Whitby Free Press, 17 Dec 1986, p. 20

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nnmm'.7 rnirP. PRES. ~ WflMIi'SfAY. T9FCFMER 17.,1986 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA~L[L1 AD~ ARTICES ATICLS ARICLE ~ ~ t ii'1AUTOMOBILES RN FO SLEFO SLEFO SLESUPLESFOR SALE ;,NEED CUSTOM MADE msfohlng living room and dinting room sheers. tnory wth goid overaheere, 25 fi. for living rom and 10 fi. for dtnting room, excellent condit ion, $55. Phone 66&5180. 0 MATTRESSES and bon apringa et hall price. Mciean Fumifura, 524 Stmcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE girls figure Mkates, size 2, $15. Cttttd stzed skating heimat, $7. Phone 6681116. 0 XEROX COMPUTER 82,84K, M1 floppy diaka, heavy duty Dtw'uto datey cheet Pripit. Total $300. Witt oeil Indivtduaaiy; 1-3M lec. trajtatto copier, needs service, Modal M215 $5; 1-execattue desk 5%'n 3' $125; 1heevy daty leaît sze fr-proof Ming 9cabinet, 3 draere $1W. 1-4 drawer back fotd-outffIttng cabinet $175. 688& 7101. WINTER WORKS PROGRAM. teep the factory basy during the dolter monthe a sae athousands. Exempte 25x34 $3,299. 40n40 $5399. Other aizes aveitebte. Caif Miracle Spen toit frac 1-800,387- 4910. ONE AARGUE 1100 Blueprint Mechine, 48" wtdth. 8W I. per minutes. S K.W. Mercary Vpor Lamp. Sapartton automatto, nec condition. Denco Power Mt., Tiisonbarg 14519) 8422563. MONTREAL MILITARY Surplus: WorkshIrfe 32.75, workpanfs $3.86, corkbo)s $15. For catalog, scnd $2 (retmbaraed firet order): Mittfry Surplus, Bon 243 St. Timothee, Guabac JOS IXO. XMAS SPECIAL Bay 2, Gel ane FREE. Hver torgat ta tara your haadiighfs off egeli Maka yoar car mare visible on the road withouf tha woy 0f a deed bat- tery. Great stacking stufferi The haadight ramtoder sImpty ptags tnta fuseepanai $9.95 ptus tlesIn cf ada $2 shippinglhandling. VISAIMIC Celi 1800263-3735. Weakdays 99. Stewart Speccieiy. Box 905, Cobourg. Ont. K9A 4W4. Ordars shippad sains day. FOR SALE dînette fable, square, chrame loe, senes6, expundtng ta seet 8, $55. 86.1896. FRIGIDAIRE 30" aectilolve, evoado green, nary goad con- dition, $150. Cati 433-4669. 0 USED DE8KS, Filas, torage cabinets, stackIng, Office Chaire, Steel adjustabie shatving, store dispieyu, Blaira New & used, 21 Aies Ave., Woodbridge. Phone (41) 851-8100. Nar Hcy. 7 &400. Mon.-Fni 9-5, Sut. 101. HOMELITE etecîrto generator, 800 w, ased ance, lisaitover $50, sait $35.855-3413. ffer S p.m.a VISIT aur ased furnitare carehouse by uppoiniment. Btg seninga on deake, chaire, fiting cabinets, etc. Caiti Dioean Prin- ttng & Office Supplias toaerrange an appoiment f0 view. 683 196. MICRO FURNACE Instant hat vihera and chen yoa need If. 51111 lime for chrisîmes. Dont halott n the coid. Order youra foday. 683-2638 ELECTROHOME humidfier, $6. Food procassor, Moulines, hardty uaed. $55. Phone 668-1328. 0 CHESTERFIELD wtth mtching chair, ana awivei chair, $300, ciii deiver. Cai571-.086 GEOTYPE prese-on tettering now n stock et Dckson PrtntIng il,0f- f)ce Supplies ln the Aex Shop- ping Plaza. Large soectIon oI styles and sizes. Wtvy puy mare for a amaitler sheef of etfering? 683-19681. DISHWASHER, bult-In $125. Pool send iller, 1.5 Hp, $1W.668& 2301. STEEL BUILDING WINTER WORKS SPECIAL Hetp as keep facfory busy during slow wloter montha - Sae thousends - avoid up-comtog price Inreeses - imited steel Phone PionaerlEcooospuo 1800-387- 8m. SOFA à CHAIR $30. Cffea table, $35. Sfereo stand, $75. Orange tub chair, $75. Back swtvei rocker, $90. Tel. Bus. 441. 