PAGE 12 WHITBYFREE PRESS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER23, 1986,. WHITBY'S MOSrt WIDELY READ RTLS I * ARTICLES MUli SICAL I SUPLE !5F OMBLE MUSICALI ýF:ýSAL ORSL I5MNST S &SRT J W FYOR SALEES INSRUMENTS CUSTOM MADE maichlng living room and dînîng mont 'eheero, ivory miih goid ovembheors, 25 Il. for living mors and 10 il. for dlning roors, excellent condition, $550. Phone 668&5180. 0 MATTRESSES and bon nprlngn nai hall prîce. MoKeen FornIlure, 524 Slmcoe Street 'South, Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE girle figure Mtes, nîze 2, $15. Chîlci lzed skaiing helmel, $7. Phone 6681116. a RELIABLE REMOTE POWERI ACRO POWER SYSTEMS cas proolde economnical electiciy le cabne. homes, tanches and rosonts. Cal oday for dealershlp Information. PHOTRON Canada, Box 136, Collnion, Alla. TOG ORO (403675-2586. VISiT our used lumnilure warehouse tby appcinlmenl. Big saings on deaka, chaire, flling cabinets, etc. Cou Dioksos PrIn. iing & Office Supplie& la arrange an appoinimeni la vlo. 6MI 1M6. XEROX COMPUTER M2, 64K, 61'a floppy dioko, heavy doiy Diable dalsy mhooi pinior. Totli$3000. Witt sait individuaiiy; 1-3M @lac. irapiatil copier, needosarvce, Modal M215 $50; 1-Oocutiin dank 5W n 3 $125; 1.heavy daiy logal oic. lIr-proolfiing cainet, 3 drawrs $1-14 dramer backt flid-oui iMing cabinet $175. 608& 7101. DISTRIBUTORS "4 machines" pasaIbiy ovding crank case or hydrallo 011 changes for any aize onginos. $25 inveonmeni, An. ihony Capoman, P.Eng., Cagary 1(403) 258-1858, 1(4031 93841866 evoingo & mokends. ELECTROHOME hursidller, $00. Food procqsser, Meulinon, hordiy asod, $55. Phase 668.1328. CHESTERFIELD milh maiching chair, ose soivol chair, $300, iii doiver. Cali 5710006. GEOTYPE prom-on ieiierîng nom n sock at Dickson Fr151156 & 0f- ice Supplieos Inthe Ajax Shop- pIng Plaza. Large slioin cf stylesona nzo. Why pop more fcr a omoiler oheol ci iaiierîng? 6W3.1968. FOR SALE dm0110 1table, square, chrome legs, 00080 6, oupanding iosauti8, $55. 660-1896. FRIGIDAIRE 30' elocinlo slave, avocado green, vory gecd con- ditlon, $150. Coli 433-4689. 9 USED STORE diopiay racks for books and carda, Whiihy Free Preaso 68-11. ICHESTERFIELD suites, »oVassale, ocIinala, ions ihan 14 prie. Large siaclien. Mci<een Farslure, 524 Simcoo Si.8S., Oshawa. 725-518. SOFA à CHAIR $300. Cole. talbe, M3. Sierooanad, $75. $$$SACRIFICE SACRIFICE 5$ buildings priceti lor immediate liquidation. Ail Items ln' stock. 28x40014 $3996. 40x60x14 $8,500. 46x80014 $9.250. 70n9Cx24 $21.789. Varlous sizes avoulable up la 120 fil.%ide. Fac. tory direci clearance. Serinas buyers oniy. Ail buidings prIced for Immediale deivery cail toit- lree 1.800.387-2115 or 1.416.88 2446. WINTER WORKS PROORAM. Keep the laciony bnsy during the minier mosiha, & nove ihousands. Exarnpia 25x34 $3,299. 40x40 $5,399. Ciher aizes avaluabie. Cali Miracle Span toit Irae 1-800-387. 4910. MONTREAL MILITARY Surplus: Workshirts $2.75, workpanis $3.50, orkboois $15. For caiaiog, send $2 relmhursed irai otder): MiiiiarY Surplus, Bon 243, Si. Timoibeea, Oebec JOS iXo. XMAS SPECIAL Boy 2, Gai ove FREE. Naver forgel la ium your headiighis off againi Make your cer more visible on the rond wiihoui the mony ci a dead bai. iery. Grent siocking alferi The headIilghi reminder simpiy piugs mbt fuse Panai $9.95 plus Ian in- clude $2 ahipplngthandiing. VISAIMIC Cali 1800263-3735. Weekdays 99. Stewart SpecIaIiy, Box 905, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4W4, Orders shipped anme day. us-- ED 0585, Files, mcrae cainets, smocking, Office Chairs, Steel adlusiabie shaiving,. snie dispinys, Birs New ilUaed, 21 Alex Ave., WoodbrIdge. Phone (418)>851-8100. Near Hwy. 7 & 400. Mon.