Whitby Free Press, 4 Feb 1987, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WHITB.Y 1.REE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1987 ""E p1 HELP I TO S T ENDERS' WANTEJWwNTj POLICY TYPIST requIred by the Western Assurance Ca. Resumes only piesse to: 1400'Bayiy St., Unit 7, Pickering, Ontario. L1W .3R2. EXPERIENCED, rellable babysit. ter for ons chlld In aur homo near the Centennial Building. March 20 - June 30. Mon.-Fri. 8 amn - 5:30 pm. References requlred. Please cail befare 5 Pm. 666-160. TRUCKING CARErAS. Driver lob tralnlng with placement help le avallable. Camplote details can b. malled ta yau. Phono Rodgsrs Sohool et (416) 769-3540 wlth Postal Code. CALLING..CAR SALESMEN.. ADVERTISING Salespeopis. W. are ans of Canada's largest Auto & Travel Clubs. W. have an Immedlate openlng for 3 Sales Representatives ta markcet aur unique Advsrtising Auto Club concept In this ares. Business la boomîngi. Flexible hours, top commission and bonus. Full or part tîme. Contact: Mr. Kent at (416) 968-220 or write P.O. Box 307, London, Ontario N6A 4W2. SALES CLERICS &- cashiers for seasonal smploymsnt, full & part- time. 2 locations requIrs capable persoa, Hortîculturai experience an asset. Apply In persan ta sither location: 5515 Thiokoan Rd. N., Braokiin ask for John Vanstaveran, Manager) or 1625 Dundas St. W.. Whtby asic for Bey Bake, Manager). WANTED man. wlth heavy duty truck ta delîver bush carda af flrewoad In local ares. Excellent psy. Caîl 655-8966. EARLY APPLICATIONS are now being accepted et Haugens this FrIday, Fsb. 6 10-7. Ail positions open. Caoks, dlshwashers, general ktchen help, baker, buspersons, waltresses, take- out, part-time & fuil-tîme. Please spply In persan at Haugen's Chioken BBO In Manchester, Hwy. 12 &7A. RELIABLE babystter requIred, my home, Wed.-Fri. Saîn.Spm. Garden & Bradley. Nan-smoker. References requIred. 6689759 af- ter 6 Pm. WANTED Fuil-time, year round positions availabie with large, weii1-known, estabii1shed f irm. Garden Centre SupervsorPurcaser $30*S40,OGOIyear Landscape Architect/Technician S20.S30,OOOIyear Landscape Foreperson $25 $30,OOO/year Grounds Maintenance Foreperson $20-$25,OOOIyear Garden Centre Assistant Manager $20*$25,OOIyear Qualified Nursery Person $20.$25,OOOfyear For Interview cal or write: OGS Landscape Services, Nursery Garden Centres 5515 Thickson Rd. N. Brooklin, Ont. LOB i Co 655-3331 EYMELYNTSOTN MATUJRE LADY of 55 iooking for r office position of Person Friday. 6U-*3592. You ARE CORDIALLY INVITED ta attend a singles dance every Sunday 8-12 pm. Starta Feb. 1, 1987. Cail 666-3070. PETS1 SUPPLIES Port Perry- SAT. FEB. 7 IOA.M. At ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY large sale of antique & modern turniture, 9piece walnut dining room suite, 8. plece walnut - dining suite, dresser, 4-piece walnut bedroom suite, chests, washstands, round oak dining table & 6 chairs, china'cabinet, clock, air tlght stove, modemn bedroom suite, upright f reezer, appliances, collectabies, no reserve, estate sale 10 a.m. sharp, for complete auction service cali 324-2783 LINDSAY McLEAN AUCTIONEERS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1. FEB. 6 AT 6 Pine f lat to wall cupboard, 9-pce. frutwood dining room suite, walnut coffee & end sherry tool washstands, chest, wicker Boston rocker, quantity of tools,c glass. For Information Inlaid tables, box, cedar chairs, quilts, china & sales or consIgnments toc Auction Barn contact: DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1 LITTLE BRITAIN (705)786-2183 our We have them Ail! in the CLASSIFIEDS The Free Press 668-6111 Pet Shop 16" (approx. 5 U.S. GAL.) 20" (approx. 10 U.S. GAL) 24" (approx. 15 U.S. GAL.) 30" (approx. 30 U.S. GAL) 36" (approx. 