PAGE 16, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY-28,1987 A nderson juniors remain unheaten Henry Street High School girls' volleyball teams are havmng good seasons thus far, led by the un- defeated junior squad. The juniors, colcbed by Tom Buchanan, have five wins in regular season play as well as championabips in tournaments at Osbawa's Eastdale Colegiate and MeMaster University in Hamilton. "Everybody on tbe team is competent - we just don't have weak point, " says Buchanan. "My firat six are ail good." The six - Charmamne Nelson, Angela Kane, Andrea Enwright, Julie Papousbek, Julie. Parker and Vanessa Alton - make Henry a solid choice for, LOSSA and COSSA titles.. Members of the junior team made up last year's midget feamn wbich won both., LOSSA and COSSA. Buchanan and bis powerful team wiibe trying for tbeirtbird tournament win in Wexford this week before completing the regular season. Henry's senior girls team bas tbree wins and tbree losses in regular play. Tbey're first-year seniors," says coacb Jay Smitb of ber teani -members. "'Se they're flot doing - ropi * badlly." Havmng good seasons are Melamie Verriet and Chris Wad- deil, wbile Sheri Naulls and Lisa Papoushek are strong bittera. The seniors, who have two games remaining in the regular season, will participate ini tour- naments Feb. 6-7 and on Feb. 21. Leo Plue's midget team may be made Up of inexperienced Gr. 9 students but tbey boast a record of four wins and two loases thus far in regular season play. Mieele Parton and Heather Van Patter are among the top performers for the Henry midget squad wbicb competes in a tougb division. Tournament -at Henry Twelve teams will take part in a midget girls voileybail tour- nament at Henry Street Higb Scbool Saturday, Feb. 7. Teama from Aurora, Sutton, Fenelon Fails, Belleville, Ajax and Oshawa as well as Witby's Anderson CVI, will participate. The host team from Henry Street has four wins and two basses in regular season play. Henry St. tearns look toplayoffs in basketball Henry Street Higb Scbool senior boys basketball team bas a record of two wins and four basses as it beada into tbe home stretcb of regular season action. Coacb Pat Puckneil's team, facing tougb op- position in the bighly competitive secondary achool league, will meet Stephen Leacock achool, a top Metro Toronto teani, this week in an Oshawa tournament. AI Gibson and Chris Fowlie are the team's outatanding players.- The Henry junior boys team bas one win in seven regular season games, mostly due to poor second bail play in each game. "We've actually been close in most games,"1 says coacb Vic Fuke. "But in the third and fourtb quarters, tbings go wrong. " The. juniors were scheduled to play in NHL oldti mers visit Pickering NHL Oldtimers, in- chuding Eddie Shack, Ron *Ellis, RodSeiing, Biily Harris, Andy Batbgate and Rene Robert, will pbay tbe cure And as your AUTOPRO 7 specialist 1 offer yu p.afree inspection and estimate * a national GUARANTEE on y our brakes, as long as you own your car. R.J. PhiIIips Auto Repairs Inc 303 Mary Street Whitby, Ontario Li N 2P6 Tel: 668-1616 , 107-B3 Warren Street- Whitby, Ontario Li N 2C4 Tel: 430-0298 ALJTOPRO - -:, tbree upcoming 'tour- naments wbere tbeywil play top Durbam Region teams as weil as tougb opposition from Toronto. Coach Fuke la Op- timistic -about bis team's chances in playoffs. "We can -play with just about anybody," be says. Brad Chalmers bas bad some good games as centre, while Ruas Culpopper is a steady guard. Warren Milburn bas been a "«pleasant surprise," aays Fuke. The midget squad from Henry Street High Scbool bas four wins and three busses tbis season, but eacb of those lusses was by leas than a five- point margin. "We've got a good team," says coach Ken Semanski. "And corne playoff time, anything *can bappen. " Henry bast by four points to O'Neill, a game in wbicb they once bad a 17-point lead, and lost tu Donevan by one point and to Dwyer by three pointa. Forward Jason Mur- phy and guard Peter Brackenbury, 5th returning midgets, are tbe team's standouts. .Chris Van Clief is also a valuable performer, says coacb Semanski. "He's one of the beat defensive players in the' league," the coach says of Van Clief. "He is very, very quick. " Darren Johnson ia also described as an im- preasive player for bis ail-out "bustle" as for- ward. «I bave a good group Of guys," says Seman- ski, a first-year coach after co-coacbing with Leo Plue hast year. Whitbyie hockey resuits MINOR ATOMS JANUARY 10, 1987 Cbecker's Variety..3 Pickering.........i1 Andre Marois Wayne Primeau Jlm Brown JANVARY 11, 1987 Checker's Variety. -. .. 