-FrI 9.5, Bat. 101. TYPEWRITER rentlai, rany makes and modela, hy the moekend, meek or mcsih. Disoeunts availabie. Diobsen Priing & Office Supplies In the Aan Plaza. Cali an for busnans machine repaira.83.1968. WANTED. A gocd nioady sappiy nf hordwoad legs or, irees nliabia for cutiing anti spiiiiing fnia firemood. 655-8966, OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED, any moka ' Mens osiy, oe or ove handred. Olti Rolon mIsiaîchos anlod. Aise maniad Estons "Quarter Cosloryl'aquare misi- aiches (25 yoaro service). Wiii pay $750 and Up for 1h10 moich. WiiI aise boy nirape, crysiais, purin eic. for old mnsiaichen. 1. 416-0365-724e or miio B. Walsh, 173 Queon Si. E., Teronto, ont4 M5SA 1S2.1 HAMMOND eiocironfic organ, 2 keybcardn, aulomnilo rhyhm section, nicci incioddt, $900. High Fideliiy speaker nysiers, 70 mails, air suspension, 12" mooler, 5" midrango, 3" tmeeter, brIlunce conirol 28"x1"l1, $160 pair. Poneer beli drIven lur- niable, magnetIl carirîigo, anil. skaling and oaerhnng cheoker mlh dusi cover, $75. Phone6608- 4098. ~fCUCTION FOUNO ;PSNIVE1~~K IWEDDINGI FRSL lIN ITATONSI 1974 FORD pick Up h ion F100, Salect year meddivg Inviations fronn sur complote catalogue. Foryo ya.a koepsaka copy ci yoar inviaien n lununieus goli.- $50, 1977 Otd Della 88, drives daiy, con ho cerlled, $850 or ai. fer. 1975 Camaro, noeds body ment, ronsa god, $35 or aller. 723-2818 or 4366115. 1975 DODGE Cube van. As la. 6081 oller. Whiiby Froe Press. 6004111. FOR SALE _ $3500. or best offer 1982 Chrysler LeBaron 2door Coupe Dark Grey Fully Equlpped *2.0 Lire 4 cylinder *auiomnllc - croise con- irai' * consoe * pomer brakes *pomer steering - AM radi; *bicn ene '79 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door, iighi green, soma ruai spots. Coli 86a. 3855. 1979 FORD LTD. as , boni citer. 668&3471. 1979 DATSUN 310 GX 5 spoed, 63,000 criginal miles, nom peint, AMIFM nioroo, centlled $1,800) or boni citer. Calil655-8966. 1977 HONDA Haichbacit, 4 speeti, nom ciuich, rehulIl melor, needs body mentk, $700 cr besi ai- fer. 668-8528. 1973 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 2 dr.. pa, ph, VO. 81,00o milan. Rusa moul. Some bodymatit. Aakiing MW8. 668.5040. t~j~ALE/RENT FIREWOOD LOOS - mIood bar- dmeed. Deiverad. 12 card & 6 cord lsuds, Marnili Barry705-754- 2258. * ~ ~ FREWOuu FOR SALE, 1V" I î~-?"/.ChJ singla corda, ail hardmoed - 1v' $175.00 bunh card. FRE I v ava oo ELIVERY. Ecelent ire O FAfOqo reovai service ai very lea liairososabl pricosa.ClFaul ai 71 -R ALE L "SJ SP/PARKEÉ'j i~R~1HeIp keep CAO 3OL uer8 Red.Crossý *Orange tub chalr, $75. Black lmas, excellant cendtlios, aoking ...,,,.J Smivel rocker, $90. Tel. Boa, 441. $125 er boni chfer. Phono 6ê~( M.69 Hame 831-9199. 2271, evonIngu. Ye 111i Lots sec you do ' ..Žu- Cherlie 1jUmpIng for joy snc ho faund out about the service et Dickson Printing & Office Supplies in thse Ajax Plaza.1 CL U S T DY . 16 PIANO LESSONS ln Whiihy on Michael BIvd. Experianced, rogisiered maie music loucher. Piano and ihoory, nil grades. Boginnors or advanced. Adle meni melcome. Rogilor sacn for, Jan. 1987. Cati Michel Pelisier 666-1292 allornoons or evefnvs. UNEMPLOYED? The Uners- pioed Heip Contre con asisi ih: Empicymeni Counaeiiing, Ramen, UnompicymentI n- surance, Werbrs' Compen- sation, O.H.î.P. and mellare In- formation, or criais relorrais le aihor agencios. Coul 579-1821. MAN WITH TRUCK milI delilor furniluro, heîp poule mono, cdean Up back yards and basomanin, and ornait edd lobs. Vry roosonable rateo.Cail - aa-a16. FURNITURE REFINISHINO, On- silo ropaire le cigarette borna, scratches, oic. Pianos, TV, anti ail aiher larnIlure. Free estimaies. 