Traffic blarnedfor increasedfire loss WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1987 PAGE 31 Longer response time by the Whitby fire department because of. traffic congestion bas led to an increase in fire losses in 1986, reports Witby chief Ed Crouch. "Every minute or two you delay.adds on to the cost," said Crouch, who last week presented bis annual report on the ac- tivities of the depar- tmnent in 1986. The report shows that 1986 was one of the wor- st years for fires and fire losses in Whitby. During 1986, the depar tment responded to 2,188 cails, an in- crease of 238 over 1985.. The fire Ioss in Witby in 1986 was $968,635, an increase of $637,815 over 1985. Tbe fire loss in 1985 was $330,820. The figure is also sub- stantially higher than the average fire loss for the past five years, $579,820. Tbe overail total fire loss for 1986 was $1,072,235 whicb in- cludes vehicle fires and fires at the Wbitby Psycbiatric Hospital. But the departmnent does not include tbose as -municipal losses. .The lion's share of the loss was in residential fires. 1986 saw $800,000 fire damage to residen- tial bornes and of that amount, $420,000 was due to fires at homes uünder construction in new subdivisions. -Adminitrator Bull Wallace pointed out that if you subtract the fires at homes under con- struction, the total fire loss is actually less than it bas been the past five years. Crouch pointed out that the highlight of the report was the fact that the department was able to inspect every commercial, industrial and institutional building in town at least once. Sidew.*alk deferred A request from residents for a sidewalk along Blair from Dun- das to Burns St. bas been referred to the 1988 19apital budget by Whit- by council. 1But there is still no guarantee that 1the money for the sidewalk will be available. The residents appear- ed at an operations com- rnittee meeting hast Monday, requesting that the sidewalk be built as soon as possible. Spokesman for the residents, Amnand McKee, told committee members that there are a number of people Walldng along the road now and that number will increase with more elementary students walking to Florence M. Heard Public School. "We would really like to see it tbere sooner, " said McKee reminding the counclilors that there are no speed limit These inspections helped decrease the fire loss in those three areas. In 1986, the total fire loss for the three areas was $13,000 compared to $79,400 in 1985. Crouch also pointed out that as of 1985, 75 per cent of the homes in Whitby were equipped with smoke detectors. request to1988 signs posted on the street. The public works department has estimated that the sidewalk would cost- $69,000. But with con- tributions - from developers in the area and subsidy from the Ministry of Transpor- tation and Com- munication, the cost to would only'be $27,00.ý Councillor Ross Bat- ten pointed out to the residents that there is a prïority 1l'ist for sidewalk construction in town while councillor Joe Drumm said there are currently $600,000 worth of sidewalks in town that need repairs. "Every year it seems we -put them (sidewalks) where they are not wanted and don't where they are wanted," said coun- cillor Edwards. Harnre to seek Liberal nomination in riding Diane Hamre, Newcastle regional councillor, , announced Monday that she will be a candidate for the Durham East Liberal nomination. Hamre has been a resident of the Orono area for the past il years and an elected representative of Ward 3 in the Town of Newcastle for six of those years. At the regional level, Hamre has chaired the health and social ser- vices committee for the past four and a haîf yeaýrs. She is president Dining Guide GOLDEN GATE 107 Brock $.S. C H Whtby 668-2222 CHINESE FOOD BUFFET DAILY (salad bar inCluded) ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH $5.25 DINN ER $8.99 REGULAR MENU ALSO AVAl LABLE (Canadian cuisine & Bo-Bo piatters) TAKE-OUT &DELIVERY of the Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation for the past year. She has also ser- DIANE HAMRE ved on committees of the Association of Municipaities of On- tario. She is past president of -the Community Ser- vice Order program of the Town of Newcastle and is a founding mem- ber. Before entering public life Hamre was coor- dinator for Community Care in Newcastle. She said she wishes to serve the public interest on a wider scale, and so is seeking the Liberal nomination. She and husband, Rod, have four children. sikIWfen- TRANSPARENT SATIN *a satin-gloss, see-through coating for interior wood 111 seavallable in clear and several wood tones CENTRAL PAINT & WALLPAPER L295 Rtson Rd. S., Oshawa 728-6809 CORRECTION The Rousseau -Heritage House adver- tisement which appeared in the Jan. 21187. edition of the Whitby Free Press should have read. THURS - FR1 10-9. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers. eanactment. of a 1974 crime in the rifle while police cadet Elaine Raglan- (north of Oshawa) for Hayes portrays the murdered vic- Crime Stoppers. Durham. Regional, tim. Crime stoppers'seeks murderer Crime Stoppers and, Durham Regional Police are asking for the public's assistance in solving a murder that took place 12 years ago in Raglan, eight miles northof Oshawa.- At about 8:25,p.m. on Dec. 9, 1974. the body of Beverly Smith was found on the kitchen floor of her home.* She had been shot once in the head. A re-enactmnent of the crime will 'be shown on CITY-TV on Thursday, Feb. 5 at 6 p.m. and 10 It will. also be shown on CHEX and CKVR television stations on Friday, Feb. 6. , Crime Stoppers has been operating in Durham Region for eight months., Tips have led to the arrest of persons for crimes in- cluding murder, robbery, burglary, assaults, theft and drug trafficking. *In one case, a tip led to an arrest after more than three years of investigation by police. In August, 1982, Walter Clark Major of Brooklin attemfpted. to. stop. peýrson«s in a. -van from?' *stealing tires in. front of his residenice. He was dragged by the van- and evéritually, felto his.- death. Last year police, after réceiving a caîllon the Crimhe StoDpersprogram, arrested per- sons,',invol,,ed',. in the dèath. They .were charged -1wiith' second -degre e rnuirder',and, ote fece- an 'In anothercse narmeéd ro bry was reported at a, gas ;-bar In Pickering., It wfas reported that a youth with a knife took $900 in, cash. But more -than a à -year later, acting on . -à Crime Stoppers Up; 'police'said 'the. alle-gýéd 2 victim had made up the story. Hea. a associate were l,,ater charged- with public, mischief and'theft. crime SUoppes ubers- are: 222-8477 local to»Toronto; 1-800-38à 7-8477 toil free for all.cails. Capture This -Beautiful -Beast!' HIGH KINGDOM - SNO W LEOPARD B Y ROB3ERT BA/4TEMAMN *This imited edition wiII excel due to its beauty *Collector's masterpiece " A truly elegant work for homes and offices " "If you could only have one Robert Bateman, have this one," -Dennis Gray