32 U.S. GAL.) ON LY $1 0.00 ON LY $1 4.00 ON LY $1 8.00 ON LY $3700 ON LV $41 .001 Large sizes in stock too! 12:- Put some <vour/uk ina grev uinler U'ili a flash ing trtopital.fis/a tank. * Otaie M. TEDR HYDRANT OR EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited to Replace Line Valve at the Psychlatric Hospital, WH ITBY, Ont. TENDER ORI-86-248 Sealed Tenders wIli be recelved until 2:00 p.m. Local time on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1987. Tender Documents may frôm be obtained the Ontario Ministry of Gomerment Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24-James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. Note: For further Information regard- ing the Tenders, please cali the Tenders Office at - the above address, telephone (705) 325- 7403. Te Iowest or any Tender not neces- sariiy accepted. Community Volunteers needed Durham Region Community Care Association is leeking for volunteers te participate in its Community Involve- ment and Volunteer Program (CIVP). Tis program matches volunteers on a ene-to-one basis with people who . are attempting te recover from a mental illness or who are experiencing life stresses. The volunteers meet with their client once a week te previde support and encouragement. Short-term goals are set with the help of a prefessional mental bealth worker. Volunteers should be caring, reliable and empathetic. Volunteers must aise be willing te take an eleven-week training course whicb wil be held in Oshawa one nigbt a week beginning iApril. This program operates throughout Durham Regien and is available te both men and women. For more information, cal Oshawa Community Care at 434-1693 and ask about, the mental bealth program. A UCTIONS. FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKENDI. Owners seek exemption FROM PAGE 1 Atte rsley, responding te an accusation by a Wrhýtby resident that ceuncîl has brought this bylaw foward beèauae ef pressure by the Downtown Business Improvemient Area (DBIA), said that ceuncil has been thinking about- the bylaw fer two montbs. Edwarda told the crowd that 20 years ago he took bis cbildren te the Spruce Villa (Gypsy Rose) for dinner and today he weuld like te do the same with bis grandchildren. The meeting got underway witb tewn clerk Don McKay giving the definition of an adult entertairnent parler. It is defined as "any premises or part thereof mn which is provided, ini pursuance te a trade, calling business or occupation, goods or services appealing te or designed te appeal te eretic ý or sexual appetities or inclinations." Grant Simmens, a ce- owner of Skaags, asked if the definition meant that ail downtown businesses carrying pornographie literature or lingerie shops'located downtown had te move from their location if the bylaw- is passed by council. Simmens, along with spokesmen for the Royal Hotel and the Spruce Villa, asked that the Town make the three establishments exempt from the bylaw. The exemption would be similar to that given by Oshawa City council te the Genosha Hetel in downtown Oshawa under that city's bylaw approved last year. Nick Mikos, co-owner of the Royal, said it would net be fair te move his business since it bas been established since 1867 and he bas had dancers in it for the pasti15 years. "We have strict rules for the girls and aIse for the customers who are drinking, " he said. He told the cemmittee ne one is forced te enter the premises and asked coundillors te compare the hotel's record te other eventa such as the annual Brooklin Spring Fair. He calied complaints about the business as a magnet for violence as "'talk and hearsay by people who have neyer ben in the hotel. " He he presente th claîmed was signed by many downtown businesses. But Ed Buffett, DBIA board of management president, rebutted that dlaim. He said some >members of the BIA signed petition but ta theetition stated the hote would be forced te close and that was net the case. In turn, he said the majority of the BIA supports the bylaw. "Whltb is becoming the ta~Le dancing capital of Durham Region," said Buffett. He claimed developers have said the parlers "1hinder development around the clubs."t "This is a question of the greatest good of the greatest number," he said Another petition was presented te the cemmîttee by Martin Doleweerd. He said the 1,340 signatures on it