Whitby Free Press, 17 Dec 1986, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 17.1906 PAGE 21 1WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA~IID ADI$ 4088Y SHOP FOR RENT. Hantiy ien's Dream: New unfurnîsiae îuildltrg, heavy wooti f loor, 121 x 1 on a large loi. You finish lte îulldlng to suit your needa anti leduci ail espenses from rani. ;175.00 monthly. Cenlraliy ocatei ln Pickering. 655-8966. )NE ACRE situated on the top of shli In Pickering overloukIng <nsale, Greenwood, Ajax, rougham, Brooklio lake anti a Iaar slghi ai tite Toronto CN rawer. Park your lent or bulld a aottage. QI wlll obiain building territ). Oniy '$75imonth for a ont; only $2SOImontit for a coi. *ge. Cati 6554986 Pickering. ,IORAGE SPACE location*. ac- !,sa off H-wy. 7 juat N. of Ajex. 5 4ges ni parking, excellent for toring lioats, traitera, truckts, empae, race cars, buses, trac- ire, iteavy macitinery, building 1 teriale and atiter producia. oIndour atorage avallable. encat property wthlî locitet ates, tially acceas, $150 an- ually. 0511655a.896 fHlTOY, 3 bedroom, grounti ocr, Triplas $7130 plus. 1-439- COMRCA FIPROPERTYI F O SEIRENTJ RE COMMERCIAL LOTfor nt. Sltuaied In a commercial nnet rsenlly conlalnlng îaywoksops. Titis Hwy. 7 nlag foln Pickering enablea pu to gîte sales andi service cf sevy machinery. errait engis@, ilding, , landsacsplng etc., emmerdlaI signe ae permitieti. 100.00 monttiy Ificluties enow. owiflg,ý road maintenance, xas, Inîunance, landacaplng, ftiertling, etc. A building cas e erecieti on titis commercial lot -auIt your needa. Coul 655.696 IO)IISHOP FOR .SALE. New uldlng luat corpleted, suiatad, cerenl flo0r, 100 AMP rica. Excellent for machine Dplr, weltiing, amali angines, ki-doors, landscapIng, etc. Iuaeet on s trea (3) acre ormemilal complex In ckering. Hwy. 7 frontage nables you t0 give sales anti rica wiit ail appropriais signe nd drive-ln, lrafflc. 89,500.00 àsai. Snow plowlng, iaIntenance, taxes, Iinauranca, dvertislng, etc. $100.00 monthly. aIl 655.966. EE STORAGE & parking for eavy machinery, equlpmant, rm Implemenis, tractors, uidozers, backhoes, laters, allors, ficea, snow plows, lu. ustrIal aquiprant, building aterlais, flrewoot, nowmbies, smali angines, ump trucks, gratars, tractor- alors, etc. Also avaluable for nt commercial lofa anti orksiops irom 8lSOimont anti p. Ail buildings insulaiad, amant flcors anti haavy hytiro. caet on a vary large carmer- ai corpian with ovar one mile f Hwy. 7 fronlaga In Picktering jel North ut lte Ajax Shopping entre. Titis excellent location nabias you lu give sales anti ricas of ail rectanIcai laems. lenty of drive-In traiiic anti ail ppropriaie signa parmIssibla. 558966. OTAL CONTENTS701I CeramIC usInesa, Capital Raglan. 1200- 500 Individuel *moitis, green- are, peint, brustes. Relocala If Iiling. Reduced draslically lu 32,499. Write: The Orleans Star, os ABC, 1977C Si. Josepht Bivt. res, Ontario KIC 1 E5. OFFICE FOR RENT. Very modem, fuliy fumrlshed, taiephone. elecîrl hat, 3 acrs of parking In a commercial com- plat on Hwy. 7, jusi fot cf Aan Shopping Centre. Ail services ln clutlng adverting for only $175.00 montly. This prvasean- tanace building cn o l ba used OGRAMMER for people who hale grammar" la te Ideal pocitet reference bock for business people. $3.95 par copy ant avallable et Dckson Pnting & Office Supplies lnte AIes Plaza. Dealer Inquiries Invited 683-1968. asaen art studio 6558968. FREE Drp. ntotheDIckson TRAINING g edaO ce Spply store 'z']ln the Aax Plaza and pick up a JOB-KILL free copy of te 1986 Metil -TRAINIING Caber. PrInted In two colours. il makes for hantiy reference. FOR83.1908. FREE COLOUR CATALOGUE Home-tudy correspondance coursges. Our Dplora Courses are 100% tas deductible and wlll itlp gel you a lob ln Mlcrocom- puter Servlclng, T.V., Rubulca, Vlteo Technology, Auto Diesel, Clmate Control and Elecîronica Technology. Naional Tecitnlcal Scitocis, 517 Boiemia Crss., Oakvlle, Ont. L6J2K7 416) 642 8383. FREE. 1966 guida 10 sludy.at- home correspondance Diploma courses for prsstigious carsers: Accounting, Air condltionlng, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmeioiogy, Electronîca, LegailMedlal Secreiary, Psychology, Travel, Grsnlon (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1- 6002681121. DECOME AN AUCTIONEER, Canadiean champion instructors. Classes start