WHITBY FREE PRESS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1986, CHRISTMAS SUPPLEMENT, PAGE Ail1 o 8EA$ON~ GREETINGS) Guess what 1 want for Christmas? 1lwant arny chlld, a Barbie rocker, a pound puppy, make-up set, sweet secrets, soft pony, crstal -castie, a new tooth brush, mnarkers and other stuff. tbat you can by. From Trisha Patterson Gr. 2 Robert Thornton P.S. DearSanta, I would like astockng 1 would like to give your reindeer sorne food. Love Beeky Beekey Walters Grade 1 Robert Thornton P.S. DearSanta, Please brlng me child's tape recarder and nerfuls and 32 keys, 12 chord and kannel kuddles and popples and new realbabytlhat's ail. Love "iy Amy Jones Gradel1 Robert Tbornton P.S. DearSanta, I want a cat and a dog. ( love you a lot. Love, AmberWalker' xoxoxoxoxoxox xoxoxo. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Grade 2 Robert Thornton P.S. Can I please have a wrestler and bis namne ls the bull dogs and a remote control car and good night Santa Claus. From Chris K. Age7 Robert Thornton P.S. DearSanta, How are you? aloughl want baby talk it is to ecspenceofe I I would mush rather have three more presents witch is my rate! I wonder if 'you are haveing a nice timne? Love Lynni 5years old Robert Thornton P.S. Dear Santa, 1 wot the snake This is Jeffs, and the car, and the cat, and a dog. Dear elves wot er you thinking? Jeff Stringer Age 6 Robert Thornton PS. Dear Santa This year I would like a Barbie Car. 1 have been good ail year and help my Mornmy and Daddy.. Love Dara Smith .Age 5 Robert Thornton Dear Santa, Please bring me the heart family, and Crystal Castle Cornsilk hare cabbage patch kd, ny chid real baby: Sarah Cook 6yrs RobertTIhornton P.S. Dear Santa: I would like a turbopower feature racing car. I hope you and Mrs. Claus have a good Chistmas and the raindeers too. From Matthew Hunter Gr. 2 Robert Thornton P.S. Tusday 2. Dec 1986, Dear Santa Claus I wouid like a real kit- ten. Hope you have a merry christmas. Love from Natalie xoxokoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo- HO-HO-HO Natalie Bartiett Gr. 2 Robert Thornton P.S. Dear Santa, 1 love you I want something from you I want don't wake the dragon and I want rnonopoly and I want operation I want Baby talk and I want more makeup and that is ail. Love Andrea Andrea Gale Robert Thornton P.S. peace Pace end good- wiII f0 everyone this Chrlstmas Sec. son anld always. GENE& LINDA PEACOCK SPORTS & TROPHIES LTD. 110 ATHOL ST. 666-1114 DEAR SANTA frlom Thorn ton, Kathleen Rowe and Sennett schools DearSanta, 1Ihave been a good girl ail year. My sisters have been good too. I have been very very very sick. My sisters have been very very very sick too. My sister Lisa got acold. I want a Shera doil for ýChrist- mas. Love Christine H. R.A. Sennet P.S. DearSanta, I want some presents, toys and dolly and play telephone, a cat, a styf- fed animal, a candy cane, a sieigh. Love Karen Hatch R.A. Sennett P.S. Dear Santa, I would lilce a cabbage patch doil. I would like a doli. I have been good. Love Tanya R.A. Sennett P.S. P.S. Thankyou DearSanta, I would like a snake eyes and a dragon fly helicopter. Love Paul R.A. Sennett P.S. P.S. I have been good Dear Santa, I would like a cabbage patch dol!. I would like a pound puppy. How are you doing? I have been a good girl. Love Shanna R.A. Sennett P.S. DearSanta, I would like a G I Joe and Star Wars men. I have been good. I will leave you a snack. Thankyou Love Jesse RA. Sennett P.S. DearSanta, I hope I have been a good girl and I want you corne. I arn going te Lake Sumcoes but I want four Christmnas. Wrinkles. Love frorn Christine R.A. Sennett P.S. DearSanta, How are things on the north pole? How are the reindeer. Do you think your elves could make me Metroplex. He is my favourite. I would also like J.Y.D. wrestling doil and the Hulk Hogan. Workout set. If I could get some more wrestling figures, I wouid like that (along with the ring).. The conquest and the X-30 and sorne G.I. Joes as well. If I can have anything else, make it rodimus prime and oernga supreme and, Ultramagras. From Matt March KathleenRoweP.S. AUl the blessings of the season to you and your family. We hope that you will find peace and contentment this Christmas and always. 76 Baldwin St. Brooklin 655-3306 68 Wator St. Port Perry 985-9885 CHRISTMAS HOURS Dear Santa, I would like: Popple, Pound puppy and somne cabbage patch kid clothes. I have a sister, ber name is Carnie- Lynn. My, name is Sarah-Jean. I would also like a giow bug, and a wrinkles elephant, and Birthday -Bear too please. I have a big surprise for you, when you corne on Christmas Eve., From your frniend, Sarah-Jean Uzzett Kathleen Rowe P.S. DearSanta, I have been a very good girl. I would lilce a computer for Christ- mas. I would also lite a cabbage patch kid and a wrinkles and. a popple and a Cindy house. Love Kim Kathleen Rowe P.S. DearSanta, I would like a cyclops and a Thunder Purch, He-man. Also I wouid like a wrestling ring for my wrestlers and a reai big Hulk Hogan. For my G.I. Joe stuff, I would lilce Cobra com- - mander and the B.I. Joe conquest X30. And Iast but not least I would like sorne transformers. How are your reindeer Santa, are they okay.- Hope so.. I'm gonna leave you some cookies and milk. From John Gili Kathleen RoweP.S. DearSanta,, For Christmas, I would like some wrestling figures, rock lords, G.I. Joes, traih- sfonxners, Rambo figures, heman, care bears.. l. wlll be leaving nllk and cookies and an aip- pie anid a carrot.'The cookies will be vinilla. I hopeyoulike.tham..'- Merry Ciristmnas San- ta Claus FromGordon Kathleen RoweP.S. DearaSnta, I would like te hav'e a Nintendo' robot , a blaster transformner, a legos spacekit, ýplease .Would you also please put an'E.T. puzle la my stocklng., What kindof cookies dg you like?: Have a Merry Christmnas 1 From Marty Radweli Kathleen Rowe P.S. Listen to the glad tidings of the season, bringing our best wishes for a wonderful Christmas to one and ail. LOPTHOUSE RAI IfaAUPBCTURlIAG LTD, 310 Hopkins ,Stý-,,Whitby' ý -a--- 1