Whitby Free Press, 17 Dec 1986, p. 22

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PAGE 22 WHITBY FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17,1986 Denis O'Connor schw1 news By LIZ ARUTA Now that the excitement of Back Comedy is over, Christmas is beginning to find itsbf at Denis O'ConnorHigh Schooi. Candy-o-grams were sold in our cafeteria. These littie notes, worth 25 cents, were a per- snn's way to wish a Merry Christmas to is or ber friends. People wiii receive their candy canes and notes on Dec. 19. Formai tickets were aiso sold in our cafeteria. The seniors had first chance at these tickets which cost $9 for a single and $17 a couple. This Christmas formai is to be heid at Annandale Golf Club in Ajax on Dec. 17 Foodi and beverages will be availabie for tbose hungry and tbirsty dancers. To those juniors iucky enough to get a ticket, and those seniors who are planning to go, I hope you al bave a great time. Our cafeteria beid tbe annual Christmas dinner on Dec. 10. The menu includeci a full course -meal consisting of roast turkey with dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, niblet corn, fancy tarts , milk, tea, cof- fee or julce- and ail of tis only cost a mere $2.95. Everyone had a great time and a good lunch. In sports, our hockey team defeated East- daie Colegiate by a score of 4-2. They came back from a 2-0 score midway through the second period. Scorers were Barry Murphy with'two. Jamie Laprairie, and Dan O'Con- nor. Goalie Steve Murphy had an excellent gamne and sbould receive special congratulations on bis fine efforts. On Dec. 8, our junior and midget boys basketball teamns piayed their second league gamne. 0ur midgets came away witb a 29-21 win over Ajax. lgh scorer was Steve Barisb with 19 points. Our juniors did not fare as weil, but coach Coghlan is expecting much better resuits in the upcoming games., Countdown prograni in January Durham Region Lung Association will run its smoking cessation prograni "Countdown" in Pickering starting Jan. 12. The seven- session course will be held in Oie Rouge MI Public Library, 1340 Rougemnount Cres., (behlnd Strouds), Pickering, on Monday and Wecnesday eve nings from 7:30 to 9 p.m. A $75 registration fee is payable in advance, and covers ail cost in- cluding permanently bound course reference materials, counselling - at sessions, maintenan- ce manuai and a relaxation tape. Al sessions are beld in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. Countdown offers two programs in one - a group program and a self.help program. The course is designed.to not only help smokers suc- cessfully "kick Oie habit," but to also teacb new behaviors whicb ensure the ex-smoker can maintain a non- smokinglilfestyle. Course members bave only five weeks in whicb to break a lifetime ad- diction. However, the friendly competition and genuine support of felow members, witb professional direction from a iung assocation course leader, bas proved to be a winning combination. Most recent statistics show that, in a one-year period, 30,000 Canadians died as a resuit of smoking related disease. For the smoker wbo really wants to be free of cigarettes, ýCoun- tdown can be the an- swer. Pre-registration is required, and enrolment is strictiy limited. For more information, cal Durham Region Lung Association at 436-1046 O .bituaries *NEIL MCPHADEN Neil D. McPhaden of Centre St. S., Whitby died in bis home on December 8, 1986. He was in his etb year. He was born in Brock Township on Oct. 3, 1907, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Campbell) McPhaden. He inarried Elizabeth on Oct. 31, 1946. They lived in Brooklin for 35 years and for the past 10 years in Whitby. Mr. McPhaden was retired after working at Generai Motors. He was a member of both Port Perry and Whitby Lawn Bowling Clubs, Whitby Senior Citizens Club and Oie Broolin branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. He is suryived by is wife, daughter Barbara McPhaden Green and sister Isobel McPhaden Kilpatrick. He was predeceased by brothers Charles, Sturgess, Mack, George and Edward and sisters Kate and Edith. The funeral was held from Oie W.C. Town Funeral Home, Witby, on Dec 11, 1986, conduc- ted by Rev. Mansfield. Interment in Sun- derland Cemetery. Contributions to Oie Hospital for Sick Chiidren. MARJORIE' MCINTYRE Marjorie Elien McIn- tyre, formïerly of Whit- by, died in St. Josep's Hospital in Hamilton on December 5, 1986. She was in ber 80Oi year. She is survived by son Duncan E. McIntyre