Whitby Free Press, 10 Dec 1986, p. 2

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PAGE 2 WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 10. 1986 DONALD FERGUSON DON MURDOCK Firefighters honored Two Wlitby firefighters, Donald Ferguson and Don Mur- dock, were among 31 people who receivýed the medal of bravery from Governor General Jeanne Sauve in Ottawa Iast weekend. Ferguson, wlio was a volunteer nine years and fuil-time on the Whitby. force for 16 years, and Murdock, wlo also started as a volunteer and is a seven-year veteran, weère honored for an in- cident Uat occurred in March.of 1985. Sliortly after midnight on Mar- ch 24, 1%5, Use department was informed that two chldren were trapped in a house fire. witliin minutes, firefigliters Ferguson and Murdock entered Use burning building and, in zero visibility and intense heat. went in seadli of its occupants. When firefighter Ferguson heard a child's cries forhelp, le guided lis steps through the long smoke-filled corridor by placing his hands on the wall. Concen- trating on the young victimis voice, he located Use ten-year-old girl inaler bed. As lie lef t the bedroomn wiUs the child, lie met Murdock and proceeded towards Use exit. The trio was crossing the kitchen ares when a ball of flames suddenly knocked Ferguson and the littie girl to Use floor. Murdock seized the child and carried lier outside while Ferguson exited on lis own. Deptseverely blrned hands, Fer=o re-entered tlie house, found the oUer chlld in her crib and carried her out of the inferno. PLASI BUIDEYUROWNSLRWEUUbT E NL~ARUK!I CREATE YOUR OWN PLASTIC FURNITIJRE. CLEAR OR COLOURED ACRYLITE SHEET CAN GO ANY PLACE YOUR IMAGINATION CANI CLEAR PLASTIC SHEET .080 t2mm) ................. 4.20l. .093 12.5mm) .............. 4.50lssi. .118 t3ffmi.................. 50.501W. .3116 t4.5mm) .............. 75.9OIss<. .114 tGmm) ................85.018. YACRYUCSEET SDP Double Skinned MlSmm THICKNESS) APPLICATIONSICLUJO. CMMERCIA *IJLDIGS. IIENIOMU5S.SIVOTS. POOL ENCLOSRE, PATIO COM (S ETCJ 4F. x I0Fr. 107.2W$SIT. 4F 1 IOF. 134.OISIIT. 4Fr:. c 2F. 19.OOSIIT. me wiLL cuTro sacE Ricncc.mcUats LET THE SUN INI WITH ENERGY SAVING SKYDOMES INSIDE OPENINO FRICS 22%"c*22%" 56 6 65mm 216.00I 22% c 301/. 565 c 768 257.00 14% x 46% 362 n 1175 281.00 22% c 46% 565 c 1175 334.6 30% c 46% 768 c 1175 3%6.00 46% c 46% 1175 x 1175 613.00 CLEPIR PLASIC SAFETY - GLAZING ET 2» :: 3 2 - - - S L 2 5 PI 30, 60" - - - t6.SIP 36.cx72 - -- 22.M0P 48,c 96,- - - 30.80P 080 CLEAR STYRENE lu Woks 1lk a rofrgerator dccc gnket ta croate en alr-tigIt $@&Il " croata es dair spic@ - a naturel themal barrieri " Acrylle glating - à botter Inuator itn glassi " Essy ta frnemo fc .1 U, cîaanin1. vanitlan or c eit. SAVE MONEY AND HEAT. Moffl INSTALL FLEXTITE YOURSEL, MTS Sa ESYIi larIna PRICE 45--ISo. Fr. FON MOST WINOWSI FRICIO CLIJO6& ChEAR lai sctIon ACAVUT mm C ir o O M arccre. iWMAONEIIO 5755F TIM WrTH BESI.OWIt AND ILL USd100.AVAILAMU BIN MIOTE USOMO b TAN. CLEAR FLEXIBLE VINYL SHEET 54" WIOE .006 - .7SPER RUNNING FOOT .010 - 120PER RUNNINO FOOT .020 - 2.2OPER RUNNING FOOT SILICONE SEALANT $4.5OPrLIBE CLEAR OR WHITE MIRtROREO ACRYLITE SHEETS 118" - 4 Fr. x 8 FT. - $98.OOSHT. WHîLE THEV LAST CLEAR UNBREAKABLE LEXAN SHÇETS TIIICKNESS 118 - S1114.001SHEET 3116" - 160.0OSI4EET 114" - 227.001SHEET RECOMMENOCO DY POLICE FOR HIGH BREAKABLE AREAS Warehoused Plastic Sales, lnc. 13 Blackburn Street e Toronto, Ontario M4M 283 ALL FRICES PLUS FEDERAI. & PROVINCIAL. SALES TAc SORRuS S. L CASH OR VISA ONLY (416) 465-3591 mutaisa r. <OURS: MON. TI4RU FRIOAY Il 1000 AM - 4:00 PM Duc" st. L >OPEN SAT. DEC. 131869A.M..3P.M. AMS $1. LIla ST. UnT Of FKYJ NIarlks succeeds Longo Ted Marks succeeds Sally Longo as chair- man of the Durhiam Region Roman Catholic. SeparateSchool Board. This will be the second time Marks, an Oshawa lawyer, has-served as chairman. His previous term was in 1983. Since then hie has been a director on the provin- cial Separate School Trustees' Association, as well as serving as an Oshawa trustee on the Durham separate board. Chairman of the management commit- tee in 1982, he is in lis seventh year as trustee. Marks hopes the board will see progress with the severe accom- modation problems it faces particularly at the secondary, level in Oshawa, wliere Paul Dwyer is the. only separate high scliool. The board is presently having dialogue With the public board in an at- tempt to gain access to some more space for those secondary studen- ta, Marks said. "Ideally, we'd like to lease a school from them"lhe said. Presently, too mudli of the budget is being spent on transportation, Marks