WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7,1987 PAGE 17 -. WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ~~irirri A[I~ VLP EUI ML) IkLiQV Il c 'ARTICLES .,ARTICLES ' Ij"' OODT'I AN"""MOIVE'1-Ni]""""' ..- FOR SALE FOR SALE LUBEIREIPARTS SERICESFREIIRENT TRINING J $M$ACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ USED DESKS, files, storage MIXED HARDWOOD LOGS for TO BUY OR SELI used auto par- UNEMPLOYED? The Unem- HOBBY SHOP FOR RENT. Handy buildings prIced for Immediate cabinets, stackIng, office chairs, f rewood. Double Losds 12 cord. ta. Cail 579-5344, ask for Henry. ployed Heip Centre cen assiat Man's Drean: New unfurnlshed Ivn liquidation. Ail Items ln stock. steel adjustabie ahsivlng, store Merrli Barry (705) 754-2258. West _______________ with: Empioyment Counseling, building, heavy wood floor, 12' x, 28x40x14 $3,996. 40x6Oxl4 dispisys, Blairs New & Used, 21 Guilford. SNOW TIRES two Uniroyat steel Resumes, Unempioyment In- 36' on a large lot. You finish the $6,500. 46x80x14 $9250. Alex Ave. Woodbridge, Phone ______________ beited radial, P185180 R13, $60. aurance, Workers' Compen- building 10 suit your needa and .RAVEL&TOURISM 5 70x9Ox24 $21,789. Varlous sizes (41) 851-8160. Near Hwy. 7 & 400. FIREWOOD FOR SALE, 16" Two F78-14, $30. Ail tires moun- sain0...P n efr i- ddoDi epne rmret 1 C MS 1 f~avalable up to 120 ft. wlde. Fac- Mon.-Frl. 9-5. Sat. 10-1. sîngi 'e corda aitl hardwood- ted on rima. Cali6683418. fomton rciasrfrri $15L onhy enrly *WR RCESIN tnrv drect cân.an - Rrnâ a i j,,,.- l ,.,,, t& n1,S0- otheragencles. Call579-1821. iocatedIn Pickering. 655-8966. *LEGALIMEDICALSEC. buyers only. Ail buildings priced for Immediate deilvery cali toil- frea 1-800387-2115 or 1.416.58. CUSTOM MADE matching living room and dinlnig. roomn sheers, Ivory wth goid overahears, 25 ft. for living room and 10 fI. for dlnlng roomn, excellent condition, $55: Phone 6685 180. MATTRESSES and box aprînga at haif prIce. McKeen Furniture, 524 Slmcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE girls figure skates, sîze 2, $15. Chlid alzed skating heimet, $7. Phone 668-1116. WATER PROBLEMS? In- troduclnd New Technology for treating wells & cîsterne, offering Bouce to faucet protection throughout entire water ayatem. RUSY. .. SMELLY . - BAD TASTING . . .WATER, bacteria, atalning, & more. No sait or mneasy chemcai.. . maintenan- ce fra. Ses the rasuits for your- self wth our 8month triai offer. >Cali now tollfree 180026&.2656 or wrte Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Rd., Missisauga, Ont. Ares code 807 cail 141624-4344 (coliect). ELECTROHOME humidifier, $80. Food processor, Moulinex, hardiy ýused, $55. Phone 86&81328. 1'xlO' GREENHOUSE, $149. 1000W Moel Hailde $195. Plus 10,000 gardenlng producta. Great "prîces.- Send $2. for lnfo-pack. Western Water Farms, 1244. Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. .ýV6B 3N9. (604) 682U.686 CHESTERFIELD wth matching chair, one swivel chair, $300, wilI delîver. Cali 571-.0866 SOFA à CHAIR $30. Coffee table, $35. Sterso stand, $75. Orange tub chair, $75. Back swlvei rocker, $90. Tel. Bus. 441- 7869, Home 831-9199. STEEL BUILDING WINTER WORKS SPECIAL HeIp us keep factory busy during slow wlnter monthe - Save thousanda - avoid up-coming price Increases llmlted steel Phone PloneerlEconospan 1-800-387- 6898. FRIGIDAIRE 30" etectrlc stove, avocado green, very good con- dition, $150. Cali 433-4689. l USED STORE dlsplay racks for books and carda, Whitby Free Press, 868-611. CHESTERFIELD suites, lovaseats. sectionals, lasa than .1h pre. Large seiectlon. McKeen Furnîture.,524 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. MICRO FURNACE spaca aga heater. Reduce heating coats. Get rid of those hard to hast arasa. Have hast where and when you need ItL For fIres demon- stration cali 683-2638. CHICAGO a, pan brake $2,950. Brake diese $30 par ft. Rigld No. 400A Threader $2300; Wickstaed power hacksaw $500; WANTED: 4x16' and 3x12' Syrup Evaporatora. Martins Metai Shop, R.R. 3 Walenstein, ont. NOB 2S0 (519) 669-8400. FOR SALE dînette table, square. chrome legs, sass 6, expanding bo seat 8, $55. 