Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1986, p. 17

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WHITBY F~REE PRESS, TUESDAY, DEC. 30, 1986, WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ARILSSKI SUPPLIES TRUKS" £iRE1 GAL FOR SAL . »RT!j FOR SALE SEVIE O BYEED :Tj NOTCES CUSTOM MADE malchlng living room and dlin ontm shoors, Ivory wilh gold onaraheers, 25 il. for lIving roon and 10 fI. for dlnlng raom, excellent condition, $550. Phone 668-5180. 0 IMATTRESSES and bux sprlngsaie hait prîce. McKoen Fumiture, 524 Sîmdo Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE -girls figure skates, aize 2, $15. Ctrild slzed sketing helmel, $7. Phone 6801116. 0 VISIT our used .furnIture warehouae by appoinîment. Blg sainga on danke, chairs, fIllng cabinets, etc. Cati OIckson Prîn. tfng & Office Supplies to arrange an appoltmant lu vlew. 6W0. 1968. ELECTROHOME humidifier, 860. Food'processor, Mouluex, harclly ouedl, $55. Phone 668-1328.: CHESTERFIELD ilth mutchlng chair, onesuwIveî chair, $300, wll Joiver. Cali 571-0866. 2EOTYPE press-on latartng now n stuck et Dckson Prlntng & Of. les Supplias. In, the Aax Shop- nîng Plaza. Large salaction of etylas and aines. Why psy more or a eaeUer shoot ut lettering? 'OR SALE dînette tabla, square, hrama legs, seats 6, eupandIng 0 oi 8I, $55. 666-1886. WRIIDAIRE 30" elactit $aoe, ivucado grass, very good con- Iition, $150. Call 433-4689. ISED STORE dtsplay racks for +aIc and carda, Whltby Free HSESTERFIELD siuItes, >içaea1s. sectionais, laga 6hon j rc.Large seleclion. 1, <an umllure, 524 Simcoe t .Oshawa. 725-5181. OFA à CHAIR $30. Cottes Lbte, $35. Sterso stand, -$75. range tub chair, $75. Btack minsi rocker, $90. Tel. Bus. 441. i8,flome3l.9199. rIPEWRITER rentai, many akes and modela, by the eetend, waak or monlh. lacounts avallable. Dickqon rlntlng & Office Supplies ln the eax Plaza. Oeil us for business achîne repaira. 683-1868. 'ANTED. A gond slaady supply Shardwoad loge or Irees diable tor cuttlng and splittlng 10 firawood. 655-8668. ÏDfNSTUUENTSI kMWMOND aielactronluc organ, 2, yboards, aulomnalîc rhythm ctas, .8001 tncîudad, $900. ah Fldelity speaker syslem, 70 Lta, air suspension, 12' ýofer, 511 mîdrange, 3" tweeter, Iliance conîrot 28'xO16"x11', 30 pair. Pioneer boit diîven fur., hIbe, m'agnelle cartrldge, anti- iting and onarhang checker h dusl can er, $75. Phono 668e 18.T SKIS .- 170, boots - 9-10; $85. China cabinet $165. Duncan Phyfe sel, 4 chairs $495. Cheol of drawes$55. 883O.668 1978 0000E Cube van. As sa. Seat ottar. Whlby Frea Press. W88111. EQUIMET ARPASIRIPARTS PIREWOOD LOOS - mleed har- dwood. Dlinered. 12 cord & 6 cord lods. Merrili Barry 705-754- 2258. FIREWOOD FOR SALE, 16" single corda, ail hardwood,- mhaple, blrch, ironwood & oak. $175.00 bush cord. FREE DELIVERV. Ecellent res romonal 'nernicoetai nery roasonablo picen. Cail Paul ai 655-8966. 1979 FORD LTD. as s9, benI offer. 668-3471. 1979 DATSUN 310 OX 5 speed, 63,000 original mles, new paint, TO BUY OR SELL usaid auto pur- ts. Cail 5795344, ank for Henry. SHOW TIRES lwo Uniroyal sIsal balted radial, P185180 R13, $60. Two F7814, $30. Ail iras moun- led on rims. Cali 668-3418. -0e TRUNKS à FLOORS repaired guaranlead 10 pass safely checkn. 6558966 I1DO EXCELLENT body work and peint lobs on enerylhing lrom sports cars la dump truckn aI a npry reanonable rate. 'Ail work dons, from my Pickering home. Oeil Richard for a res estimais. 