5 Thornhill ......... 3 Wayne Primeau............4. Jon Rtacicot MAJOR NOVICE JANUARY 17, 1987 Nash Aluminum . Markham......... 4 Brian Lodge .............. 2 Steve BMais Matt Cardweli ATOM 'AA' JANUARY 5,1987 Whitby Algoma Orch. .7 Oshawa........... 3 Scott MacDoneil........... 3 Brandon Knight............i1 Sandy Cohen ..............i1 Mark Babony.............. i Jason Bonnyman........... i JANUARY 6,1987 Whitby Algoma,....4 Newmarket....... 2 Ian Armour ............... 2 Jason Bonnyman...........i1 Wayne Primeau ...........1 JANUARY 8,1987 Wbitby Algoma ...12 Orillia Brian Medeiroe ........... 3 Mark Babony ............. 2 Paul Moore ............... 2 r...niî"ô- so ****j»* . J jmre.................i Brandon Knight............1 Ian Armour ...............i1 Jason onnyman ...*........i1 ... . .. . . JANUARY 11,'1987 Wbitby Algoma...3 Pickering.........O0 Sandy Cohen ..............1 Scott MacDoneil...........i1 Jason Bonnyman...........i1 Shutout: Jay Stewart JANUARY 12, 1987 Whitby Algoma...4 King City Brian Medeiroe ............ 2 Mark Babony .............1 Jason Bonnyman...........1 JANUARY 14, IP87 Whitby Algoma ...4 Thé rnhill .........-3 Brian Medeiros............1 DavidLylyk ..............1 Brett R.ayne ..............i1 Scott MacDoneli ...........i1 JANUARY 15. 1987 *Pickering Kinsmen od timers' in. a cbarity bockey game at the Pickering recreational complex at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 7. Proceeda from the game will support the drive to find a cure for cystic fibrosis. The, gaine is being played i memnory of Kevin Den- bok, a young singer- musician wbo porfor- med to raise funda to figbt cystic fibrosis before bis recent deatb from tbe disease. i bURHAM TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regionai Municipality of Durham may pass by-Iaws authorizing construction of the followlng projeots: ROAD ROAD NO. -NAME 12 Cameron Street 26 Thickson Road 60 Wentworth Street MUNICIPALITY Brook LOCATION New cuivert at Lot 16, Concession XII Whitby From Highway 2 (Dundas Street) to Crawforth Street plus improvements at Thickson Road -Dundas Street Intersection Oshawa Intersection wlth Cedar and Glen Streets Plans showing details of the projects and the lands affected may be seen at the office of the Road Design Engineer of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Telephone 668-7721. Works Committee, being deîegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, shahl hear ln person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his or her land wIi be prejudicalîy affected by the by-Iaws and who applies on or before February 13, 1987, to the undersigned to be heard at a meetîngýof the Works Commîttee on February 17, 1987. Dated at Whitby this l4th day of January, 1987. G. Emm Works Committee Chairman W.A. Tweîvetrees, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works Whitby Algoma... 4 Mark Babony .............1 JamiePogson ............. Jason Bonnyman...........i David Lylyk ..............i1 JANUARY: Whitby Algoma ... Brian Medeiros............i1 Pickering.........i1 20, 1987 Unionville ......... 1.. Soccer rep team try-outs begin 1987, the 2lst anniver- sary of the Wbitby - Iroquois Soccer Club, should be -an exciting year. Preparations for 1987 have already begun by registering 30 coaches in tbe Level 1 training course, and by-running winter development sessions foï r atoi -iïid mosquito youtbs. Plans for 1987 include a rep major mosquito tour- nament i May and an open select atoni bouse league tournament in Auguat. A soccer festival is planned for in September for al Durhami select teama. Rep. team try-outs will begin Feb. 1 at An- derson CVI and house league registration wilh take place Saturday, Feb. 28th at the Whitby Public Library from. 10 a.m. to 2p.m. PUBLIC NOTICE THE REGUONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM IN THE MATTER OF: The Municipal Act, Sections 298 and 301 (R.S.0. 1980) ........... 5 l