7869, Home 831-9199. a USED STORE dlsptay rackts for books and cards, WhiIby Free Press, l6ff6111. CHESTERFIELD sutes, toneseats, sectionais, tess than %h prIca. Large sataction. Mcfeen Farnifure, 524 Stmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 7255181. $$$SACRIFICE SACRIFICES$$$ Buildings prlced for Immadate liquidation. Ait buildings prced for immadiafa daivery. Cati tottîrse 1800387-2115 or 1.416 858-2446. 10'ilO' GREENHOUSE $149. 1000W Moel Halde $195. Plus 10,000 grdenfing producis. Great prices. Send $2. for loto-peck. Westerm Watar Ferms, 1244 Seymaur Street, Vancouver, .0. V6B 3N9. (6046862-6636. WATER PROBLEMS? In- trodactng e Technotogy for treeting watts a citerns, offrIng sauce ta feaucaf protection fhraughout tpntira culer sytem. RUSTY . .. SMELLY . .. BAD TASTINQ . . . WATER, bacteria,, taining, & more. No self or messy chemicais ... maintenan- ce Ires. Sousftha resuifs for your. self cith aur 6.monfh friet offer. Cati now tolifrea 180026826566 or write Aziso Wafer Purificton Systems, 2031030 Kemto Rd., Mississeuga, Ont. Area code 807 cati 1.41-624-4344 (catteci . XMAS TREES. Cul yoar own f resh ire. Pins, opruce & white pins uny suze $10 & up. Open 9 .m.-9 p.m. Hcy. 12 north, Myrtie Station, Tawntina Rd. Easst,Ha. 45. ' HIAMI PLACE IlW Bell.1 For Le". W. are *Canadien Companyaseiiing* [qalyCanadien made. C.!. vilai. WATK r oduct &Jvatb. M80St.vno d CAION 1oXL upt.eormot caer&dl 5- 25. mm200 &e.ns, .. exelnontion,-4M.n 2 7 v e n i ngus . W T I S p o u t 1984 OTaw , O tande 2 f0., eciaellant c10w ilau, air condiiionad, tIke naw, phone 688. 1970. 1974 FORD pick ap Vu ton F10, $450. 1977 Oids Dlla 88, driven deiiy, cao be certifiad, $850 or of- fer. 1975 Camaro, naads body work, rune good, $350 or offer. 723-2818 or 43"-115. 1975 MOD0E Cube van, As se. Besi ofer. Whtby Free Prss. 668-6111. FOR SALE $3500. or best off er 1982 Chrysier LeBaron î 2door Coupe Dark Grey Fully Equipped *2.6 Litre 4 cylinder *automato *-cruise con- trai - console - power brakes - power steering " AM radio - bock heater " newexhaustf* 666-7139 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS, ps, pb, power windows, 2door, AMIFM cassette, 10w mleage. $1500, as 19sor ba. 4271680. 1979 FORD LTD. as sa, beat offer. 8683471. 1979 DATSUN 310 GX 5 spaed, 63,000 original miles, naw peint, AMIPM nieras, cerftfiled $1800 or bast offer. Cati 655-8966. 1977 HONDA Hatcfiback, 4 speed, new ciutch, rebutIt motor, naeds body work, $700 or best of- fe r. 688-8528. MUST SELL Buick Skyhawk, pa, pb, auto, 4 cyf., AMIFM radio, 12,000 km. More options. Asking $10950. 861329. 1973 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 2 dr., pa, pb, V8, 81,000 mitas. Runs watt. Soma body work. Asking $350.86685040. PRIVATE TUTORINO by a cer- tiied teacher cao heip yaur etemenfary echoof chitd anar- coma hie echoof dîffloulfleaf Thiokean - Hwy. 2 Phone 723- 5w4. PIANO à THEORY tessons. Royal Conservefory preparatlon;. Adulte & chlidren seicama. Cai Margaeai 66.1951. PIANO LESSONS ln Whitby an Michael Bled. Experienced, ragistared mata music teacher. Piano and Iheory, ail gràdas. Baginners or advanced. Adulte moat weicome. Register acon for Jan. 1987. Cati Michel