PAGE 12 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1986 Corridor Capers By MARY MCEACHERN Cal 725-896 witli Items for this column WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Suaday Dec. 21 - Advent IV - Christmas Sunday; 10: 15 - An Old-Fashioned Carol Sing - corne sing your favorite carols. 10:30 a.m. - Festival Service of Worship - Baptism; ser- nmon; special music; nursery and junior congregation for- children Up to Grade 2. 7 P.M. - The Traditional Service of Carols and Lessons for- Christmas - A beautiful comn- munity -service of carols and candies. Wed- nesday, Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve Worship: 7 P.M. - Family Cbrstmas celebration, an in- formai service for the fanxily; carols - candies - communion. special children's time: "Hav- pyBirthdayDearJess". il p.m. -A simple service of carols; communion and carols. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH - KIRBY - VANESSA AREA Plans are beiag made and a full scale cam- paiga will be launched after the holiday.. Neighborhood Watch is growing la popularlty and ls; protectiag maay areas in Whitby. Becomiag more aware of your neighbors and their habits is the key to a successful neigh- borhoodi Watch program. Now is the time to appoint block captains for a door to door can- vass atter Christmas, la the Kirby-Vanessa, Bellwood and Applewood areas. VALMED [I~Ji] HEALTH SERVICES INC, 24 Noir Nursing and HomekinkngServices for the-elderly, ice, disabled or mother & nowborn* Compllmoutery AsiessMents 356 King St. W. Oshawa 433-1494 More than 1,000 ewlots sodded and oecupied An update report on the construction of bouses la new sub- divisions ln Whitby shows that almost haîf of them are sodded and occupied. The report presented to council last week by the public works depar- tment indicates that of the 2,196 serviced lots in actiye subdivisions, 1,057 are sodded and oc- cupieci. There are 283 lots wich are occupied but not sodded. The depar- tment notes that la some of tbem, lots are top- soiled and graded with tbe intention being to do the sodding before Christmas if the weather improves or la May of 1987. The Town bas been watching construction ln the new subdivisions since it began receiving complaints from people about their homes not being completed on time. The department in- dicates that one of the main reasons in the delay of services bas been bad weather con- ditions la the last two months. Another problem faced by builders is'the short supply of bricks and also bricklayers, states the report. The report also says there is' a short supply of kitchen cabinets. At present,' 466 dwellings are under construction or are in the process- of baviag building permits drawn. The remaining 309 lots are vacant. Town looks at seniors' crossing The Town of Whitby will look into implemen- ting. a pedestrian crossover system for senior citizens. A month ago, council approved erecting 'semior's crossiag' war- nlng signs la certain areas of town but at that time councillor Joe Bugelli feit the signa gave seniors a false sen- se ofsecurity. He said the warning signa had about as much effect as deer crossing signa. "If couacil is serious we should do it (protect seniors) in a safe man- ner and not mislead anyone,"1 said Bugelli introducing bis motion for staff to look into the crossover system. He told one story of seniors attempting to cross Dundas St. W. la front of Fairview Lodge oaly to bave to turn back when the light changes. Council approved the motion but no decision was made on what type- of crossover system could be used. WH ILE TH EY LAST 1986 Pony GL1.4 with automnatic transmission 1986 Excel GL Hatch Back CARS NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED Pl us $450.11 for automatic "'$6495 00' incîuaies .actory Rebate Inoldes FactorY Rebate ......... *Does flot include licence, tax, P.D.E. & frelght PICKIRIMG HYUNDAI 293,0 BAYLY ST. E, AJAX 427-011il VERA HUGEL, (1) and Maureen Samuel, co-owners of the new quilt store ln Whltby. Store 'fuis the gap' A partaership of teacher and former student resulted la the openiag of Whitby'sonly ex- clusive quilting shop on Brock St. S. about a month ago. -Teacher, lai quiltiag, that is, is Maureen Samuel of Ajax, who bas been at itfor about 10 years. She and Vera Hugel, former student, will both be teaching classes in quilting and stenciling as well as offering- ail quilting materials in the Olde Silver Thimble Quilt Shoppe. '4We're shocked. The response bas been terrific," says Hugel, as the store prepari for a "1formal" opening recently. IVs a-lot bet- ter than w.' antiipated." "hl we kaew iL would be 50 good, we would have done il sooner." Hugel, wbo admits to an in- terest la architecture, also likes the location la the old Glasgow warehouse building, whlch dates from the 1880's, near thefour corners of Whitby. Preceding the Olde Silver Thimble Qult Shoppe la the location were CoUlas Shoes, then Judy's Flowers, then Cildren's Marketplace, thea Traditions. Hugel was bora in Venezuela and came to Canada when she was 12. She came to Whitby ("«That's when I fel la love with this place") but later lived la Port Perry and Toronto. Ia Toronto, she dld bookkeeping for ber father's grocery aad delicatessen. She moved to Whitby in 1977. She worked as a planner witb the Ministry of Transportation and Communication for seven years and la 1981 started the Hugel Consulting firm, whîcb she stili operates. ~Samuel worked for a doctor, in Ajax siace comiag to Canada from ber native Britain ln 1969. "'It's hectic," she says of ber first- businessà venture, while arranging Christmas decorations on the shop's iaterior. "But I en- joy it very much. "I've met so0 many nice people." "lIt's excting," says Hugel. "lIt's really a pleasurable ex- perience seeing so many people corne back l." She says. the quilting shop "-more or less> fis a gap to what people wanted, in a country look.", Visitors to the shop come from such areas as Lindsay, Sun- derland and Hamilton. Hugel and Samuel, who both belong to qulting guilds, are now coaducting Christmas workshops and will offer a full-range of classes la the new year, daysaad evenings. Church expansion approved Town council ap- proval bas been given to the expansion of the Emmanuel Reformed Cburch at 401 Rossland Rd. W. The 519-sq. ft. expan- sion will allow more room, for the foyer area', provide for adequate handicapped access and will assist la increasing seating la the balcony -area. The cburch bas been at its present location, at, the corner of Rossland Rd. W. and Walton Blyd., since 1956. Tire tender awarded .The replacement of tires and tubes, retreading and tire repair will cost the Town of Whitby $29,923 la 1987. The contract for the work was awarded to J&M Tire Sales lac. of Oshawâ. Their tender.was the oaly one submitted to theTown. ONLY 47 SShopping Days left tîli Christmas remember'it with flowers from Cedarbrook. (A {jroo FLOWERS & GIFTS 51A Baldwin St., Brooklil 655-3963