65".9W0. SNOW PLOWINO, commercial and rosidential. Ouaraniood good and punciua service. 7 dayo a moek., SUNLAWN LAN- DSCAPING & SNOW REMOVAL 655-8966. DOU0'S POWER Smoeping Ser- vice. i miii smaop pour un- derground parking aron ln con. damIniums and *aparlnent parking lots. Cou foi rlens esimis 6"9. ERN ALS' BTH DATES GALORE. Fer alages and MOIN ANUNCEMENTS unaiached. Theusantis of mri b he avxoaus le meel pou, SERVICESPrestige Acquaipiances 0011 101. SALLY AND MATTHEW free 1-800.2n39163. Heurs neon BABY ITEMS >for nain: crIbo, $30. Iighcbalr, -Silvencrosse, $80. Change tahle wmut lob, $25. Orosng table, $25. Car sosais, Siroiee, $40 on. Doubla sirelior, Porogo, $100. Fischer Fr100e mobile, $12. Englioh prom, $40. PhoneOf608.390 AFTER HOUAS BABYSITTING. Weekendn, ovenîngs, xmas shoppig or emergoncy sitIing avaliablo ln my home, $2lhour. Cal Mariae668-3776. DAY CARE avalable In my homoï, boblea Included, nuirIIoos, meais, spucleus pioyomsn, ln, format iearslng actIvilion. Asit about our pick-up service,' reasonubie raies, free bunny rab- bila for ail nom corners ond pion. y cf pais t la iy mIih. Cali >65&A C6ORATULATIONS on yeur forthccming morriogo. PlMase vlow ort aampios cf ongroved weddîng Inviaioens' ai yoar amure In aur Alax Plaza otsr. Dickson Prjnting & 01110e Sop. pilon, 683.1968. AN AD i.TMOTIVEI REPAH PATSR/PARTS TO BUY OR SELL used auto par- ts. Cali 579-5344, ask for Henry. sNow TIRES Imo Uniroyal aisel bolt radial, F1680 R13, $60. Tmo F78-14, $30. Al tiren mous- loioasrima. Catil660-3418.ý TRUNKS a FLOORS ropairod guaranieed tle paso "oafoiy checkts. 055-896 I DO EXCELLENT body mont and peint lobs, on ovoryihIsg rors sports cors le dump trucks ai a vory reanonabie raie. Ail mark, dons frors my Pickering hame., Cali Richard for a fre ooirsaie, 65-8966 Picketing. love the arrivaI of HEATHER IRENE, little' sîster for Morgan, welghlng 7I Ibs. 1½ oz. on DeC. 11, 1986 at Ajax Pickering 1Hospilal.ý Proijd grandparents are Donald and Dalsy Morgan and Edward and, Clore Voituk. "SpeClal thanks to Dr. Tremblay and ail the wonderfol staff ai A.P.G.H. AVELr STE RSRVICES ln thia werld. ther' always room for one more. Callyour weIrcoma Wagoni Hosfsss now. FAnone 66-2482 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertlsement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wsll flot be 14 each additional word.. however, we accept no liabilty regarding loua or damage lieror i u publicatoney nd thecofo tpoccupied BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for tse first 100 words; 12t each alleged to arise through fallure or delay in forwardlng morsin ublcaton eyod th cot o th spce ccuped ddiionl wrd.such replie. We will ot be responsible for box number by Use error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dlnlwr. repliesnot called for withln 30days. The Whltby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ada must appear in Use paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADLINES: Morsday noon prior to publication Wo insert one dà ybefore they can be changed or canceiled. or cancel Classified Ada. CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43 por line. (No word ads allowed>. ditional word If pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are avoulable at an ad- CALL Ad Wo your Chargex or -Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111' Whitby's Most WideIy Read CLASSIFJED - - ADS 1