Whitby Free Press, 28 Jan 1987, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WHIY PUÉE PR'ESSWEI)NÉSbDÀYi, ÀAIAY'28,1987 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ~~C S ~iER __ __~HELP 1~ hitby -los _________ RAINING iAIA?1TEm DE-TENDEES Whitby Mr. Grocer _______________ tI1-ADICS iARGEST atoms lost to Port Dover SECRETARIAL SERVICES. Typing, toiephione anaworing etc. Done professionaiiy at VorY roasonabie rates. Oeil 655-8966. TREE REMOVAL SERVICE. We wiii cut down aid and dangerous troos et vory reasonabie prices. Oel Paul 655-8968. Froe estimatos. PAPERHANaîNfC & Fabric waiis with a femniine touch. 10 Yoars oxperienco, f ree estimates. Professionai job ai reesonabie rates. COeil 519-622. B0ATHTUB -REFINISHING. i wiii1 corne into your home and com- pietoiy refinish your bathtubs & sinke, restoring thom beck toaa btter than new condition ln eny cofour with e six ý(6) year guaran- tee for as littie as oniy $275.00. Oeil Dan 655-968.- WINDSHIELDS sa SUNROOFS. . cen put e new windahioid In your vehicie In 1e then an hour whiie you wait: pay your $2500 déduc- tibie, deai directiy wiih your ln- surence compeny: give. You $1000 woth of fr00 ges et my ehop. i uïd duplate gises' and give a lifeime written werranty. Oelim rnfor good service,655.- 8966. PHOTOQRAPHIC PROCESSING services. Back and white films doveioped' and contected $6.50 per film, -36mm 'or 120. Eniargements.5x7 63.00p es., 8xl10 $5.00 es. Folio Photogrephice 666-2528. BUSINES 0 P OTIIdRESTUITIES 1969 GMC -CHIp TRUCK. Fuiiy çquIppodi - threefIrYers, fridge, freezer, 3 sinke, etc. Large awnI ng. Cen bo vlewod enytime. 6,500.00 f rm. Oeil 655-966. MAAIL ORDER PROFITS cen bo yours wthout oxperience or big Investment of time or money. Ex- citing progrem gels YOu started fasti Free detalla write: Jamie Flschor, 4M36Brtieti Court, Burlinglon, Ontario L7L 1Z9. Excltlng HOME SECURITY BUSINESS. OouId be your door to excellent profitseand personai socurity. For details on becoming a deaer contact Boit SecuritY SySteme, 1251 Northside Road, BurIngton, Ont. L7M lH7 or phono (416) 336-7747. SUSy CHIp TRUCK business ioceted ecrose Poat Office- $1 5,000 f 1rm. 668-3592. EA1IN MONEY processIng mail. Dtails, sond self.addressed, stamped ae'nveiope ta: CAR Burridgo Assacietes, 401 Wefl- tworth St. W., Unit 31, Oshawa, Ont. WL1 . UNLIMITED INCOMI. Join aOur matil order Progrim, wark et home. For more Information send 8$1.0, for postage and handllflg ta j & E EnterprIse, BOX 39Pb Station M, Toronto, MOS 4T2. A CAREERAIRUCKING. Tran-, sport drivers needed. Now la theý time. ta train for your Clae sA licenso. For pre-screenfing Inter- view and lob pacement infor- mation, contact Merv Orr'a Trpn- sport Driver Training,. Brarnpton 1800-265-1260. UNEMPLOYED? The Unem- pioyed Heip Centre can assiet wth: EmpIoyment Counsoiling, Resumes, Unempiayment In- surence,. Workors' compen-, sation, O.H.i.P. and weifare In- formetion, or criais referrais ta othereagencies. Cail 579-1821 FREE.~ 1988 guide ta study-at- home correspondence Dipoma caurses for prestigiaus cereers: Accaunting, Air conditioning, BaokkeopIng, Business,, cosmetoiogy, Electronica, LegaliMedial Secretary, Peychoiogy, Travol, Granlon <SA) 263 Admaide West, Toronto, 1- 800-268-1121. BECOME AN ÀUOTIONEER. 85 hours ai instruction. Next ciasa March 14-25t. Contact South- western Ontario Schooi ai Auc- tioneering, PO. Box 145, In- nerkip, Ont. NOJ IMO 519) 469- 3936, (519) 537-2115. BECOME AN AUOTIONEER. Canadien Champion intructare. Casses tari March 1987. Jordan & McLean Schooi of Auc- tioneoring, Box 94, Ktscaty, Alfa., TOB 2P0. 403) 845-2211, (403) 842-5528. 1BECOME A certified DOG TRAîNER by correspondanice. B.C. Government registered private training Instituts. North American Obedience and Guerd Dog Academy. 1481 Pipeline Road, Port CoquItlam, B.O. '/3J 3V4. FOLIO PHOTOGRAPHICS Is af- fering derkroom' instruction ln basic back and white f ilm processing endonierging. Leam f0 print your own photographe. Tuition is 650.00. Ceii 666-2528. CASH ln on INCOME TAX. Eamn Monoy doing fax retume. Leam money-saving tex tipe. Free brochure. U & R tex echoole, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, MB. E' ED CATINALI R3T 2B6. -uRAMIdER for peope who hate grmmer - ls the ideai pocket referenco book for business- people. 