS; ,WEDNESI)AY, DEC. 10, 1986 ANOrHE STEPRIIWlD ASSURED HOUSING FOR ONTARIO WaOnais-neRn Reiýew S tm meanstiDtenant andrT The Ontario Govermnent bias passed the tenants and lanllords o n how to improve, the Residential Rent Regulatoù Act, creating a rent revieW- system M" Ontario. new system of rent review. Thç basis of the new legisiation: to This legisiation is baÈed upon an agree- increaseprotection for tenants and to encourage ment reached by a special conitteeo the contruction ofnew rentai kousing. Rent Regulation Act are: The extension of rent review bt cover ai rvaerna n srlnOrnt ail prato rn o tai nitsinrnt revie proessdesined o accessible, quieker and ensure consistency. The establishment of a flexible lient Review Gudeline, adjusted annually bo refleot changes la inflation. elle creation of an Ontario-wide Jet Registry to record the maximum legal rent for every rentai unit in the province. ÀA Residentialliental Standards Board to ensure the proper maintenance of ail rentai properties in Ontario. Ia summary the new Act provides full protec- * tion for tenants, while at the saine time encouraging the construction of new rentai housing. Streamlined, slInplifled rent review process The new rent review process is designod 10 ho fast, * friendiy and efficient Now, disputes over rent increases can ho settled within a 90-day period. Through a network of 21 local lient Review Offices, tenants and landiords will have the opportunity to work together with a Rent Review Adminigtrator. This Adninistrator may arrange meetings ho- tween tenants and landiords, heip thein ntaining and completiag any necessary documents, and generally, be available to provide froc assistance on any aspect of the rent revlew process. As well, each lient Review Office will ho pro- vidiag an Ã"on-going programn of seminars and workshops. These will ho designed spocifically to educate tenants and landiords about ail parts of lient Review. Extension of Rent Review In the past, oniy those rentai units hufit prior bo 1976 were-proteeted by rent review. 7he new system. AUl private rentai units ln Ontario are protected hy rent review whether they were hufit prior to 1976 or afterwards. Rent Review Guideline Under the previous system, a fixed guide- lino could not always reflect changing economnic conditions. The new systeni: " A flexible Rent Review Guidelino is aLjusted annually and is hased on the change in-cost of maintaining a typical well-run rentai building.> " The Guideline calculates tho average change in costs over the prccoding throe- year poriod, protcoting tenants from tho effeots of suddon jumps in inflation. NOTE: The 40/ Guideline is in effoct retroac- tive fromn JuIy lst, 1985 to Dec. 3lst, 1986. The Guideline for 1987 will ho announced within 30 days. The flling of an application for rent roview at a local office will sot in motion a simplified process. The Rent Review Administrator, using clear and concise rules, will oversec the process from beginning to end. A most significant streaznlining aspect for both parties is that landiords wil he allowed a fixed aniount for operating costs. The rosult: the elimi- nation of lengthy disputes hetweon tenants and landiords over operating costs. lIb onsure easy access to Adrinistrators, al 21 lient Review Offices in tho provinco will ho opon at hours convenient to the public. ,ne Rent Registiy Under the previous system, it was not easy for a tenant bo check whother the rent for their unit was legal. hie newsystem " A computerized lient Registry will record the maximum legal rent whieh can ho charged for every rentai unit in the prov- ince. This information will ho updated annuaily according to rent increases'set by the new guideline. " Landiords of buildings containing more than six rentai units will file first, with landiords of small buildings Miing later. " Those landiords required to register first will file with the Registry the rent that was actually charged for every rentaI unit on July 1, 1985. " Most landiords wiIl only ho requircd to register one time. * Information from the Registry computers wil ho froe of charge andI avoulable to everyone by toll-free telephone. Rent Review Appeals. If a tenant or a landlord is dissatisfied with the decision reachod by the Administrator, an appoal en bho nade to a new lient Review Hearings Board. No feos wilt ho charged for appoals. Maint enance Standards inthe pas, renits could stili go up even though building maintenance wvent down. 7wi new system: sA Residential Rentai Standards Board.%vill establish fair standards bo ensure proper 1maintenance of rentai units throughout Ontario. oFailure to moot these standards may resuit in eitijer suspension or forfeitare of rent increases. Fiiformation avafiable The new Residential Rent Regulation Act make s major changes in the law affectinghboth tenants and landiords across the province.. The implementation of these measures wiii bogin immediateiy and Mill ho completed by February 2,1987. <If yo.u would like more detaiieQd information, please complote and return this coupon. MINISTRY 0F HOUSING RENT REVIEW DIVISION.' TORONTO, ONýTARJO M5G 2E5 Send me a copy> of the guide to Ontario's new lient Review System: NAME ADDRESS- C17Y LPOSTAL CODE OMinistry of Housing Ontario Hon. Alvin Curling, Minister Send today for your guide to Ontario's new Rent Review System.

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