PAGE.2. WHITBY FREE PREsSS.WEDNESDAY, FEBIJARY 11, 1987. No areemý.ent on maflbôxmanenc By MIKE JOHNSTON Members of Whitby's operations committee bave refused to ailow Town staff to sign a maintenance agreement with Canada Post until the conditions oôf tbe agreement are ironed out. The request to sign the agreement was made by director of publie works, Dick Kuwahara, after the committee received a report dtilgCanada Post's policy o main- tenance of the box locations. The report notes that when community mail box locations have been alpnroved, an agreement is made between the municipality and Canada Post as to the required maintenance. There is currently no formal agreement bet- ween Whitby and the corporation. "We should work out the agreement and then sign the lease," said regional counillor Tom Edwards. Ross Batten, who chairs the commit- tee, agreed. He said he wanted to see the con- ditions first. "lLet's make sure it's our agreement and not their agreement," he said. The Canada Post policy on maintenance includes keeping al pedestrian access to the boxes free of snow and ice, accorcling to Town standards. This involves sidewalks being cleared inches or more and san- ding sidewalks after freezing rain This is to' be done within 24 hours. The corporation is prepared to repaint or repair any damaged box within 48 hours -of notification. The com- pany also carnies a $10- milion llabiity and personal injury in- surance policy. But one area where Canada Post does not bave a policy is lit- Drumm said that If al the snow was cleare away around the boxces today there would be lit- wants to see a polic'y on littering in any agreemnent bet'ween the commufllty mailboxes in place in new sub- divisions in Whitby. More retail planned for Brock St. More commercial restaurant on the merdai zoning. The pnoposed uses require a development bas been proposed for an 840 Brock St. N. pnopenty in Whitby. Angelos Labropoulos wants to refurbish the Mn. Submarine propenty and, build retail stores instead of the nesidential apar- tment unit also on the property. The property is now in a special purpose com- rezoning to shopping centre commercial. The- Starr-Brock con- venience Plaza, located just nonth of the proper- ty is zoned shopping centre commercial.,