WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,,FEBRUARY 4,1987, PAGE 25 li BUSINESS R E N E N T CIERVINT OPPORTUNITIES I TRAINGING HOBBY 5140P FOR RENT. Handy Man's Dream: New unfumIshed bulding, heavy wood floor, 12' x 36' on a large lot. You finish the bulding to suit your needseand > deduct ail expenses from rent. $70O monthly. Centra!ly located ln Pickering. 655-8960. STORAGE SPACE location: sa. cas off Hwy. 7 juat N. af Ajax. 5 acres of parking, excellent for toring boats, tralers, trucka, campera, race cars, buses, trac- tlors, heavy machlnery, bulding materli and other produats. Also Indoor storage avalabie. Fenced property' wth' iocked gates, daiiy acceas, $150 an- nually. Cali 655.866 ATSTUDIO for rent -very pmodem new building, carpeted, 'telephone, electrl hat, private 1! entrance, $175 monthiy lnciudea ail utltîesaend services. Ths fuliy fumlshed studio cari also be ,-,uud as an office. Phi. 655w.896 ! RAND NEW hobbyahop for rent. We supply ail the new materials and a ceue of boer, you erect thla workshop yourseif ta your apecîficatlons and psy oniy $200 monthiy. UtIlities and aIl services Included. Ph. 6556966 'TYPEWRITER rentai, mariy maltes end modela, by the wsekend, -wsek or morth. Discounts avallabie. Dlckapn Prlntlng a Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cati us for business machine repaire. 63.1968. SERVICES DAYj CAÃE avallabie tri my home, babIes Inciuded, nutrittous -meals, spactaus piayrooms,In yiclormai ieaffing activitIas. -A8k t'1.'abbut our pick-up service, , resonable rates, free bunny rab- y1:bts for ait new corners and pian- tyof pets ta play wth. Cali 655- 8966. 'WILL BABYSIT In my home (Pringia Dr.). 12 years experience, reitebte. References avaitabie. 668-3449. 0OFFICE UPPLIERS SECRETARIAL SERVICES. Typing, tetephane answering etc. Dons professionaiiy at very reesonabie rates. Cati 655-8966. PAPERHANQINC & Fabrta watts wth a femInIne touch. 10 years experience, free estimates. Professionai job at reasonabie rates. Cail 579.6422. *BATHTU8 REFINISHING. i wliI corne Into your home and-com- pieteiy reflnish your bathtubs & sInka, restoring them back toaa better than new condition tln any cotour wlth a six (6) year guaren- tes for as littie as oniy $275.W0. Cati Dan 655-8966. WINDSHIELD8 à SUNROOFS. I cari put a new windshleld I your vehicie ln tess than an hour While you.watt. Pay your $25.oo deductîbie, deai dIrectiy wlth your insurance co. Glve you $1000 worth of fres gas at my shop. i use Dupiate glass and give a lifetime wrtten warranty. Cati Jlm for good service - 855- 8m6. UNEMPLOYED? The Unem- ployed Help Centre cen assiet wlth: Emptoyment Counsellng, Resumes, Unempioyment ln- surarice, Workers' Compen- sation, O.H.l.P. and weifare In- formation, or ciais referrais ta other agencies. Cali 579-1821. MAN WITH TRUCK wili deliver fumniture, hetp you to maya, chan Up back yards and basements and amali odd jobs. Very reasonabie rates. Cati - 55.8966. FURNITURE REFINISHING. On- site repaire ta cigarette burna, scratches, etc. Pianos, TV, and ail other furnture. Free estimates. 655-8966. ADVERTISING SERVICES. Diaplay posters placed ln ail 64 shopping centres from Pickering to Bowmanvllle. Display your services or producte for sasie. We supply posters. 10% commission oniy. No sale, No commission. Cali 655-8966. DOUG'S POWER Sweeping Ser- vice. i wiil sweep your un- derground parking area In con- dominiums and aparfment buildings. Aiso sidewaiks and parking lota. Cati for f ree estimate. 