666-1896. SIX MENS SUITS, size 42. In good condition. A reai buy at $20 each. Phone 723-5636. VISIT our used furniture warehouse by appoinîment. Big savings on deaka, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Oeil Dickson Prîn- tIng &, Office Supplies to arrange an appointment to view. 683- 1968. GEOTYPE press-on iettering now n stock aI Dckson Prlnting & Of- tilcs Supplies In the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and sizes. Why psy more for a amalaer sheet of letterlng? 683-1968. BUYENLJ TYPEWRITER rentai, many makes and modela, by the' weekend, week or month. Dscounts avaiabîs. Dickson Printing & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machine repairs. 683-1968. WANTED. A good steady aupply of hardwood logé or trees sultabte for cuttlng and spiitting Into f lrewood. 655-896. OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED, any make - Mens only, one or one hundred. Old Roiex wrlstwatches wanted. Also wanted Estons "Quarter Century" square wrist- watches 25 ysars service). Wiii psy $750 and Up for thia watch. WiII aiso buy atrepa, crystais, parts etc. for oid wristwatches. 1- 416-365-7240 or wirite B. Walsh, 173 Ousen St. E., Toronto, ont. M5A 1S2. KISUPPLIES Il&RESRSORTS LODGE TO LODGE SKI TOURS. 5-day x-country skling through Haliburton Highands. Includes Accommodation & measaet 5 resorta. Jan. & Feb. '87. (705) 754- 2800, R.R. 1, Haliburton, Ontarlo KOM iSO. SKIS - 170, boots - 9-10; $85. China cabinet $195. Duncan Phyfe set, 4 chairs $495. Cheat of drewera $55. 683-6638. MENS downhiil skia - Persenico - red. Boots - Tyrol - Red - ize 10. Colt poes 50" - Red. $60. 668- 5 DAYS of apectecular acenery cruising Rideau or Trent-Severn Waterways on comfortsble cruise shlp KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. Write Ontario Waterweys Cruiaes. Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. $17500 bush cord. FREE DELIVERY. Excellant Iree removal service et very reasonabie-prlces. Cati Paul ai 655-8966. $25-30. 668-2504. i PURR LOTS. For ragular vic- tuais val cere - tender lovin' hugs werm home. Back 'n white, walting 4 u. 668-3190 eveninga. 1982 LYNX VERY GOOD CONDITION 1 LADY OWNER, $2500 or b.o. 1979 FORD LTD. as la, basf offer. 668-3471. 1979 PATSUN 310 GX 5 speed, 63,000 original miles, new peint, AMIFM stereo, certif led $1 ,800 or best offer. Cail 655-8966. 1978 DODGE MONACO, air con- dltioning. V8, pa, pb, $750 as la. 666-2911. 77 THUNDERBIRD. Good runnlng condition. $500 as la. 924 Brock St. N. before 6 p.m. 1973 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 2 dr., pa, pb, V8, 81,000 miles. Runs weli. Some body work. Aaking $350. 668-5040. 72 DODGE SWINGER, 6 cyl., auto, pa, pb, runs weii. $300 or bo. 436-0538. FOR SALE 1975 DODGE Cube van. As la. Bes1 offer. Whitby Free Press. 668-6111. AVEL1 E~RVICES FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much teC or ara not u..l- .11 t. f-IS a nutun ilhl Phone us to-dayl Appolntment times evaleabie to proceas 1986 tex rturna ln your home. Farmn Business Consultants, 2109 Ox- ford St. E., London, Ont. N5V 2Z. Cail tolifrea 1-800-265-1002. In business year-round for ovar 35 years. TRUNKS & FLOORS repaired guaranteed to pasa safety checks. 6558W66 I Do EXCELLENT body work ai paint jobs on everything fiom sports cars to dump trucks at a very reasonabie rate. Ail work done from my Pickering home. Cali Richard for a free estimate. 