Jan. 1223, 1967. Jortion and MeLean Scitool ofi Auctioneerlng, Box 94, Kilacoty, All., TOB 2P0 403) 8482211, (403)8425528. A CAREER IN TRUCIIN. Tran- sport drivers needeti. Nowli te ime 10 train for your Cass A Ilesse. For prescreenlng Inter vlew and lob placement Infor- ratIon, contact Mr Orras Tran- sport Driver Tranng, Brampton 1800265-1260. UNLIMITED INCOME. Juin Our mail ordar prugram, mark et hume. For more Informtion senti $1.00 for postage anti iantling la J & E Enterprise, Box 39-P. Station M, Toronto, M65 4T2. ORANDPARENTS Giva your grandchlld a liftime gi - a Ragistereti Education Savings Plan* Tes shellarad dollars la puy for their pont secontury education *SevIngs Insureti by C.D..C.- a non-profit Foundatlon establisite I n 1965. For prospec- tus anti complets Information cail (4163M.231. VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INC. Requires Homeamak- efs, H.C.AJNurso Aides for pivate duty, lnstitutional work, oholce of own shifts. Cali for appolntment, Monday to Friday. 433-14941 TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver lob training wlih placement help sa avalleble. Compote detals cen be maliatita, you. Pitone Rodgers Scitool ai (416) 7693546 wit postal code. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR requiraci for CCNA national office, Toron- to. Slrong communlty newapapar backgroundi. Public relations, communicationvs, organîzation, administration abllîles essentiel. Effective June 1, 1967. Write: J. Baker-Pearca. Box 260A»liton, Ont. LOM 1AO. DRIVERS NEEDED. Part-ime & fulltlme traug thlie week & weekends. MuaI have own car. Cail Rick668.3366. DRIVERS with cube or step van needed ail day Wednesdaya anti Thuratisys. Permanent arrangemevt. 66641 11. EXPERIENCEO 10w truckt drivers requireti. MuetlIna In Whllby. For furtiter Informaion cail 66846848 balmeen 9 a.m. and 4:30 p. NEEDED IMMEOIATELY Weitiers, Carpantars, Elac. trIclans, Plumbers, Management, Mach,, Mach., Driver, Oparaloru, Eniry lveliegreati up t0 $32.6oihour. 1-303452-2258. TransConinental Job Searcit. Fee. SELLING? BUYING? STARTING VOUR OWN BUSINESS? The classif led pages gives you ail this and more. Savlng and maklng money ls what we're ail about! WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F EDNA MARGARET ' RAT- CLIFFE, DECEASED. Ail claims agalnst the~ Estate of Edna Margaret Raîcliffe, laIe of the Town of Whitby, Rogional Municlpality of Durham, Decoased, who died on or about the 2nd day of May, 1986, must be f lied wlth the under- signed porsonai representatives on or beforo Ihe*151h day of January, 1987, thereafter the undorsigned willl distribulo the assels of the said estate havlng regard only 10 the Clalms thon <led. Dated at Whitby, On- tarlo, this 5th day of December, 1986. Irene Wlnifred Henry, Executrîx, by her Solîctors, Coath, Lvingstone & Johnston 101 Dundas Street West P.O. Box 327 Whltby, Ontario Li N 5S4 Ontarlos Largest Farm Machltiory CONSIGNMENT SALE NORWICH, ONT. FR1., JAN. 6, 1987 IOA.M. Sales conducted 2nd Frl -day each month). Ap- prox. 150-175 tractors plus ail types of farmn equlpment. Conslgn- ments wlcomo. For more Information ol (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093.' PROPRIETORS K.S. HAMULECKI & SONS AUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILV ATTEND ONETHIS WEEKENDI (Mj BINGO1 FISHING FOR A BARGAIN? The big catch' s here overy weekIn the classIi lds. Dont rock the boat on costly items, cal usi WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 UNFURNISI-ED rommtaranI. Ktchen & iaundry facllilea. 430- 0404. 3 IBEDROOM HOME, frlg., slave and freezer Includeti. Close to downiown. $80 par montit plus hat & hytiro. Avalabie lm- medlaiely. 668.7116. -à Things are flot as bd as tiey are peinted and Cherlie laflow et cikson Printing li Office Supplies smiling etthe .mony pleaisnt ussitmnts. CA ST0D.Y63198 fiTADwrwfdvl ECSTICENA .-?4I ESAUCTIVINIS ,lr"ROOMS SEVCS'ml' ET _ FOR RENT EXvTRA! EXTRA! For Free Press Carriers We need eager, responsible and hard / working kids. For more information Cail the Distribution Manager. WHITBYFE RS 131 BROCK ST. N, WH1TBY 668-6111 SIMPLE!I The simple solution to cleanlng storage problems ln the attlc and garage laa Classlf lod Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS .......6688111

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