Pelilsaer 666-1292 samronna or evaniriga. UNEMPLOYED? The lJnem- pioyad Hetp Centre cao assaf wlth: Emptayment Counsaitng, Raumes, unemptoymenf In- surance, Worhars' Compen- sation, O.H.f.P. and wsifar e In- formation, or criais refarrais ta atheragencias. Cqii579-1821. MAN WITH TRUCK witt dativar furniture, heip yoa fa move, dlean up back yards and basements and oraati dd jobs. Very reasonabie ratesCalt i -656966. FURNITURE REFINISHING. On- elle repaira fa cigarette barne, scratches, eftc. Pianos, TV, end att othar frniture. Free estimates. 655-8966. SNOW PLOWING, commercial and rasidentiaf. Guarantaad good and punctual service. 7 days a week. SUNLAWN LAN., OSCAPING & SNOW REMOVAL 655-8%66. r<>i do SUPPIES ~~~REPARIPA TSI DATES GALORE. Prael ges end unattuched. Thousande of mcm- bers enulaus fa meat yau. TO BUY OR SELL uaed auto par- Prestige Acqualtfnces cui toit. PETS& DNCE ta. Cati 5795344, esk for Henry. frea 1-8002n39163. Haura noon SUPPIESINSRUCTON _____________ tIll 8p.m. SNOW TIRES two Unroyat steel FREE PUPPIES, mined braed beted radiai, P185180 R13, $60. ------- Colite & Germen Shapherd. Cati MUSICAL Two F7814, $30.Att tires moun.- - ----- 655-880. INSTRUMENTS lad on rims. Cati 68-3418. "The Kinette Club of Wh ________________ oilowing Whitby anda TYPEWRITER rentai, meny makes and modea, by ftha weekend, waek or monlh. Discountsaevattebte. DIchan Printtng & Office Supplies Inftha Aes Pieze. Cait as for busines machine repaire. 6863-1968. OLO WRISTWATCHES WANTED, any maka - Mens oniy, ana or ana hundrad. Otd Roien wrislwatchee wantad. Aia wanfed Etons "Quarter Century" square writ- wetches (25 yeers service). Wll psy $750 and up for ihis catch. Wiii also buy sfrups, crystats, parts etc. for otd wrttwatchas. 1- 416-035-7240 or write B. Wash, 173 Ouaen SI. E., Toronto, ont. M5A 162. WANTED. A good steedy suppîy of hardwoad loge or rees suttabte for cufting and splItting ino f recaod. 6554.896 RVS AMP, 300 wats $350; speer-horo cab 8W-i., 200 wat- ta $36; 6 clianoat miner, 120 W Madai 8400)$35; Sibienca Projeotor $65; Equaizer MXR $80. Everything ln new condition. 668- 9771. HAMMAOND etectronic orgen, 2 keyboarda. autamato rfhythm secftion, etoot Inctuded, $900. Htgh Fideiity speaker systera, 70 watts, eir suspension, 12" woofer, 5" midrange, 3" tweeter, brîttiance contrai 28"n16"ll,, $160 pair. Pioneer hait drivan lur- ofabte, megnef 10 crtridga, anti- skating and ovarheng cheokar wtth duel caver, $75. Phone 86&8 4098. ACCORDIAN 'Scandlit', 120 basa, ladies ale, ika oew, $900 f Inn, Orgen - Lowry 'Muglc Gante 88', ciacîrto, ike new, $3.000 f irm, replacement valua $5.000. Tel. 655-4480. guurenfeed f0 pesa safaty checks. 655-8966 I1DO EXCELLENT body work and peint lobs on averythtng rom sports cars 10 dump fruokas et a vary reasonebte rata. Ait work dons from my Pickering home. Cati Richard for a free astimate. 668.8968Pickering. FIREWOOD LOOS - mined her- deood. Deierad. 