-YOUR TICKET TO IN CREASED BUS] C.ALL A, ~ssI CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS 'IMPROVEMENTS METROULC. B-2554 ~KItchens, Ceramic ~'Tiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks Fand Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CAL L 6684686 ............... ... . . ..... . BUYING AN ANNUITY? payutanuly f rom your RRSP, cati: HERB TRAN Oshawa 7 LOP FV 725-6564 Whitby 668-5968 'E QUOTES AVAl LABLE W.' spocializê in ALL areas of Accounts Rocivabie. Staff availabie for tom-* porary or part-timO assign- monts. y- BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS NIGEL SCHILLING. Q.C. BRIAN K. EVANS, B.A., M.ED.. LL.B. 2ND FLOOR 121 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY. ONTARIO WHITBY 668-3392 TORONTO 686-1808 SeigM cin. ear ' l e s FreOicku n e lvr 51-18 -%%~ LiN 5S1 vacuum Cleaner SSALES & SERVICE B RepaIrs & Parts for most Makes SAuthorlzod HOOVER Dealer r 1329 Harwood Ave., Ajax[J 68-3-0213 *PAINTING* *DECORA TING *« *REC ROOMS*] 20 years experience, satisfaction guaran- teed, f ree estimateS. 668-0925 e * E . AN £LiCSRIC By EVE HEAVER The home of Whitby Little Theatre has un- dergone a dramatic facelift in the past few montbs. Many members of Witby's community theatre group have put ini long bours replacing ail the seats in the theatre while having ail the carpet replaced by a Wbitby carpet outlet. The changes represent a significant milestone in the history of the theatre group and the theatre itself. This former Ontario county courtrooifl is part of the original On- tario Counity administration building which was vacated wben the new regional headquarters was opened on Rossland Rd. There was a time when the building seemed threatened witb destruction 3intil Whitby's property committee and a group of concerned citizens met, in 1966 to discuss the future of the building. The building was adopted as Witby's cen- tennial project and was named Whitby Cen- tennial Building. Located at 416 Centre St. S., the building serves many purposes: - beside housing the theatre it provides meeting rooms and accommodation for other community organizations. The theatre group bas corne a long way sin- ce those early days when, for the first year of occupancy, there was no regular seating. There were a few old wooden tip-up seats, part of the old courtooIfl public gallery seating, which bad to be supplemeiited with stacking chairs from other rooms in the building each Lune a play was presented. In 1968 the theatre group learned that the Famous Players organizatiofl was wrecking a theatre in Hamilton. A cail was made, a deal was struck. The seats cost $1 eacb, cash and carry. A group of volunteers drove to Hamilton, ripped out 200 seats by the llght of flashlights, loaded tbem aboard a tractor- trailer courtesy of B & R Transport, and within two weel#s tbey were installed in the newly painted theatre, along with new carpet. In early November those hard-earned old seats made way for the new ones, purchased from the defunet Marigold Dinner Theatre. A winig effort i Wilde play The Whitby Little Tbeatre's current project, The Importan- ce of Being Earnest, is a must for local theatre- gpers. First produced on the evenmng of Feb. 14, 1895, this Oscar Wilde play is a witty social comment dealing with society and the importance of trutb in relationships. Or is trutb important in a relationship? In ber directorial debut with the WLT, Marv Ellen Soltvs bas strings in making Wilde's play corne to life. From the sets, to the costumes, to tea ime and cucumber san- dwiches, We are wbicked back Lo.a time wbere style is of the ut- most importance and doing notbing is the best form of work. Althougb the play takes 'off slowly and is hampered somnewbat in the first act by the con- SEE PAGE 22 a >',~~' -, [N ESS 9 N RRSP's RRIF's/ANNUITIES Ail tho Answors Cali Tho Spociallats D.W. KIRN ER & ASSOCIATES Retiromont Plannors 74 SIMCOE ST. S. SUITE 303 571 -0770I OSHAWA BROOKS., WHITTINGTON Barri sters, Solicitors & Notaries Public Helen E. Brooks, LL.B. Robert G. Whittington, B.A., LL.B. 101 Mary Street West Whitby, Ontario LIN 2R4 New seats put in home of Whîtby Theatre -1 1 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1987, PAGE 19_