Whitby Free Press, 21 Jan 1987, p. 8

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PAGES8 WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1987 Ancalab w"Il doublein size. Construction will begin in April on a $15-million expansion te An- calab, a pharmaceutical -manufacturmng plant ini Whitby. "The demnand for our product lias put strains on ai lareas in- cluding offices, manufacturing, warehouse, laberatory and even parking," says general manager David enison.* Whitby council gave appreval te a site plan last Monday niglit. The expansion wlil increase the lab almost twe-fold, fromn 79,913 square feet to 147,243 square feet. Located, in Whitby, on Con- sumers Drive since 1973, Ancalab is an extensien of Sandez Mica. The parent company is located in Dorval, Quebec. "But we like te, think a lot of things happen because we're here in Whitby," says Denison. Demisen says the expansion is a direct result ef the federal gover- nment sliowing signs of better patent protectiens. , A first reading of the bill lias aiready been approved. Denison says he doesn't know when third and final reading wil be ap- proved. Besides produclng prescription prodùcts for Sandoz, Ancalab aise, produces Triaminic, which is a decongestant liquid, and Neo Citran. "This should be the most up-te- date plant i the ceuntry when the expansion is finislied," says Denisen. The expansion sliould crate an additional 50 jobs within the next twe years. The company now employs 130 people. GROUP OPPOSES TRITIUM TRANSPORTATION 'Moral stand'w wntedý A plea by two mem- bers ef Durham Nuclear Awareness for Whitby council to take a 'moral stand' on the transpor- tation of tritium- contaminated Water feUl on deaf ears at an operatielis committee meeting Monday niglit. Lynn Bates and Gail Cockburn, both from Whitby, asked c ommit- tee members te support a reselution asking. On- tarie Hydre te stop transporting the water along the 401 frof- Bruce and Pickering Nuclear facilities te Darlington. A tritium removal facility' is located at Darlington. "Whitby council should take a moral stand," said Cockburn. Councillor Ross Bat- ten, chairnian of the comnumttee, 1teld the- representativeathat On- tarie Hydre is provin- cial jurisdiction. He then said he didn't know if Whitby ceuncil should "adopt a resolution èhallenging provincial decisions. " But. ceuncillor Joe Drumm disagreed. He argued that if an ac- cident was to occur in Whitby, the Whitby f ire department and support personnel would be in- volved. "We will be up front," he said. "If this is preven te, me- te be wreng and dangereus then. we ,should tell the province net te ceme threugli here." Cockburn pointed eut that Ontario Hydre has ne specific routes fer the trucks te aveid the population. She said the simple answer te the preblem is to build tritium removal facilities at Bruce and s ROYAL CANADIAN The Royal Canadian Sea Cadets 'ýý226 Whltby are always looking for students both maie and female between the ages of 13 f0 18 who would like a challenge and just a whole lot of fun. WE OFFER: Seamanship, Sailing, Canoeing, Power Boating, Pilotage, Ropework, Sports, Swimming, Drill Teams, Riflery, Venture Training, Water Safety, Wholesome Fun, New Friends, Day and Weekend Outings, Summer Camps, Courses and Cruises, Band,, and much more. t's all CO-educational for young adults, AND ALL 0F IT IS FREE! Al[we ask is for your time and ef fort. **FREEUNUFORM ** **NOUS* *FREETRAVEL ** ThtFewMEETINGS: Each Wednesday The ftuf rom 7 to 9 p.m. hé AT: The WhitbyBoat House The. rou on Front Street Thatse Us. « Royal Canadian Sea Cadets We challenge you to enter into the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Programme. Pickering. "They tell us it's per- fectly safe but they *can't guarantee it, " said Bates. - Committée members *heard that one- twentieth of a gram of tritium is" fatal while one-biilionth of à gram can cause cancer. Cockburn said On- tario Hydro plans- to remove 2.5 kg. a year of tritium. But councillors said they could not ap- prove the resolution without hearing fromn Ontario Hydro.1 'II don't know if your. information is fact," said Batten. i"Maybe.. there are 40,00 people out there that like tritium being transported and net stored," lie saîd. Committee eventuallyv decided te wait for a report from* Durham Regional coundil on the matter before making a decision. Councillor Drumm opposed the motion. Thomas Carter, radioactive mater*«Ials management engineer for Ontario Hydre, says transportation of the heavy water wiil begin ini April, after test runs of regular water in February or March. Specially designed trucks have been built by Ontario Hydro at a cost of $500,000 each. The trucks will each carry up te 35 gramns of tritium in twe 4,900-litre cylinders of* heavy water. Trucks will make one run a day frem the Pickering nuclear pewer plant te Darlîngten, five days a week. Shipments frem the. Bruce nuclear power station, about 200 kilomnetres northwest of Toronto, will begin next year. Carter described the heavy water containers on the trucks as "super- imD:D DURHAM accident resistant packages that can withstand the worst kind of accidents.?," As an example, he said they - could withstand a crash into a bridge abutment at 100 km. an hour, as wel as withstand fire or sub- mersion in water. "No one else lias built one (the package) like this anywhere i the World, Carter told The Feree Press. He said 'the truck- cylinder package has, also received the ap- proval of the Atomic Energy Control Board and is subject to tran- sportation of dangerous goods regûlations. "What we're doinig is an extremely regulated activity," he said, ad- ding that Hydro's ac- cident 'record, ln driving "is mucli better than the industry standard." The tritium-removal fadility at Darington cost $120 million. Car- ter said one of the reasons Hydre decided to build the facility at Darlington was because- it was easier to make the heavy water management building at the site larger to ac- commodate tritium- removal while the building was still being constructed. He said Hydro aise .chose Darlington since the Pickering power station is a smailer site and mwuld mean "a tight fit." if a . tritium- removal facility was: te be located there.- He said Hydro would aise have to justlfy the extra cost of constructing a, trltium-removal facility at the Pickering plant,. in addition tLà theý Darlingtofl plant. Heavy water is used, in «the Candu reactor and coileets tritium,14 byproduct of nulear- energy, as it flows through the reactor. <At1 the tritium-- removal plant, 'heavy, water is frozen and' distiiled untll ea purer, form of tritium is ex-- tracted. The Darlixigton plant can refine up to 2,500 grams of tritium a' year. for $10,000 a gram fer industrial use, fusion researchi or in medicine. But Ontario Hydre lias net decided whether the tritium will be sold. A licence is also required from the Atomic Energy Control Board. Tritium is. used in fusion researchi in the United States,- Britain, France, West Germany and Japan.' There lias aise been limited comn- mercial use of tritiumwin the past 15 years, in the U.S. and Europe, said Carter. He said, fer example, that tritum can be used in more northerly areas, as markers on airport runways. Thickson Road to stay open, during recenstruction Thicksen Rd. wil remain open sliould reconstruction. be carried eut this year as planned. Improvements will be made te the road from Dundas St. te Crawforth St.,, according te the Durhiam Region road censtruction pregram. Regional works com- inittee chairman Gerry Emm, in response te a question about the preject by Whitby coun- ciller Tom Edwards at last week's regional council session, said Thicksen would net* be clesed. PUBLIC NOTICE< THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM IN THE MATTER 0F: The Municipal Act, Sections 298 and 301 (R.S.0. 1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council et the Regional Municipality of Durham may pass by-iaws authonlzIng construction et the following prpjects: ROAD ROAD NO. NAME 12 Cameren Street 26 Thickson Road 60 Wentworth Street MUNICIPALITY Brock LOCATION New culvert at Lot 16, Concession XII te Crawforth Street plus improvements at Thickson Road - Dundas Street Intersection Oshawa Intersection with Cedar and Gen- Streets. Plans showing details of the projects and the lands affected may be seen at the office et the Road Design Engineer of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Telephone 668-7721. Works Committee, belng deiegated by Regional Council as the hearlng body*, shail hear ln person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person, whe dlaims his or her land wiil be prej udicaily affected by the by -laws1 and who applies on or before February 13, 1987, te the underslgned te be heardat a meeting et the Works Committee on February*117, 1987. Dated at Whitby this l4th day et January, 1987. G. Emm Works Committee Chairman, W.A. Tweivetrees, P. Erig. Commissioner ef Works I* Canadian Radie-television and Telecom munications Commission Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes NOTICE CRTC -Public Notice 1987-11. The Commission has received ap- plications from the cable licensees listed ln this notice to amend' their' licences by condition of licence to be reilieved from the require ment that TVO's new French-language service, La Chaîne fiancaise, be carried on the basic band (channeis 2 te 13). lnst ead they would make the signal avalable on their basic service package. TVO has-indicated It will not object to converter-based carrnage 'in areas that were not designated by the Ontario government to receive French-language service s. 10. Rogers Cable TV Limted, Oshawa, Bowmanviile and Whitby and surrounding area, Ont. (863247300), 301 Marwood Drive, Oshawa. The compiete text of this notice and the application may be viewed at CRTC, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Chaudiere, 1 Promenade du Portage, Room Sr61, Hull, Quebec. Interventions must be f1lied %Nith the Secretary Generai, CRTC, Ot- tawa, Ont. Ki A 0N2, with proot thai a copy has been served on the applicant on or before 16 Februairy 1987. For more information you may aise cali the CRTC Public Hearings Branch at (819) 97-1328 or 997-1027, CRTC Information Services ln Hull at (819) 997-0313. Canadfà i r

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