were cellected in three weeks. He als.o claimed his petitien, which supports the' bylaw, received geod support from downtown merchants as weil as people living in the area of St. John the Evangelist church. (Cochrane and Giffard.) "There is one undeniablèï fact," said Deleweerd. "Coundil has the mandate and the obligation te make Wbitby a deairable and a safe place te live. "Thirty-three years ago these were ail goo places. New they have deteriorated and are a black mark on eur community.", He, argued that remeving them from downtown would make it a safer place te wailk in. But another resident of Whitby disagreed withi moving them, cailing the bylaw an attempt te put the clubs "eut of sight e ut of mind. " TOM Humphreys claimed that by putting them in a cerner of tewn council would be creating "a red light district. " The comment alarmed a few people, when Huymphrey contented that the number of police officers located. in' Whitby was net suited te handie the relecatien. He said the police station on Rossland Rd. that only four police cars, each wlth two offic ers, patrol the town, while the station-is closed. He claimed that wasJ not enough officers ,;toi handie a problem -Wail the clubs were forced to, an area on the outsklrts of town. But Mayor Bob' Attersley, who, la chairmàn Of -the, department, said any number of officers from Durham Region could be at the. location 'as quickl as possible. The only owner who did net speak for hinself was the owner~ of the Spruce Villa.', Selicitor John Ringer speke for owner Peter Joe. He called the impact Of the bylaw "devastatinç lte hist client since le recentlyj bought the hotel and is carrYing a heavyt mortgage. He said the ewner has had ne complaints from, neighbors while in the, next breath cailed reports, that students attending St.. John the Evangelist Schoel have seen strippers sunbathing in the nude,, "the firstt! acknowledgement of a~ problem."l He said these people who complained- should have contacted- the owners and the police~ departmenit. He aise said he foundi it ironic that Wbitby isi currently premoting thel tewn in Korea while! they are forcing. thel. ewner, whe is Korean, te face a "devastating catastrophe." But bis maina argument was that. Spruce Villa isI' net lecated in the dewntown area. "The place has its own Parking and there, are ne. adjacent business te have an, impact en," hie said. Mary Johansen, a~ member of Reaj. Women~ Against Perneôgraphy, claimed strippers encourage infidelity i na marriage. 1 "Wberever there are! strippera there is prostitution and wherever there is j prostitution there is disease, "she said. Dennis Fox toldq committee members, that erganized crime centrols the "Istrippers > and the entertainers."1 He questiened howi strict the new. zonev boundary wil be if council approves tbe Direetory available Parents in Durham Region wbo are leoking for day care for their cbildren now have a new resource te belp them. The Child Care Cemmittee of the Social Planning Council of Oshaw-Whitby, a member of the United Way, bas publisbed a directory and parent's guide te, day care services in Durham Region. It's available free from the Social Planning Coundil (725- 4774). Susan Fletcher, executive directer of the coundil, says the directery was developed as part of a research preject wbich studied child care services in the region. The day care initiatives program of the -Ministry 0f Community and Social Services provided a grant for the research. The cbild care committee included members from the ministry Ajax- Pickeriig- -;ôii Planning Ceuncil regional* day care anl ether agencies as wel as people wbo use dai: Care. The researcher1 Barbara Kennedy, sayj;: the directery will helj' parents te find day car(' centres. The directory can bd obtained at ne charge,~ frem the. Social Planning Coundil. Fer more information cal Susan Fletcher at 725- 4774. i Durham Region 's Largesi Pet Shop WINTER BLUES AQUARIUM SALE! - %ý-d -10FEBRUARYI-28 COMPARE ANYWHERE

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