- WHITBYFREE PRESS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER23, 1986, PAGE13 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ-" CLA~~IFI[D AD~ HOBBY SHOP FOR RENT. Handy Mens Orearn: New unfumished building, iraavy wood floor, 12'xa 36'on a large lot. You finish lire mluidng fa suit your necs and Jeduct ail exponses from rani. 1175.00 monthly. Cent rally ocated lu Pickering. 6558966. DNE ACRE oiluolea on tire top ai i h111 ln Pickering overiookIng Çtotale, Greenwood, Ajax, 3roughasu, Brookilo lake and a rîsar sigir f aitire Toronto CN rowtr. Park your lent or bud a atoége. <t wli obtaîn building >errrit. Oniy $751monfir for a ent; anly $2501mont h for s cal- ego. Cai 655-966 Pickering. TORAGIE SPACE location: ac- aes off Hwy. 7 10sf N. of Ajax. 5 cr65 af parklig, excellent for torna boats, trailers, truckse. empae, race cars, buses, ftrac- )rs, heavy mschinery,- building itelrals sud othar producîs. lso indoor storage available. oucad proporty wltir iocked aIes, daity accoas, $196 an- uaily. Catil 655-696. 3RCMIAL1 ~PROPERTYI iRGE'COMMERCIAL LOT for il. Situated In a commercial mpiex pretently confsining kry work shops. Tist lwy. 7 otage lat In Pickering onabios u ta gino, sales and service af âvy machinery, emati engines, ilding, landscsping eic. immercIaI aignt are pormitted. 00.00 monfirly Includos snaw- swing, road maintenance, ces, Inturtnce, iandscaplng, vonitlng, oic. A building can 1orected onstirs crommercial lot auit your noad. Cet i 655-696. )RKSHOP FOR SALE. New iiding luit compflotd, sfofod, camnent floar. 100 AMP Myca. Excel lest for machine rair, weiding, tmnatl englues, 1-doora, imudacaptug, etc. uated on a firres, (3) acre mmorctai complex In :koring. Hwy. 7 frantago ables you fa givo taies sud Mvca wlth aIl appropriate tigne Jdrive-in trait le. $9.50W.00 tir. 800w plowlng, Jntenance, taxes, Insurauce. oerfIstng, et c. $100.00 manthly. il 6554M96. EE STORAGE & parking for tvy msciriuery, oqulpmonf, m- Imptements, tractera, Idozers,. bacirhoes, loadars, tors, fiesta, 500Wv piaws, ln- strief equipment, buliding teriass flrewood, )wmablos, smsii angines, np trucks, graders. tractor- lors, etc. Alto attlable for f cammercial lats sud ltehaps tram $l5Omontir sud Ail buildings Insuisted, roui floars sud irosvy hydre. saied on a nory oarge commer- comptes with anar one mile -lwy.7 frontage lu Pickering ýNortir attre Ajax Shopping tira. Tis excelleut location ýbleu you ta give sales sud rIcos of ai mechanical Items. Ãty of drive-lu trafli and et I ropriste aigus permissible. W& USED CAREBUYS READ..JUY .. SELL JUSTCALL 668-6111 OFFICE FOR RENT. Very m odem, fully fumtIrhed, telepirone, elacfric hast, 3 ocres af parking tnas commercial com- pieu on Hwy. 7, just nortfijax ls Shopping Centre. Ail sernices lu- ctuding advertlsing for onty $17500 montiriy. Thia privatseon- france building csn alto be used ROOMS SERVICES NOTICES ~ ~.~~iIENT~,J W~~ORRIN~ "0RAMMER for people wiro hale grammer"tala eideai pockt* retorence book for business people. $3.95 par copy and aaolilo et Dicison Printing & Office Supplies In tire Aax Pisza. Dealer Inquiries inled6631966. as an art studio. 65589M. ~ TRANING RE. Drap mb tirte Dickson ~z z 1 PrInting sud Office Suppiy'store In tire Aax Plaza and pick upa JOB-KIL f ras copy cif the 1986 Mtria TRAINING Caiendar. PrInted ln two cotoure. FORSU 1if maires for handy rfeoce 863196 *COMPUTERS *WORD PROCESSING *LEGAUMEDICAL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *BOOKKEEPING CLERIK *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS *FASHION MERCH-ANDISING & DESIGN *HOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZEO BANKING &CUSTOMER SERVICE *DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Ftnancist Assistance msy be avaitabie -Job Pacement Assistance TORONTO SOHOOL 0F BUSINESS FREE. 1986 guida ta study-st- thame correspondance Diptoma courses for prestigiaus careers: AccountIng, Air condItIonIng, Booirkeeptng, Business, Cosmetlogy, Etectronfice, LegalMdait Secretsry, Psychotogy, Travsi. Granton (5A) 263 Adeiide West, Toronto, 1- 600-2661121. BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, Canadian champion Inafructora. Casses stant Jan. 12-23, 1987. Jordon sud McLesn Sciroot af Auctioneentng, Box 94, Ktscoty, Alfa., TOB 2P0 (403) 848-2211, (4W)842.5528. A CAREER IN TRUOKINO. Tran- sport drvers needed. Now latiha time ta train for your Cas A icense. For pre.screenlng Inter- vew and lob pacement Info.r- mation, contact Marv Orrsa Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-800-265-1260. UNUMITSO INCOM. Join aur, mail order pmogram, worir at hrome. For mera Iformaion unud 81.00 for postage and handting fa J & E Enterprlse, Box 39-P, Station M, Toronta, M65 4T2, It wuited Chà lie ttotke off ftr Dickstn Printing & Office Supplias t titis particular peint in Urne, stmetiting ihe wiii nover regreti CA- US i.. 8316 LICENSED ELECTRICIANS with Industriel, commercial and residentiai auperience required for Centrai ontaria. Growing company, exceilent fringe benafi lu. Contact Frank Adamo 41612753181 9 ar.. 504 p.m. TRUOKINO CAREERS. Driver lob training wth placement ireip ta avalable. Comploes detalis cen be maiiad fa you. Phono Rodgers School at 416) 7693546 wth postai code. HEW1 &VNTACTORS Tenders are Invited for Interior Painting and Repairs at the Ambulance Service Building, il Aima Street, OSHAWA, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86- 255 Sealed Tenders wlil be received untîl 2:00 p.m. Local lime on WEDNESDAY, JANU- ARY 14,1987. Tender Documents may be obtalned f rom the Ontario Minlstry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further In- formation regarding the Tenders, please caîl the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, telephone (705> 325-7403. IThe iowest or any Tender not necessarîly accepted.1 SIMPLE! The simple solution to cieaning storage problems. in the attic and garage Is a Ciassifled Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS ..........668-6111 NOTICE TO CREDITOFfS ANO OTHERS N THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F EDNA MARGARET RAT- CLIFFE, DECEASED. Al daimns against the Estate of Edna Margaret Ratcllffe, late of thà Town of Whitby, Reglonal Municipallty of Durham, Deceased, who dled on or about the 2nd day of May, 1986, must be flled wlth the under- signed personal representatîves on or before the 151h day of January, 1987, thereafter the undersigned will distrîbute the assets of the sald estate havlng regard only to the dlaIms then fled. Dated at Whitby, On- tario, this th day of December, 1986. lreneWinifred Henry, Executrix, by herSolicîtors, Coath, Livingstone & Johnston 101 Dundas Street West P.O. Box 327 Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S4 ~~GE INT? _____________ 1IBEDROOM aparfrnent, nwly AUCTIONS FUN FOR THEWHOLE FAM iLV ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKENDI FISHING FOR A BARGAIN? The big catch s here every week in the ciassif lods. Don't rock the bost'on costiy Items, Calusi WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 ce, downfawn Whifby Ail utilif les Inciuded. Analiabie Jan. 1. $495 monthiy, 1sf & lauf. Cail 668-9444 or 723-5444. ROOM FOR RENT. Neaf, fuiiy turnIohed raam wth colored T.V., parking, spaclous grounds. $60 per weiç. Mealu and laundry ciaanIng alto availabie. Cati 655-8966. R0 CHARME Thingi are nat as bad as tiiey are painted and Charlie il flOW ut Dickson Printing là Office Supplies mailing et thle many pleasant assitants. ITADlýSW«k uqnýdsuu MMM