655-8966. 1969 GMVC CHIP TRUCK. Fuliy equipped -,three fryers, fridge, f reezer, 3 sinke. etc. Large awnlng. Can be viowed anytime. $8,500.00 f irm. Cati 655-966. MAIL ORDER PROFITS can be yours without experience or blg investment of time or money. Ex- citing proigram gels you etarted fasti Free detalse write: Jemie Fischer, 4036 Bartlett Court, Burlington, Ontario L7L 1Z9. TOPS 'N TRENDS invites you to attend - an information nlght regarding a career ln salas. FInd out how you can set your own hours, have fun and make $10 an hour or more. Topa 'n Trends isn't just a job - lt's a career. Wed. Feb. il at 7:30. Lasia 985- 8969. $4004$2000 par month, part-time. Huge demand product. No Investment. Cati 492-0598. WATER FILTER COMPANY pays up ta 50% commission plus cars, trips, etc. Cali (416) 632097. Excltlng HOME SECURITY BUSINESS. Couid be your door to excellent profits and personai security. For detalis on becomlng a dealer contact Boit Security Systema, 1251 Northalde Rosd, Buriington, Ont. L7M 1H7 or phone (416) 3367747. UNLliMITED INCOME. Join aur mail order program, work at home. For mare Information s.nd $1.00 for postage and handlIng ta J-& E Enterprisi, Box 39-P, Station M, Toronto, M65 4T2. SALERS CATTLE THE BALANCED BREED. Heavy Red Haîr coat. lntrostod ln Salera Cattîs, contact Saler Ontario, R.R.1 Sheiburne, LON 1S0 (519) 925-5510. A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran- sport drivera needed. Now la the time ta train for your Class A license. For pre-screening inter- view and lob placement infor- mation, contact Merv Orr's Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-800-265-1260. FREE. 1986 guide ta study-at- home correspondance Dipioma courses for prestiglous careera: Accountlng, Air conditionlng, Boakkeeping, Business. Cosmetology, Electronics. LegatiMadit Secretary. Psychology, Travel, Granton (SA) 263 Adelalde West, Toronto, 1- 800-268-1121. CASH I on INCOME TAX. Eam Money dolng tax returns. Learn money-savlng tax tips. Free brochure. U & R tax achools, 1345 Pembins Hwy., Winnipeg, MB. R3T 2B6. BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. Canadian Champion instructare. Classes atart March 1987. Jordan & McLean School of Auc- tioneering, Box 94, Ktscoty. Alfa., TOS 2P0. (403) 645-2211, (403) 842-5528. STORE FIXTURES, circuler clothing racks, dlspiay bunka VISI ou usd funitre NOWwlth glass shaivlng, promotionai VIIT Or ue untr NW PLOWING, commercial "E CA IN L T-tnsNorsnaealr warehouse by appoIntment. Bg and roaldentiel. Guarantaed good 4 oiq »D C TO A -tns oeaoal fe savînge an deaka, chairs, fIllng and punctuel service. 7 days a WUj SERVICES I refuaed. Cati 668-3468. cabinets, etc. Cati DIcksan Prin- week. LANDSCAPING & SNOW1 ting & Office Supplilesta arrange REMOVAL 655-8968. "RME for people who hete an appointment ta view. 683- grammer" le the ideai pocket ~ .M ,ucau~ 16.FURNACES - CLEANIED & raférenca book for business NONE NS _____________________ REPAIRED. i dlean, rapair & people. $3.95 par copy and, "'SEOTYPE proe-on ittarIng now- instaîl brand new high efficient avaîlable at Dcksan Printing & tri stock et Dickson Printing & 0f- furneces. WiII upgrade your Off ice Supplies In tha Ajax Plaza. CONGRATULATIONS on your fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- present fumnace. mastait Dealer Inquirles Invitad 683-1968 . forthcamlng marriaga. Pleae ping Piaza. Large selection of eiectronic air cleaner. i give 24 _______________ vlew aur semples af angraved styles anid sizea. Why pay more hrs. service and have very weddina Invitations et your for a afaler eheet of iettering? reesonable prIces. Cati for f ree lelaure ln aur Ajax Plaza store. 