63.95 per copy and PETS & evlliebie et Dckson Printing & 7 off ice Supplies ln the Ajax PlaZa. SUPPLIES I Deeer inquires invited 6831968-- FOR SALE, puppy, 8 weKs, pari Iab, part sheopdog. Mother & father very affoctionae. Beautifuiiy marked. $25. 655- 4770. PIZZA DELIGHT, OPENING FEBRUARY 23,1987 80 Thlckson Road South, Whitby Ail positions avallable Including cooks, watresses, drivers- Part-time - full-timne. We off er training. Phone Mr. Kleffmnan 839-0486 or apply ln person. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 9a.m. - 12 noon STAFFING CO-ORDINATOR We are looking for a personable, people orien- ted Individual who is: - willlng to make a committmeflt to long term employment - self -motivated -able to cope ln stress related environmeflt f flexible Telephone,, typing, f iling and Medical background an asset. To work in a semoke free office. The Individual will lie trained ln staffing of medical personnel to yarlous areas In the community. Send resumnes to: SStaflng Co-ordlnator Box 206 Whitby, Ontarlo Re j j jS Wili B jAcjO tj dUn j1 Jjn. 30187 . TOOL &DEl MOUIDMAKER liTT Cannon Canada, an lndustry leader ln the developmeflt and manufacture of- electrical connectors, requires a Tool & Dle/Mould- maker for their Whitby, Ontario location. The successful candidate must have served a recognlzed apprenticeship. Experience ln working wlth small precislon moulds for plastic and rubber as well as mould finishing would be an asset. A competîtive wage and benefit package is provided. To explore this opportunlty please contact Doreen Haslam at 668-8881 to arrange an in- terview. ITI cannon canada FULLY LICENO D RESTAURANTIDINER IN WHITBY OWNER RETIRING, located on major thoroughfare ln plaza with unlimited parking. 46 seats dolng in excess of $3,500 weekly, 10 yr. lease. Ideal for family operation. Price $89,900. Statements and terrps available. GORDON B. ELLIS REALTY LIMITED 1-977-7784 MATURE LADY ai 55 iooing for person Friday. Office position. 668-3592. AFTER SOHOOL chiid care for 2 children required ln the Faiiingbrook area. 430-0356. RELIABLE babysitter required, my home, Wed.-Fri. 8am-5pm. Gardon & Bradley. Non-smokêr. Referencos requirod. 668-9759 af- ter 6pm. FRAGRANCE & HOSIERY Con- sultanta wented.: Market SEASONS exclusive Replice Pure Perumes & Feehion Hosiery. Eem hundrede, seving others thousende. Spocil: $315 Releli Kil $99. 1-80-387-7875. MA OHERIE Home Fashion Shows. Est. 1975. Join our suc- cesaful femily of independent representetives in preeenlIng queily lingerie and iesuroweer et In-Home parties for women. Ceil toilfrea et 1-800-263-9183. TRUOKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help ea evaliebie. Complote deteils cen be mlied to you. Phone Rodgsrs School et 416) 769-3546 with Postal Code. TrAX PREPARERS required for Whitby. Pickering & Ajax for tex seeson. Experienco preferred. For dteile celi coloc- 0416-827. 1455TAX TIME SERVICES. MANAGERIE DITOR required for amail weii-etebiished weokiy newspaper In Centrai South- western Ontarlo. Previous edItIng experience a muet; managIng ex- perionce preferred. As Part of an Independent chein wo offer an excellent benefit package and support system. Pleese repiY to Box E, OCNA Box 451, Oakviiio, L6J SAS. OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hun- dreds ai top paying positions. Attrective benef ils. Alil oc- cupations. Free detlils. Oversoas Employment Services, Dept. C.A., Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7. JANITORIAL, CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited to provide Janîtorial Services for a 2 year perlod at the Minlstry of Agriculture & Food, 16 Bascom Street, UXBRIDGE, Ont. TENDER ORI-86-281 Seaied Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. Local time on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1987. Tender Documents may be obtalned f romfi the Ontario Ministry of Gover- nment -Services, Orillia District 0Of- f ice, 24 James St.E., P.O. Box 790, OrIllia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further In- formation regarding the Tenders, please cail the Tenders Of- fice at the above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accep- ted. - FOR SALE PRI'JATE SALE. 3 plus 1 bedroom bungalow lnciudes ait applean- ces, compieteiy finiehed basement, shows beeutifuiiy $129,900. Tel. 668-4104. IMMACU)LATE 3-bedroom, large fenced lot, flnished baeoment. South-East Oshawe. convenient ta echoole. S7lSImonth. Oc- cupancy March 2.668-9851. (PARMNTS/ (KOINDS FOR RENT WHITBY. Now renting 1, 2- bedroom, bachelors. Occupancy Feb. 15 & Mar. 1. Fram $535 ln- ciuding utilities. 