Br«Dk lin Bylines Ry BETI'Y-JEAN BLYTU C >i5-3679 wlth item. for thi. clumn CAROL SERVICE St. Thomas' Anglican Church wiIl present the "Nine Lessons in Cerols" service on Sun- day, Dec. 21 at 7 p.m. Everyone is lnvted to attend and refreshments wlil be served af- terward. 1This promises to be an upifftlng experience and also affords the non-member an oppor- tunity ta see the new ren ovations from the in- aide. 1 have bedn lntendlng ta, comment on the lovely ý new 'addition whieh blendasas beautifully with one of the oldest, and cer- teinly most picturesque, churches in these parts. My compliments to those responsible. ARTS AND CRAFTS On Thursdey, Jan. 8, Group '74 will hold an open house and registration for a new session of arts and crafts. If there is anyone who has a craft that he or she would like to share with ailiers, please cail Betty Catherwood at 655- 3646. BROOKLINLIBRARY NEWS The ibrary staff wishes everyone a Merry >Christmas and a Happy New Year.- ils holiday hours are as folows: open - Dec. 24 - 2-5 p.m.;, CLOSED Dec. 25 and 26; open - Dec. 27 - 10.4 .m.; open - Dec. 31 -2-5 p.m.; closed 'Jan. 1. B.L.C.C. NEWS by Stephanle Dayes There was lots of fun at Brooklin Library Children's Club-on Saturday. The kids made Christmas tree decorations, decorated pine cones and enjayed a story. Hope ta see you at the club for staries, crafts and fun. This club meets every Saturday morning in the Junior Library at 10:30 a.m. Ail school age children are welcome. BROOKLIN UNITED CHURCH NEWS The; celebration of the Chrstmas season brings ta us the real meaning of this Hly tinie. Dec. 7, the second Sunday of Advent, was observed by "the llghting of the second candle,, the candie of Hope, by Bml and Brad Wailace. This was also Bible Sunday and In keeping with this, theme, Rev. Lacey's ser- mon was entitled "Knowing the Lord." The senior chir sang "Watchmen, tell us of the Night". The sacrement of baptism wes celebrated. As is the custame, Sunday school led ini worship on Dec. 14. the annual "White Gift" service. Isabelle and GrahameRndail lit the candie of Jay - the third candie of Advent. The gifts contributed will be distributed by Settiement Huse in Oshawa, Salvation Army in Whitby and the Outreach Committee. The Christmas pageant, "Tell the Ancient Story,"1 was presented by the Sunday school pupils with the junior choir providing the music. .Each Sunday, beginning at 10:45, a sing- sang of wel-loved cerols is enjoyed by the congregation as they unite for worship. Next Sunday, Dec. 21, the senior choir will present their gifita the congregation. The service of lessons and chorals on the fourth Sunday of Advent la a beautiful programme. The choir under the leadership of Margaret Craig has been working hard ta be ready so please be sure to come out for this truly in- spiring service. A get-together for the chair, as' a weil- earned respite from the hard work tliey have put in preparing for the season, will be held at the home of Margaret and Ian Craig on Dec. 19. .Don't forget that 'the Sunday School Christmas party la coming up on Dec. 20. The Durham Shoestring Players will entertein the children. Everyone la invited ta the Christmas Eve family service. - This la a carol and can- dlelighting service with the theme "The Light of the World" and wil begin at 7:30 pm. Be sure to take ail the litile anes and a candie for each member of the femily. CIhristmas ommunion service wuill be ai> WHITBY FREE PRESS,.WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17,1986 PAGE 23 Ahiniinum removed from industrial bin, Srap ,alumninum, valued at under $1,000, was stolen from an In- dustriel. bin et Andrew Antenna sometime Saturday night. To cldrify...o It was stated ln lest week's edition that the Whtby brench of the. Canadien , Imperlal Bank of Commrerce had the best float ln the commerciel float category of the Whitby Jaycees Senta Claus parade. It should have been .LETTER Dig nity of handicapped FROM PAGE 4 The media would bet- ter directs its energy in- ta publicizing the need for socieiy ta take a mare active and positive role in expan- ding the educationel resource base, rather than undermining ail ef- forts made niedically, educationally, e nd socilly ta improve the quelity of life for those less fortunate than this author. As parents of children with Dawn Syndrome, we takre exception ta the statement that we, et any lime in aur lives, would have "accepted (the deaths of aur children) as normal and for the best." There is no measure of the jay and heppiness which aur cilîdren bring ta aur families because of their eegerness ta learn, love and live. Any credibilily which the author may have geined by acknowledging the fect that ,"'same mentally handicapped people are capable of raising children' is lost when he refers ta ather human beings as "vegetables.", No human deserves such a label and ta, qualify it with the addendum of "vegetables with a sexuel libido" suggests a reirth of the eugenics movemeni which we believed was huried long ega, havîng no place in the socially enlightened generation of the 19M0. Is the author suggesting Ihat eny in- dividuel who is con- sidered "brain dameged" as the result of en accident rather tean birte is flot entilled ta the same rights and quality of life as anyone else in sociely«? The writer asks whether the ability ta preserve the lives of "preemies and aven worse deformities" is "e medical advance'I of "vanîty.'" We knaw thet the preservation of al life is a goal for which our society must strive. To do olherwise would .be "de-evolution"' of the humanitarianism pre- valent vithin aur sociely - one which demands that the han- dicapped beaellowad ta axperience the joys, sorrows, triais and glanaes of life, free of Yours sincenely, Catherine S. McKeown Valerie S. Dykes clarified mat the Thicksan Rd. branch Of the Bank of Commerce won thai award. The Free Press apologîzes for the error. The firm is loceted et 606 Beech St.,.W. An Oshawa man suf- fered a possible broken anle and damage ta is left nib cage durlng an industriel accident et Lasco Steel over the weekend. Stephen Thjer, 26 of 155 Vancouver St., stumbled whlle exlting froni a building and feul anto loose rock. He was transported ta Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital where he was treated. JMS edges towards ffrst place in. darts JMS Communications has moved ta within teree points of first- place in the Weduesdey JMS downed Jensen's night dart league. Auto Body 6-4 lest week