WHITBY FREÈ PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DEC'. 10, 19M6 PAGE 27 Br(3k lin. Bylines By BETI'Y-JEAN BLYTH fC li 655-3679 wlth Items for this column OLDE TYME CHRISTMAS Again this year, Group '74 la sponsoring a special festival for children and their familles at tee Brookîila Comualnty Centre. There wlil be a good old-fashloned carol siag ac- companied wlth hot ider and homebaked goodies. 0f course tee old gentleman himself, Santa Claus wlll put in an appearance to listea to those last minute requests. Brooklin Kinamen have jolned in tee fun wte wagIon rides around town for tee hardier ones te view tee glits and decorations. Al kids are welcome, mom and dad, grandpa and grandma too. The date la tela Sunday, Dec. 14 starting at 1: 30p.m. NORTHUPOLE SPECIAL DELIVERY If teere are any children who have not yet got a letter written to Santa, tee library la of- fering a apecial delivery service. Santa has pronused te answer every letter accompanied «by a name and addresa. Gvet those letters in soon to besure of areply.. SNOWFLAKE CONTEST The library la aaklng ail it's younger p atrns '0 contribute an original snowflake te tee"I Snowfaes Fell in Color" conteat. Ail entries wiil be used te beautify the premlaes and the besatone will wln an unspe died prize. WITE GIFTSUNDAY Brooklln Unted Churcli wlahes to remind ail its members that tels comlng Sunday, Dec. 14 1s Wihte Glft Suday, so please plan on attending ind brlnglag a gif t of food or a small toy. CHRISTMASPARTY 'The children's party for Brookil United Churcli takes place in tee CE building on Sat. ---Dec. 20. The Durham Shoestrlng Playera will > be entertalnlflg. 'This coringP>E DatuVday isppday and ail buadies, neatly tled should be out to theecutb and/or snowbalk by 9aJfl. Aahburn residenta are remlnded teat tbey muat drop thelr bundles off at Ashburn Com- muntyCentreon'fridaY., [St. John cadets enroil new members Four new membera. were enrolled into the 409 cadet division of St. John Ambulance Brigade at a cerenuony held lastweek. Julie Mlley, James Dempsey, Jennifer Daly and Gordon O'Blenes were enroiled as cadets whle Carole Murphy was earoiled as a junior.. Neil Hamllag, Steven O'Blenes and Tammie Staples were presented wlth the Grand Priors Badge and certificatea. The 409 Whitby cadet division was founded in 1964. It currently con- sista of 24 members rangiag in ages from 8 to . Their uniforma, training equlpmeiit, fir- t aid supplies and oteer CORRECTION In tee Valdi Flyer distributed by household mail for tee week of- Dec. 8 valid terougli to Dec. 20/86, the Nor- teland wndahield washer antifreeze 4 litre lias thee wrong picture. Valdi regrets any inconvenience tels rnay have caused Our customers. expensea are piovided through financlal sup-.' port from the United Way and public donations. Ia 196, tee cadets dld 2,189 duty hours treatiag 67 casulaties. Duriag tee summer of 1987, tee cadets will be. involved in a cadet ex-* change with Great Britain.. Mayor Bob Atteisley looks on as Randy Farmer <owner and president of Farmer Fabrications), Kiratine Far- mer (vice-president of Farmer Fabrications) and Rick Gay (president of Ashly 333 Co. Ltd.) look over the bluepints.Free Press photo Building beg"ins A sod-turnlng ceremnony vas held in Whitby recently to of- ficially get construction under- way for tee 21,000 sq. ft. Farmer Fabrication plant on Forbes St. A steel fabrication plant, Far- mer Fabrication lias been in Oshawa for the past ten years and is now expanding into Whit- by. "One of tee reasons we moved to Whtby la the attitude in Whit- by la pro-industrial," said Randy Farmner, president and co-owner of Farmer Fabrication. He said tee site on Forbes St. was selected because it was available at the riglit price and because of its close proximity to Hwy4Ol. IIWe looked at several locations in Durham Region and this was tee ideal location." Past projecta for the company in Whitby include an extension last year to Gus Brown Motors and the Scott St. plaza. Farnuer said the plant is expec- ted to be completed in April of 1M8 and will create a few jobs ti Whtby. Rick Gay's Ashley 333 Co. Ltd. la the general contractor. Chamiber directors eleeted Four new directors were elected to the Whitby Chamber of Comnuèrce, executive at the Nov. 26 meeting. New directors are Mary Ana Goldhawk of Goldhawk Chiropractie Clinic; Ted Mangnal of Canadianý Tire; Doris Neuman, Ser-* vicemaster of Oshawa; Rick Roberts, Junior Chamber of Commercet Other directors for 1987 are Lynda Buffett of Benefit Design Con- sultants; Bob Allan of Lloyd's Bank; Ray Davidson of Ray'a. Sigris; Ross Law, Bill and May Lamb, retired from business; Jeff Moskaluk, Lake Ontario Steel; John Nqewhouse, Ward Mallette Accoun- tanta; Sylvia Schultz, Boutex Nearly New Shopa; Howard Smith, Davison & Snmith Ac- countants; Bob Stanley, Bob Stanley & Associates; ERôn Treleaveri, TriCule Service lLtd.'