655-8966 Pickering. PIANO LESSONS ln Whitby on Michael lnd. Eperlsncod, ragistered mals music Isacher. Piano and lheory, att grades. Begînnera or advanced. Adultn mont welcome. Rgiter soon for Jan. 1887. CatI Michel Pouissier 666-1292 atemoons or enenInga. AMIFM sleroo, certifled $1.800 or bonI ofler. Cali65584968. -PLC 1973 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 2 dr., pn,pb, VII,81,000 miles. Rune watt. Some body work. Aaklng ATMBL 608-5m4. A- - =DI LEASING UNEMPLOYED? The Unom- ployed Helap Centre cao assist wilh: Employmant Caunselling, Resumes, Unemploymanî In. auranco, Workrs' Compen- nation, OH.I.P. and weltars In. formation, or crasis relerrals to other agencies. Cali 579-1821. MAN WITH TRUCK wlll deliver lurnîture, help yoa to mons, cdean up back yards and basements and smalt odd jobs. Vory reasonable raies. Cali - 8558966. FURNITURE REFINISHING. On. site repaIrs 10 cigarette burn, scratchas, etc. Pianos, TV, and al olher furolure. ros esîlmalon. 855-8966. SHOW PLOWING, commercial and rosidenlial. Guaranleod good and punclual serice. 7 dsys a waek. SUNLAWN -IAN- OSCAPING & SNOW REMOVAL. 6558966. DOUGOS POWER Sweeping Ser. ice. i will swaep ynur un- derground parking aresaIn con. dominlumo and apurimoni buildingo. Aino idewalks and Parking lots. Cali for (ree estimais. 655-8968. HANDYMAN aaitable, amali repaire, allerallonis and loside painting. Calil668.4348.' Hi! I'm herel i gol here Sunday, December 21, 1986. 'm Danielle SylvIe Nathaile and i welghed ln, at 7 lbs. il oz. My paren- ts, Paul and Cathy Hebert are happy. My grandmothers Joan Hebert and Mary Toffolo are happy, too. SUPPHELIES SELD,RVE SALE/ ENTUPLIES1 SRVIiCERS Vour BEST FRIEND KNOWS... ~ONALS r~i ln this world. theres slwaya room for ana more. Cati your Wlcome Wagon Hosfess now. Phone 666-248 DAY CARE analleola In my noms, babies Includad, nutrillous meals, npacIous playroamns, In- formai lsarsing actinitias. Ask about aur pick-up service, roasonable rates, free bunsy rab- bits for aUlI 0w comars and plan- ly aI pals la play wilh. Cail 655- 8966. We have them Al! in the CLASSIFIEDS The Free Press 668-6111 BABY ITEMS for sale: crlb, $30. i-lghchalr, Sttnercrosse, $50. Change table wllh tub, $25. Dreslng table, $25. Car assaia, SIrotes, $40 as. Double sîrolior, Perego, $100. Fscher Price mobile, $12. Engltsh pram, $40. Phone68.3890. CONGRATULATIONS on your forlhcoming marriago. Paes niew aur samples aI engraned wedding Invilatlons et your amlura In unr Aax Plaza store. Dickson Prinling &Office Sup- pilies, 883-1968. HOBBY SHOP FOR RENT. Handy Man's Dream: New unlurnshed building, heany wood f loor, 12' o 38 on a large loi. You finish the building to suit your needs and deducl ail eoponses frora ranI. $17500 monfhly. Ceolraily located ln Pickerng. 655-8966. STORAGE SPACE location: ac- cous off Hwy. 7 jusl . of Ajax. 5 acres of parking, eocellent for slonlng boals, Itraitea, trucks, campera, raca cars, hunes,, trac- lor, heany machinary, building malerlaîn and other producîn. Also indloor nlorage anallabie. Pencéd ,property weuh ,tocked galas, dally acceas, $196 an- nually. Caîl 655-968. OFFICE' FOR RENT. Very modern,- fuliy furninhed, tsiephons, eleclric hast, 3 acres of parking ln a commercial comn- piso on Hwvy. 7, junt north of Aa Shopping Centre. Alil services ln- cluding advertlsing for only $175.00 monlhly. This privais an- tranco building can asmo ha usad as an art studio. 655-8966. LARGE COMMERCIAL LOT for ranI. Silualed In a commercial compîsu presantly containIng muny work shopn. This Hwy. 7 frontage lot In Pickering onabias you f0 gins salas and service of hsany machinery, amail angines, wslding, landscaping sIc. Commercial signe are psrmitad. $100.00 monlhly includes enow- plowlng, road maintenance, tsas, Insurance, Iandscapiog, advertising, etc. A building can ba erecled on 1h18 commercial lot f0 suit your needs. Caili855-8968. FREE STORAGE & parking for heaoy machinsry, equipmenl, farm implemants, tractars, bulldozers, backhoss, loadars, Iralors, ficla, snow