said. He is hopeful the transpor- tation committee will be able to show the board ways to cut back on NIGUT SCHOOL JANUARY '87 WATCH FOR OUR AD listing new Generai In- terest and Credit Cour- ses. Classes begIn In January. Register in person at the location of- fering the course you wish to take on Jan. 12 or 13th between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. costs when it brings in a report in March or April. The 38-year-old bias four dhlîdren currently attending Sir' Albert Love Elementary Sdhool in Oshawa. To win the dhairman- ship Marks had to beat out Hans Van Leeuwen, a Pickering trustee who was vice-chairman for With Michael Stephenson elected vice- chairman, Pickering will continue to have representation in that position. The positions of chairman and vice- chairman were elected by fellow trustees at the Dec. i meeting of the separate board. They will serve a one-year term. Major developments inclucte 6 in Whitby Whltby developments account for six of 34 building projects valued at more than $1 million ln Durham Region as of September this year, according to Use latest region plannnlng report. The report indicates Usat construction of Use Lear Siegler Industries auto car seat assembly plant and extension, a 47-unit apartment building on Regency Cres., extension of Use Garrard ", Rd. separate school;l ad- dition to Use Whitby mail, and construction of two retail buildings (applicant Harvey Gefen) are ail valued at Si million or more. General Motors of Canada ln Oshawa ac- counts for six of Use top ten major developments li Use region. Thlrty- four developments in the region are valued at $1 million or more. OUser developments in Whtby mentioned in Use report are the exten- warehouse at Makita power Tools Canada,. valued at $90,000, and the construction of an 18-unit condominiumn prtent building (apiatWj utta), vluedat$80,OO Extension of Use of- fice, lab and plant at Dupont Canada Inc. is valued at M70000; public sdhool addition, dens restaurant, $5W,000; extension of manufacturing and of- fice facilities at Plastic surface Finishers Ltd. $400,000; storage buildings at Hailoway, Hldgs. Ltd., $376,000; Whitby Chiristian, Assembly churdli, $350,000; Fafllngbrook Gien Square communityi plaza, $316,000. Veterinary clinie gets town approval plication to permit a veterinary clinic in the Fallingbrook Glen Square plaza lias been approved by Use Whitby council. Councillor Gerry Emm posed Use only ob- jection to tUseclinic and voted against the rezoning at iast week's administration commit- tee meeting. ÇjO NJATUKAL Jzealth & Beauty 0SKATING &MATERNITY WEAR Sale 20-50% OFF *See our new RYTHME DanlcOIe! e. . CHRISTMAS HOURS 121 BROCK ST. N. 668-2661 THRS. - FRI. lie said, noting that the clinic dmesnot have Use facilities "lto keep animais for a period of time." The boarding Of animais wiil not be permitted at Use clinic but Emm said the provisions do not in- clude injured animais whicli would have to stay for longer periods. He also said a similar application for Brock St. N. 'lyears ago"l -ad been turned down because Usere weren't adequate facilities. A representative for Use cic replied that Usere were "ample facilities at Use back for animais." She also assured there would be no boarding of animais. "Tliat doesn't satisfy my concerns. I have a lot of difficulty in that built-up ar ea," said Emm of the' clinic, to be located in tlie plaza at 1200 Rossland Rd. E.- Counciilor Marcel Brunelle, who chairs the administration commit- tee, reminded Emm that no objections had been made at the public meeting held for the ap- plication. "lWe shouldn't be pre- supposing what future residents might do," he added. WHITBY LITTLE THEATRE YOUTH GROUP CHRISTMIAS PRODUCTION "THE BEST CHRISTMVAS PAGEANT E VER" Direceel bv MICHAEL ROANTREI'1 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10 (Seior Citizens) DECEMI3ER 11, 12. 1.3 ai 7:30 P. M. DECEMBER 14, SUNDA Y MA TINEE 2:00 P. AI. W LT WHITBY CENTENNIAL BUILDING( 416 CENTRE ST. S., WHITBY Ticket: $4.00 Available'ai Middletoos Siationery or ai the fluor. CORRECTION The A&PFlyers distributed by household mail for the week of December 8th to December l3th, 1986 contained the f ilowing errors. Old South Orange Juice has n size, lt should have read: 121h2 fi. oz. tin. Coupon for Kraft Peanut Butter should have read:(Save .50), (Price without coupon 1.79). Coupon for Habitant Dell Pickles should have read: (Save .30) (Feature price 1.99 without coupon). A&P apologizes for this error and any incon- venience It may have caused ou utmr. 1 m -7.7o ..iri nu

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