683-1968. astimete- 655-8966. HOMES Dckson Printing & Office Sup- 8 plies, 663-1968. AAi'flES WHITBY, near Pamerston £"~ ANTIQUES School, brand new 3 bdrm., 131mB RTH I ____________________3 bathroom5s, garage, al~ A NU C M N S anllncs $00 a mr month. 1- 0 0. rm KINGSTON WINTER ANTIQUE SHOW, Kingstoni, Ontario. Feb. 7th and th, 10 a.m. untit 5 p.m. ctaiiy. portamnouf h Olymnpic Har- baur Site. 48 aetected dealers f rom Ont. and Ouabec. FOR RENT ONE WORKING persan ta aharo 3 bodroomr houso in Whtby Patio door onlo codar dock. waahor & dryor. 5 min. waik north of Hwy. 2. Cail oveninga oniy at 430-1240. ONE ROI FARMERS WANTED wha are kicn paying fo much fax or are nat $Boîwooî uaIng ail the fax breaks avaliabie. agaîn cm Plions us todayl Appoinfment. town 0Ch times avallable tao ceas 1986 » tw tax retuma in your home. Farrn BusineSs Consultants, 2109 Ox- ford St. East, London, NM 2Z9, 1- 80O-285100Z i DOM, aharîng bathroom, and living room, k, looking for male born 'ristian 723-8333. Down- ýhawa» 484-6021. IMMACULATE 3-bedroom, large kfencad lot, finshed basomont. South-East Oshawa. .Convenient kta schoois. S77SImonth. Oc- pcupancy March 2.668-9851. LOVELY 2 storoy. 3 bdrm. home ln NW Whtby, large foncod corner lot, ingle attachod garaga, large aat-in kitchen, iivingroom w/weikout, large family room wfreplace, finishad roc room, open houso Set. & Sun. naon-4. 16 Goid Ring Drive. Phono 430-0325. Help keep Red Croeà s HENDERSON Mr. & Mrs. Ron Henderson are happy to announce the arrivai of their second beautif ul grandchild, Sarah Jane, weighing 7 Ibs., 15 oz. on Friday, January 9, 1987. Proud parents are Mary Jane (MCAuIey) and Neil Henderson, and a wee sister for Lndsay Anne.l Grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McAuIeyi and delighted GREAT- GRANDMOTHER Mrs Luella Neil. To seil the small items that you thought weren't worth advertising. * Items must seli for Iess than $50 -price must be stated in ad -multiple item ads must total less than $50 * Maximum 15 words * Cash or VISA only Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiII not be lhable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up ta a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque reCeived before deadline) $5 for 25 words; 12e each add itional word BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 1 5(p each additional word AUCTIONSIAN NOUNCEMENTS 65it per agate l ne (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge $5 pre-paid, $7.50 billed DISPLAYICLASSIFIED 70e per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wed nesday publ icat ion. To Reach a Wider Market 7Advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: All Ontario Alil Canada 180 newspapers 532 newspapers $195 for 25 words $698 for 25 words For further information please calil: 668-6111 t~Xê ekh kê~>#t* e 4* - Durham Antique & Colectable Market SUNDAY,FEBRUARYI5 IOAM.4PM Kahn Auction Barn - 31/2 miles north of Hwy. 401, Brock Rd. N., Pickering. Admission $1. INFORMATION (416) 433-7086 *CANADIANA * CHINA * GLASS * TOOLS* *FURNITUE * JEWELLERY * SOFAS PLACE I~realdy..~ m 1 ý- a