8558988 Pickering. MUSICAL HAMMOND eiectronic organ, 2 keyboards, automatic rhythm section, stool inciuded, $900. High Fideiity speaker system, 70 watts, air suspension, 12" woofer, 5" midrange, 3" tweeter, brlliiance control 28"x16"xll", $160 pair. Pioneer beit driven tur- niable, magnetic cartridge, anti- skating and overhang checker with dust cover, $75. Phone 668- 4098. LOWREY ORGAN, double keyboard, wlbench, soild wood $495. 436-0538. PIANO LESSONS ln Whltby on Michael Bivd. Experianced, registered maie music teacher. Piano and theory, ail grades. Beginnera or advanced. Aduts moat weicome. Register soon for Jan. 1987. Cali Michel Peiissier 666.1292 afiernoons or eveninga. q PESONLS PORTRAITS. Done from photos. Sarina Cannella. 668-8807. DO YOU KNOW Donna of Whit- by? Huaband going to 13-C. Coiieen Gaiien's daughter. Works for the aged. Please cati Mrs. Thomas 68661025. ADULT VIDEOS Get this month's LUSTY LADY at $19.95 and gel our No. 1 best seller et 112 prîce 11 Caii toit free to order 1-800-663-7934 Give _ UNICEF < gifts and cards and help a child Contact. t*nicer Canada i' 443 Mt. lassant Rd. Toronto, Ont. M4S 21-8 Or call UNICEF Canada (toI (free? 1 Ã00O26&.6364 ifr 8C 1128026tb.6Yj4t MAN WITH TRUCK wIIl dellver furniture, help you to move, dlean Up back yards and basements and amail odd jobs. Very reasonable rates. Calil - 655-8966. FURNITURE REFINISH-ING. On- site repaira to cigarette burna, scratches, etc. Pianos, TV, and ail other furniture. Free estimates. 655-8966. ADVERTISING SERVICES. Dispiay posters piaced ln ail 64 shopping centres from Pickering to Bowmanviite. Dispiay your services or producta for sale. We suppiy posters. 10% commission only. No sale, No commission. Calil 655-8966. SNOW PLOWING, commercial and residentiai. Guaranteed good and punctuai service. 7 days a week. SUNLAWN LAN- DSCAPING & SNOW REMOVAL. 655-8966. DOUG'S POWER Sweeping Ser- vice. i wiII sweep your un- derground parking aras ln con- dominiums, and apartment buildings. Aiso sidewalka and parking lots. Cali for free esîlmate. 6558966. HANDYMAN availabie, amali repaira, alterations and Inside painting. Cal 668-4348. SECRETARIAL SERVICES. TypIng, telephone answering etc. Dons professioneiiy ai very reesonabie rates. Cali 65"-966. SERVICES DAYCARE avalabie ln my home. Hot mesis. Cali after 6 p.m. 666- 3825. DAY CARE avaleable In my home, babies Inciuded, nutritioua meais, spaclous psyrlooma, in- formai Iearning activities. Ask about our pick-up service, reasonabie rates, free bunny rab- bita for ail new comera and plen- ty 0f pets to play wlth. Cali 655- 8966. BABYNEDS BABY ITEMS for sasie: crib, $30. Highchair, Sivercrosse, $50. Change table wlth tub, $25. Dressing table, $25. Car cas, Stroiee, $40 as. Double atroîler, Perego, $100. Fiacher Price mobile, $12. Englleh pram, $40. Phone 668-3990. ANNOUNENTS CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming merriege. Pieasse view our semplea of engraed wedding Invitations et your leleure ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dickson Printing & Office Sup- plilas, 683-1968. STORAGE SPACE location: se- cas off Hwy, 7 jusi N. of Ajax. 5 acres of parking, excellent for storlng boats, trailera, trucks, campera, race cars, buses, trac- tors, heavy machinery, building materiais and other producta. Aiso Indoor atorage availabie. Fenced property with Iocksd gates, daiiy accesa, $150 an- nualiy. Cail 655-8966. COMMRCIL P~1ROPERTYU V J FOR SALE/RENTN OFFICE FOR RENT.. Very modern, fully furniahed, telephone, electrIc hat, 3 acres of parking ln a commercial com- piex on Hwy. 7, jusl north of Ajax Shopping Centre. Ail services ln- ciuding 'advertislng for only $17500 monthly. This private an- trance building cen aiso be uaed as an art studio. 