of Lindsay, daughter Kathryn Mclntyre of Hamilton and sister Dorotby Putnam. Also survived by gran- dchildren Jennifer, An- drea Mclntyre 'and ,Brodie, Emlly and Anne Jewer. She was predeceased by her husband, Duncan B. Melntyre. Cremation foliowed a funeral service. A memorial service will be held in Trafalgar Castle S'chool chapel at 7 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 18, 1986. Donations to the Henry Street High Schooi scholarship fund. JOHN MCGUIRE John Gordon McGuire, forrnerly of Whitby, died in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on December 6, 1986. He was in his 68th year. He was born in Toron- to on September 7, 1919, the son of William and Minnie McGuire. He iived in Whitby for many years before moving to Bowmanville 20 years ago. Mr. McGuire was former empioyee « f Foreman Construction. He was a member of the Unitedi Church. He served overseas with the Royal Canadian Artillery during World War Il. He was a member of Wbitby Branch 112 of Ohe Royal Canadian legion and Branch 178 of tie Legion. A service *was held by both bran- ches at the W.C. Town Funerai Home chapel Monday, Dec 8. He is survived by son Michael of Buckhorn and grandchildren Jen- nifer and Sheliy. Aiso survived by friends Art and Joan Daigle of Bowmanville. Rev. C.R. Wragg con- ducted the service as W.C. Town Funerai Home in Whitby on Tuesday, Dec. 9. In- terment in Groveside Cemetery, Whitby. St. John fees increase in 1987 Increasing materiai costs have forced St. John Ambulance to in- crease fees in 1987. For an emergency f ir- st aid course the cost bas risen from $22 to $25. A standard first aid course bas gone up from $35 to $40. The (CPR) , heart saver level car- diopulmonary resusci- tation bas risen froni $25 to $30 wbile the basic rescuer level bas risen from $35 to $40. St. Johns is in- troducing a new course in 1987, Oie emergency first aid and CPR com- bo. The cost for Oiat is $50. Anyone who signs up for a course before Dec. 31, 1986 can obtain the training at the 1986 prices. Trhe next standard fir- st aid course gets un- derway on Jan. 13. KATHY LAWSON receives bier Canada Cord front path- finder leader Fat MInk above while below Sarah Chislet receives ber ail round cord from guide leader Barbara Bachmeier. Free Press photo Rooms ran.sacked at Legion The Royal Canadian Legion at 117 Byron St. S. was broken into and a number of rooms were ransacked Monday morning.. The break-in occurred between 1 and 7 a.m. Several rooms were ransacked and.- damage was done to a number of -items in- cluding a cigarette machine. Entry was gained tbrough a small beer cooler door on Oie east side of Oie building. Vandalim at local public schools Two Whitby scbools were the targets of vandals over the weekend. Nineteen outside iights were broken at the Whitby Senior Public Scbooi on Garden St. whiie obscenities were spray painted on Oie walis cf Kathleen Rowe School on Athol Durham Regional. vestigating. Assauli charge laid An argument over wbo would enter Oie service bay at Nurse Cbev Oids on Dundas St. first, resulted in the arrest cf a Sudbury man morning. Robert Chester, 38, was arrested and charged with assault Town can encourage design FROM PAGE 7 Counillor Marcel Brunelle, chairman of Oie admninistrative committee and of Oie secondary plan meeting, countered that argument with two examples cf buildings that "could bave been bocks" but whicb were designed to compienent Oie surrounding area. Councillor Gerry Emm asked if Oie plan couid stipulate that ar- chitects design a building with Oie "feeling" cf an area. But Counillor Joe Bugelli said Oiat involved a subjective decision which "we -oren't qualified to know." Tires and rims stolen from cars Tire and rims valued at $3,000 where stolen from two vehicles at Owasco Voikswagen on Dundas St. E. between 3 p.m, on Dec. 14 and 7 a.m. Dec. 15. Four wheels were removed from an 1986 oids while two wheels were removed from an 1987 Volkswagen Entry was gained by crawling under a fence ieading to a compound at the back. Road work FROM PAGE 9 project be carried out in 1987 in conjunction with work on the new Witby GO station. The. cost has been estimated at $900,000 plus another $55,000 for water works. GO Transit wiil contribute $145,000 toward the cost of right and ieft turn lanes for the GO station which would be part of the road widening. Regionai council was the decide 'on the recommendation at Wednesday's ()ec. 17) session.

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