w .-~-~--~-- PAGE 14, WHITBY FREE PRESS, TUESDAY, DEC. 30, 1986 Dowson, Kettrick first in York's, Santa tneet Whitby Iroquois Swm Club members had first- place finishes in the an- fluai '"Santa Meetll in York Dec. 13. Leslie Dawson won the 25-metre freestyle and 25-metre backstroke for girls 8 and under. She was alsa second in the 25 fly and third in the 25 breast- ANNOUNCEMENTS 1//l L'ff/1'# *RECEPTION CMLDS TAKYOU CARD8 VALMED ~~ HEALTH SERICES INC. 24 Hour Nuran un d Homem.king Services for the elderly, sick, disabled or mothor &newbomn Compimontary Assesuments 356 King St. W. 433-1494 O0shawa stroke. Dowson teamed with Jenette Bradley, A.n- drea Bell and Erin O'Connor ta win the 100 freestyle relay. Keri-Ann Kettrick also had first.place finishes, in the 5-metre backstrake and breast- strake events. She was second in the 50 freestyle, far girls il andl12. Jennifer Thatcher was third in the 50- metre breaststrake. Kettrick and Thatcher jained Lisa Webb and Jenine Leahey ta place third.in the 100 freestyle relay. Derek Raberts was third i the 25 fly far boys 8 and under. Peter Ruderman -was sixth in the 25 freestyle and 25 backstrake in the same age graup. Andrew Dowsan was fifth, in the 5-metre breaststrake for, bays 9 and 10. 29 w FOR TE NE YE ' " Whiby Snta Caus arad " Roat th Mayr fo M.n *Ali andiatesNigh Whitb Sprng Canivn Persnal evelpmen Proram WHITBn JAYCEES v.laninrrha har f (nmmadIl ' & uIhiek-. Whitby select hockey resuits WHITBY NOVICE SELECTS SNOV. 28, 1986 Whitby SpeedyMufflers Ajax Trojans.... 3 Matthew St. Amand.......2 George McL-eod RonDeath David Dougherty Steven Hoîblaki DEC. 7, 1986 Whitby Speedy Muffler 5 Bowmanville ..i Steven Holbioki............ 2 Ryan Healey .............. 2 Shane Terry Motomura tries for Games Andrew Motamura of Whitby is competing in Etobicoke this week for a spot an, the Ontario judo team for the 1987 Canada Games. .More than 350 athletes fram Ontario are in Etob icoke ta compete in. judo as well as basket- baIl, valleyball, boxing, wrestlîng, weightlifting, gymnastics, syn. chronîzed swimxning, badminton, curling and figure skating. The trials began Dec. 28 and ends Dec. 31. The Canada Games. will be held Feb. 14-28 in Cape Bretoni, Nova Scatia,- with 2,500 athletes competing. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY LTD. *ANTIQUES *NO-DIP RESTORED STRIPPING *CUSTOM OREPAIRS UPHOLSTERY e*REFINISHING A large selection of Victorlan parlaur furniture avallable 413 DUN DAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5481 NEW& SKATE SKATE BLADE REPAIRS DONE ON PREMISES C.C.M. BAUER LARGE SELECTION IIOURS: Mon..Frl. 104, S. 9" Ba ports ElmelLd.839-5610O 980 Brock Rd. S., Pickering LN I Whitby house league resuits SQUIRT - DEC. 14 Showcase Videa ... Waterbed Coa.i.. Mark Haynes Kim Crauch Callar ...7 Brlan Crouch..............s5 Danny Ricica Jimmy Waiker Classy Crust Pizza . .4 Jason Neath ............. 2 Derek Roberts Stephen Death NOVICE - DEC. 13 Dam's Auta Parts..5 Mcereague Electric. .0 Steven Hoilki............ 4 MarcusTully Shut Out Jamle Young Braaklin Kinsmen..6 David Dougherty.,.......3 Jon Shetier Jason Robinson Jeffrey Purdy Shut Out rian Blckmore Ray's Enterprises..6 Video 99...........O0 Sivili Cantracting ....2 Ryn .ly.......2 John Searle Bryan Howden Matthew Philipa ATOM -DEC. 12 Midas uffler ....5 Taîten Sihns ....10 John Graham.............. 2 Stephen Wood............ 6 Robble5St. Pierre Nlck Attwool Darryl Roxborough Jamie Harris Jeff Needham Glen Knowlea Mark Lanegger Valentina's.....2 Broklin Essa.... 2 MikeRowland Brandon Wall Mark Gray Shawn MacDonald Macei Furniture .... .1 lm Imeson V(; National Trust .. .. 1 Joel Phair VG National Trust .... 9. Cory Bayford Sean L.awrence ............ 3 Jason Peddle.............. 2 Lyle Borkley Chad Peterson Joel Phair Kameka Footwear .... 6 Gary Kone Mark Running ............. 3 David Ferguson Stephen Cooper P E E - P5 nn " nn - i Videa Image ....2 Dom's Auto ..3 Mark Wiodom ............... Matt Cook Alex Wheelans Jared Stevens............ 2 ITT Cannon......2 Mchael Savelle Jason Blyth Brooklin Esso.... 6 Scott Burgess Ryan MacDonald Scott Clyde. Shaun MacDonald.......2 Brandon Watt Totten Sims Hubicki .3 Mark Lanegger...... 3 Midas Muffler.... 3 Jeff Needham............ 2 Klley Mouton I.W.A.............. 6 Mark Mhoitesa.............. 2 Shane Bayford Blair White Ryan Watson Brad Jacques Checker's Variety. Chris Favot Shane Lawson Mike Burgess Mike Cred Dadd & Sauter . 2 Chria Brady ............... 2 Smiling Drillers...6 Daniel Clark .............. 2 Anthony Parro.............i Rîck Holter ............... i Andrew Vanderinde .t . MikeDrake.'...............1 Danforth Tyewriter. .1 Brion Cote................1 wvui ummy j unir oauror %,ci~~mmme 668-8988 LEADERSHIP, FELLOWSHIP, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY * j Miracle Foordmart.. 1 Paul Caooidy Firefigliters ...... Blair Sheppard MacMillan Bathurst. 4 Jason Maurice Jeremy Laprairie Paul Wilson Marlow Sookdeo BANTAM DEC. 14 Braoklin Concrete. 4 John Skolnik.............1 Mchael ake...........i Stephen Cross............ 1 Peter Long .............. 1 J&S Canvenience .... 7 Mark Ainsworth...... 3 Tom Mulcahy............1 Jeremy Harnes.....i Paul Calderaro .t.... Philip Lyon.............. 1 Skaags win First-place Skaags widened the gap over the rest of the pack in the Wednesday night dart league recently with a 6-4 win aver JMS Communications. JMS had climbed up' ta within three points of Skaags before last week's confrontation. Jensen's Auto Body, in third place, tied last place Dodd & Souter 5-5 Skaags has 63 points ta 58 for JMS. Jensen's remains anly five points behind JMS while Dodd & Souter trails with 46. - DEC. 13