655-8966. LARGE COMMERCIAL LOT for rent. Situated ln a commercial complex preaantiy containing msny work shopa. This Hwy. 7 frontage lot ln Pickering enabies you 10 give salies and service of heavy mechinery, oamait angines, weiding, iandacaping etc. Commercial igne are permltted. $100.00 monthîy Includea anow- A CAREER IN TRUCIKING. Tian- sport drivers needed. Now la the lime* to train for your.Clase 'ýA Ilcense. For .pre-screening Inter- view end lob placement Infor- mation, contact Merv Orr's Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-800-265-1260. EARN MONEY processlng mail., Details, send 'seif-addressed sampsd envelope to: C.R. Kmrrit- te Associstes, 401 Wentworth St., W., Unit 31, Oshawa, Ont. W1 taxes, inaurance, lsndacaping, DISTRIBUTORS ",4 Machines". advertlsing, etc. A building cen possibiy ending crankcase or be erected on 1h18 commercial lot hydraulic oul changes for sny size to suit your needs. Cail 655-8966. angines. $25 *investment. An- ___________________ . thony Copeman, P.Eng. Calgary 1 FREE- STORAGE & parking.-for-* (403> 258-1858,- (403) 988.4186 heavy machinery, equipmfent, evening & weekends. farm -impiemenits, tractors, bulldozers, backhoes, loaders-,_ RIELIABLE -REMOTE POWER. trailors, filas, snow,,plbw-s, ln- 'ARCO POWER - SYSTEM S can dustriai equlpmeint, buildng provIde economIcai eIecetriclty 10 f mtrai, fI.rewoà od, cabins, homes,, ranches' and "-nwmobiles, amali angines, resorta. 0811 today for diaiership dump trucks, graders, tractor- Information. PHOTRON traliors. etc.Also avaliable for CANADA. Box 136, Coilinton, rent commercial iota and Aita. TOG ORO. (403) 675-2586. workahops from $150/month and ______________ Up. _Ail buildings insulated, CASH ln on INCOME TAX. Earn cament flborsasnd heavy hydro. monsy; Ieam money-eavlng tax Located on a very large commer- ips by correspondence. U & R ciel compiex with over one mile Schoois, 1345 Pembina Hwy., of Hwy. 7 frontage ln Pickering Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2136 for free juat North of the Ajax Shopping brochure. Centre. This excellent location ______________ enables you to give sales and BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 services of ail mechanical Items. hours of Instruction. Next«Claea Pienty of drive-in traffic and ail March 14-29t. Contact South- appropriate signa permissibie. western Ontario School of Auc,- 655-8966. tioneerIng, P.O. Box 145, In- BUSINESS FOR SALE. Grocery convenlence store, centrally loceted in, Plckering on Hwy. 7. New building - $500.00 monthly rent. Fixturea - $500000. Stock - $5,000.00. Csii 655-8966. 3936, (519) 537-2115. FREE: 1986 guide to atudy-st- home correspondance Diploma courses for preatiglous careers: Accountlng, Air conditioning, Bookkeeplng, Business, Cosmetoiogy, Electronica, LegallMediai Secretary, Psychoiogy, Travai, Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1- 800-268-1121. EXCELLENT Career Oppor- tunities avaliebie. Enrol n the Hardwood Lumber Inspection 16- week program sponsored by the Canada Empioyment Centre, et Sir Sanford Fleming Coleges Heliburton Campus. Progrem starts Feb. 2. For more Infor- mation ceil (705) 457-1680. PETS& OFFICE SUPPLIES lu -SUPLIERS] CANARIES.- Femnale and maie. L WANT ADS Work Wondrsi J ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemeflt for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whtby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic ITS ETS-$.0frth is 0 od;1tec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BdiRTHS, DA THl 7 o h is 0 words;1<ec such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies-not called for within 30 days. The -Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- rejeet ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one' day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43; per lune. (No wodads allowed). CL ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wilI make 6861 668la -111