427-2664. W~ FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED roome in new Whitby house close to highwey 2. $60.00 weekiy, use of houseand ail facilit les. Suilabie for etudont or working female. No cale, no doge and no parking. Firet and lest required, f0 appiy cail 666- 2528. ONE WORKING person 10 eharo 3 bedroom house ln Whilby. Patio door onto ceder dock. washer & dryer. 5 min. walk north of Hwy. 2. Oeil eveninge oniy et 430-1240. ONE ROOM, shering bathroom, kitchen end living room. $6OIweek, iookirig for maie born again Chrietian 723-8333. Down- town Oshawa. Consignment Sale Norwich, Ontario FRIDAVI FEB. 13,1987 IOA.M. (Sales conducteld second Frlday* each- month). Approximat 'ely 150-175 Tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Conslgnments welcome.. For more Information Cali (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093 Proprîstors K.S. HAMULECKI & SONS SAT. JAN. 31 10OA.M. At ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE, LINDSAY, contents of former Summer Kitchen Country Store and Gift Shop, - Bridgenorth. An- tique furniture, large In- ventory of giftware, brass, over $2,000 worth of pottery supplies selling as one lot, two potter's wheel s, large kiln, large antique pine flatback cupboard,.with 18 p anes, store, scales, antique rockers, wooden chairs, antique settée, hoosier cupboard, mar- ble-top washstands, marble-top server, large crocks, oil paintings, ,cane-bottom chairs, pair of brass lights, marble- top buffet, antique National cash register, pine ward robe, several showcases, weedeater, collector plates, Norman Rockwell figurines, cushions, wooden gif- tware, china giftware, etc. Also consigned, large brown freezer, two- door refrigerator, dish- washer, large refrigerator with freezer in bottom, eight-foot chrome table and eight chairs, household fur- niture, new building supplies, tue, sinks, siding trim. Preview Friday, 2-6 p.m., seils 10 a.m., Saturday. (705> 324-2783 MeLEAN AUCTIONEERS We have them Ail! in the CLASSIFIEDS The Free Press 668-6111 annual Pickering Village tournament. in their firat game, Whitby defeated a strong Pickering team 2-1. This was an ex- citing contest which featured fast end-to-end< action by both teams. Pickering 'scored first then Jamie Pawluk tied it. up on passes from Cameron Poland and Brodie Richards. B.J. Prout scored the winner unassisted while -killing a penalty with only~ three minutes left in thel game. In the -semi-final game, Whitby defeatedl Oshawa major Blackhawks 5-2. This win was, especially. sweet for Whitby since Oshawa had eliminatédî ,Whitby ini another tour- nament two weeks ago. Poland and Richards led the way with two goals each, Mike, Leframier added a, single. Prout and Paul LeClair had two assists each and David Mitchell had one.' Port Dover won- the, championship game 7-2., The score was tied 2-2t at the midway peint of the second period. Port Dover scored three goals ithree .minutes at the end of the.second., period and early into the.: third to pull away. Telev ision stoleti A television and a video tape recorder valued at $1,000 are the only known items stolen from a Whitby homne whose owners are on vacation in Brazil., Police report a basement window was broken to gain entry. Drawers and briefcaseçs were ransacked in the home, on Hawley Cr- escent. Police have to wait until the owners return home to deter- mine if anything else was stolen. Decom decision delayed FROM PAGE 1 Bugelli said this in. vestigatioîn l l old start SPTNG

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