-' Crystal Glaspell, of Highland Atlas Van & Starage, will be Shop Early for Christmnas Order now, as we have llmlited quantitles of Christmas a 3 foot poinsettia trees CSca (e - poinsettia plants ln plnk, red & white now available j 9 We also have " fruit baskets, assorted jama & lmported chocolate " sllk or freah table centre plecea a %vide select ion of f resh f Iowers " Christmas Treasured cWVeniories ~dp.'t~I~ &musicalclowns. and many more Imaginative glîts. t DAâoeJ FLOWERS & GIFTS 51A Baldwln'St., Brooklin 655-3963 president, beginning in 1987; Jion Souci, Marigold Lincoln Mer- cury, past president; Bob Richardson, in- dividual member, first vice president; Bob Smith, McDonald's Family Restaurant, second vice president; Deb Filip, Molly Maid of Whitby, secretary; John Patte, Deloitte Haskins & Sella, treasurer. I NTRODUCING DELICIOUS KNOBBY'S PIZZA ~ 30%OFF AIL PIZZAS ONE NIGHT ONLY: FRIDAY, DEC. l2th HOUR§: Mon. - Wed. 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Thurs. - Sat. 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. BREAKFAST ON LY - EVERY SUNDAY 9 A. M. - 2:30 P. M. BREAKFAST SPECIAL $ 2.99 ncuds ail coffee L STAF 900 Brock St.N %WHITBY 1 BURGER- 66843711 Coridor Capers SBy MARY MCE!ACHERN CB1 725-896 wIh tmsfrhsclm BLUEGRASS MEADOWS FIASCO At lastl People in Bluegrass Meadows know where Durham Region Non-Profit Housing obtained sufficlent cash to try and close an already Iapsed deal to purchase property in theor subdivision. Aithougli D.R.N.P.H. is completely separate from the Region, nevertheless Durhamo Region loaned the corporation sosnething ln the neigli- borhood of $5W,000. In a recent newspaper article, the chairman of the Reglon la quotçd as saying lie was acting la the intereats of the people ini the region". Tell that to the 1,000-plus residents of Bluegrass Meadows, and get their reaction. One lias to wonder if he really was that concerned, or if he was trying to cover someone's boo-boo. If a law suit la flled by the corporation agalnst Mark- borougli, then likely the land and the nooney wlil be frozen until a judgement la handed down. What possible collateral could the cor- poration putl up to obtain such a sizeable loan?, Is tee Region in the habit of loaning money? How many other outside intereat groupa have obtained a boan wlthout full coundil knowledge? This action leads to a great many unanswered questions,.if the action taken'by our reglonal chairman la iadeed regional policy, then any 'non-profit organization within the area could elect, Herrema as an honorary member and acquire a boan whenever necessary, or (un- necessary). WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Dec. 14 - Advent III - White Gift Suaday; 10:30 a.rn. advent candles, Sunday School presentation and celebration; 4 p.m. West- minster Choir, under the capable direction of Margaret Motuna, A.R.C.T., B. Mus., will present the cantate "Son of the Hogliesti "; 5 p.m., congregational Christmnas potluck sup- per. Dec. 21 - Advent IV - Christmas Sunday; 10: 15 a.m. an old-faahioned carol siag; 1: 30 arn, festival service of worshlp, baptlam; 7 p.m. the traditional service of carola and lessiona for Christmias. SOUNDSOFMIUSIC_, Dec. 14 at 8 p.m., Henry Street H-igli School wiil present 'Sounda of Christmsas' Whtby Youth Concert Band will be gueat performers and intermediate and stage banda will be. featured. Tickets are $2 for adults, $1.50 for students and $1 for seniors and may be pur- chased at the door. Chldren under 12 will be admitted free. ANNUAk MEETING The Corridor Area Ratepayers Aasociatf on will hold their annual meeting and election of officers at Westminster United Churcli on Jan. 20 at 8 p.m. Nominations will be from thee floor for ail executive positions and directors. 1