After four- years of bingos at The Hideaway, Dave Gouling became quite comfortable behind the microphone. But instead of calling the num- bers, he's now calling the tunes - as one of the Dual Quality DJ's. You'll find the 21-year-old Whitby resident at parties, dan- ces and celebrations, playing. rock, pop, funk and new wave, depending on the particular taste of the group involved. Dual Quality has about 300 record albums and the same number of tapes to choose from. He says the most recent top 40 pop songs are the usual favorites, while some Elvis Presley and Chuck Barry goes down nice for a change in mood. lt's a matter of blending music, says Goulding of his party role, to keep the dance beat or change the mood. Good lighting helps (Dual Quali ty plans to add more) as does the back-and-forth banter between Goulding and his par- tner. He'll include a few "Newfie" jokes - he's familiar with a few about his parents' native provin- ce. Goulding himself is a funk en- thusiast,.and it's a style that's good- for dancing. But he'Il program whatever is necessary for the occasion, with equipment he has gathered in past years. Goulding (668-9533) says prices vary according to crowd size. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRuARY 18,1987, PAGE 9 Walk-iin clinie opeà ns What has been described as Whitby's first medical walk-in clinic opened its doors Saturday, a direct response to the growth in town. "The emergency room at the hospital just can't keep up with the demand," says Dr. Stan Cassin, president of Medical Design and Management, the operators of the clinic which has at least one doctor on staff during open hours. Located on Thickson Rd. S., the clinic is MDM's first "walk-in" clinie in Ontario, baving opened nine in Calgary since 1979. Whitby was chosen as the springboard for such clinics because of its rapid growth. "And because the building was here," said Dr. Cassin. "'Our objective is to provide health care in the community. " Dr. Cassin says that walk-in care won't con- flict with dbctors in the area. "I have no idea how we will be accepted by the medical community. You can't replace in- dividual contact but in reality that doesn't hap- pen often now. We're hoping to be accepted. " Dr. Cassin sees the clinic assisting al famnilies in the com- munity, but especially those families with two incomies. cirhose families sometimes don't have time to go to the doc- tor."l When the patient does see his or her family doctor after visiting the clinie, the doctor will know the patient was' treated at the clinie and for what, by way of a card.. Cassin also sees the clinie in direct com- petition with the Whitby General Hospital emergency room. But he hopes that both together for the better- ment of the patient. "Something new or Liny type of change is always a threat," he admits. Along with eight exam rooms, the clinie has a cast room, x-ray room, treatment room for burnis and cuts, room for electrocardiograms and lab. However, construc- tion problems have hampered the opening of the clinic and it is pot yet fully equipped. will not be arriving for another six, to eight, weeks; "But we're open for. business,", says Dr. Cassin, adding that anyone needing an x-ray will be directed to the hospital. At least. one doctor and one nurse will be on duty with additional doctors being»called in as-the need rises. The clinic is located at 8o Thiekson Rd. S. in SEE PAGE 10 INSURANCE, CO)STS SOARINGI I BEFOREYOU RENEWYOURAUTOOR HOML INSURANCE, CALL AND COMPARE.... For a complote Insurance review, cali Àmom&, w and arrange a mutuaily convenient appointment ..Of course there le no obligation PETERDI LELLO WHITBY w - w w ~OA CA4NA AUTO-HOM E-Lt FE-G ROUP-DISABI LITY-RRSP t Town to buy buses Whitby council has approved' purchasiflg six new 4-foot buses for the revised Whitby transit routes. The approval over- turns counil's decision last Decemberéto lease the buses. Information from the Ministry of Transpor- tation and Com- munication indicated the Town would save money by purchasing the Vehieles rather than leasing them. Proposais for operatiflg the system are now being invited with conditions to in- clude that ail repairs, major and minor, be in- cluded in the rates Dininý« Guide GOLDEN GATE 107 Brock St. S. 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Mines and Resources Canada 580, Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario KiA 0E4 Please rush mly copy of The Car Economny Book. Name L ~~:ov. PostalCoeI DISC JOCKEY DAVE GOULDING Bingo calling led to 1dise jockey job L 1 CRESCENT