12 cord & 6 cord toeds. Meritl Barry 705-754- 2258. FIREWOOD FOR SALE, 16" sIngia corda, ait herdwood - muple, btrch, ronwoad & oek. $175.00 bush cord. FREE DELIVERY. Ecellenftires remouet service et very reesonabie pricas. Culit Peutet 6558966. *ABY ITEMS for setle: erib, 930. i-ighchsir, StIvrrosse, $850. Change tabl e with tub, $25.' Drestng fable, $25. Car seats, Strotee, $40 ea. Double stroiter, Perego, $100. Fisofrar PrIce mobile, $12. Engiish prem, $40. Phonelleil391)(. AFTER HOUAS BABYSITTINO. Weekends, evefnga, orneas shopping or emergency stttIng. avaleabie In my home. $2lhour.' Cati lMaria 668-3778. DAY CARE aveitabta In my home babies Inoiaded, outrtioui" meais, spectous pieprooma, in' formetlteamlng ectIiît las. AWi about our pckup service, raseonabie ratea, free bunny rab. bita for alit nw comers and pie " fy af pets fa pay wlfh. Calit 90 CONGRATULATIONS on your forlhcomtng merriaga. Pieuse viaw aur semptas of engraead weddlng invitations et your lisare ln our Ajax Plaza store. Diokion'Prlnting & Office Sup. piles, 6831968. GRATEFUL THANKS f0 St. Jade and the Secred Hearl cof Jasas for favors recetved. May the Sacrad Heert of Jesus 'be loved and giorifled. Oh Jasas prey for us, St. Jade workar ai miracles pray for us. Si. Jade heipar af the hapeleas pray for us. Say fhle proyer 9 fîmes a day. Jasas and Si. Jade wlI enswer. Ha maflar haw hopeteas Il may seamn. Publicaftion muet 6e promised." Joyce hltby wlshes to thank the.. area merChants for their Nov. 14186: Anderson Flower Shop Balley Pharmacy June Broughton, Tupperware Ltd. C&CSound Chambers Food Sales, Scarborough De Ville ProduCe Discount DeCor Shop Donaldson Food Sales, Oshawa Guardian Drugs, Pringle Creek The Kitchen Cupboard MCCausland Woi Ca. Brian Porter, Metropoiltan Lite MiChael's Jewellery Eleanor Minaker, Agent Frank Real Estate The Natural Measure Nevada Bobs Pat & M.Irio's PeaCOCk Sports & Traphies Mt. Prealous Plates 'N Things Sarah's Children's Boutique John Sutherland, Eaton's, Eaton's Centre Tangles Towne Vldeo Van Belle Floral Shoppes R.J. Vendette, Texguard lnC., Pointe Claire, P.O. WoodCraft 1 Thank you t ram the Kinette Club of Whltby" ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check yaur advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. Tise Witby Free Press will flot be liable for failure ta publisis an ad, or for typographic errars in publication beyond the cost af thse space occupied by the error Up ta a maximum cost of the first insertion. Thse Whitby Free Press reserves thse right ta classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in thse paper one day before they can be cisanged or cancelled. CLASSIFIED. RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12e each ad- ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; 14< each additional word. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for thse first 100 words; 12t each additional word - IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for thse fir- st 50 words; 12e each additianal word. AUCTION SALES - 43; per uine. (No Wordà~ds allosved> - BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- ditional charge of $200. Thse Whitby Free Press will make every endeavour ta forward replies ta box nwnbers, however, we accept no liabiity regarding loss or damage alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday floof priar ta publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon priar ta publication ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL CQo e r Vandermé Nurseries Now has available a large selection of e Christmas Trees Poinsettias at 4.75 and up Cyclamen's Vandermeer Nurseries Durham 23 & Baseline 427-2525 R Il l 1

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