plows, In- dustriel squlpmenl, building malerlals, tirewaod, sowmabilesamall angines, dump trucks, gradsrs, Iraclor- Iralors, etc. Alsoaaalabîs for ranI commercial Iota and worknhaps tram $lSOImanth and up. Ail buildings Insulalad, cament floars and heavy hydro. Localed an a very large commer- ciel compisa with anar one mils of Hwy. 7 frantage ln Pickering lest Norlh oi the Aiex Shopping Centre. This socol lent location anabien yoa 10 gins salon and services ai ail mechanIcal Items. Pisnly of drive-in raffic and ail appropriaIs signe perminnibla. 65".966. A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran- sport drivers needed. Now s9 the time la, train for your ClasA Ilcenno. For presncreening Inter- view and job placement infor- mation, contact Marv Orrs Tran. sport Driver Tralnlng, Brampton UNILINITE D INCOME. Joîn our Malt order program, worfc- il home. For more Infoonatlonsaend $1.00 for pontage and handllng. tc, J & E Enlerprise, Box 39-P, Station M.Tordnto, MS54T2. "GRAMMER for people wha hale grammer", s the ideal pochaI reference book for busines people. 63.95 Par copy and avallable et Dlckaon Prîntlng & Office Supplies In the Aax Plaza. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF NEIL DUNCAN McPHADEN, Labourer with Generai Motors of Canada, deCeased. Creditors and ail other having a dlaim against, the estate of NEIL DUNCAN Mc- PHADEN, late of 406 Centre St reet South, Apartment 106, ln the Town of Whtby Ontario, n the Regional Munlclpallty of Durham, who dled on December 8, 1986, are required to file proof of same with the underslgned on or before the 30 day of January, 1987. Af 1er that date the sald EXecutrix wIli proceed to dîstribute the assets of the estate havlng regard only to the claims of which they Shahl then have notice.. DATEO AT WHITBY, this 22nd day of Decem. ber, 1986. Mrs. Barbara Green' clo HOWARD SCHNEIDER Barrîster and Solicitor 408 BroCk Street South Whltby, Ontario L1 N4K6 furnishad room wilh calarad TV., parking, spacloun grounds. $80 par week. Meals and laundry clsaning asmo'anaîlable. Cati 655-8966. FREE. Drap nIa ithe Dickson U~~gISTRUC IONI PrIntlng and Office Suppiy alors n the Ajax Plaza sran i,'b ,, a LOVINO. MATURE persan rsquired la cars for 8 month-old boy ln my home. Dog lonIng - Raferences requirsd 86-2723 et- ter 4 p.m. Ires copy of the 1986 Mstric Calendar. Prlnted ln twa caloura. Il makes for handy reference. 683-1988. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisernent for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no Iiability regarding loss or damage lierfor inpucto pbeyon heos of t pe aphi BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words;, 12t each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding erros i pulictio beondthecos ofthespae ocuped ddiionl wrd.such replies. We wilI flot be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. adiinlwr..replies flot called for within 30 days. rhe Whitby Free P~ress reserves the right to classify or IN MEM01gAMS, CARDS 0F TýHANKS . $8.00 for the fir- reject ail advertisemnents. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert >ne day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. 7LASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43o per brie (No wi :- -allowed>.ý litional Word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classifîed BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Wd to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiII make 668-6111 PAGE 17 lz i FORRENT ROOM FOR RENT. Neal, fully HELP WANTED Experienced Waiters & Waitresses Apply in person at: The Ranch Steak House 89 Commercial Avenue Ajax e

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