PAGE 2 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1,-1987 'adillae jb service' or studen-ts About 50 Gr. 12 students from Whitby took the first step Iast week toward direct fuil-tirne em- ployment when they complete sehool. 1, They are the first students to take advantage of a pilot projet laun-. ched by the Durham Board of Education that determines the job skills and then the appropriate Job for Gr. 12 graduates. "They will know what job they are good at, " says, SarkisiCay, who coordinates cooperative education and the newest project, transition to ýemployment, for the board. "I eall it Cadillac service." "It finds the jobs they're best suited for," says Doug Myers, counselling coordinator at the Canada Employment Centre, whîch, along with Youth Em- ployment Services, is working with the board on the program. IMR. TRIM I COMPLETE ILAWN & GARDEN ISERVICE IReasonable Rates 725-3300 .....623-97111 Students from Anderson CVI and Henry Street High School last week took the general aptitude test con- ducted by the Canada Employment Centre.' Students apply for the test, are later told what it's about and theni tested to determine their, in- terests before taking the aptitude test. Another aptitude test will be held Thursday, April 2,* and Kay encourages mâore Anderson and Henry Gr. 12 students to apply. "Whitby parents sbould take ad- vantage of this service to young people - it lets young people know their strengths and weaknesses," he says. Tests 'are interpreted by the in- ter-agency team to find a student's vocational aptitude and functional work skills. These include cognitive (verbal, numerical), psychomotor (manual and finger dexterity) and perceptual (clerical, form percep- tion) à kills. Students then have one-on-one counselling, will learn what their skills are, and will be given pre- employment training by, Youth Employmnent Services. That agen- cy will design a. job-action for students. INSURANCE COSTS SOARINGI!*0 BEFORE YOU RENEW VOUR AUTO OR HOME INSURANCE, CALL AND COMPARE.... Fora complote Insuranco reviow, cili and arrange à mutuaiiy conveniont appointmont 0. f course thora leano obligation PETER DI LELLO 24 RESOLUTE WHITBY 666-2090un C"MD AUTO-HOME-LIFE-GROUP.DISABILITY-RRSP I CRESCENT For the 50 students tested last week, interviews wiIl be held in May and June. Myers says the test resuits wilI entered into the employment centre 1computer and considered when job opportunities arise. Jobs could be "anywhere in the region and it could be any job, depending on their strengths, " says Myers. He says students who take the test "have one more factor in their favor" because they are ex- posed to as many jobs as the centre receives. About 24 employers in t he region expressed interest in the program from 60 letters; sent out by the agency team., If the program is found to be suc- cessful, it will then be introduced into other schools in Durham Region. Kay says the Whitby project is one 0f the first in Ontario, with the program also having been introduced in Brampton. The transition to employment program began in the United States in 19,84. As of last year, says Kay, it was in about 30 U.S. states. Kay credits guidance counsellors Lynn Grant of Anderson and Leo Plue of Henry Street for their work in helping to, begin the pilot project. Youth Employment Services will do a follow-up on the progra m. ILUSTED'S CRICKETI LAWN CARE * Grass Cutting& Flower Beds M Our Specialty I I No Job is Too Big I IOrToo Smail I Corne on a weekly basis *orasaclient * Priced on hourly * * or per cut Special Senior Citizen 1 Rate I Free Estimates I I Ref erences Available IAsk For Ron or Jan* --655-3563w - GRADE 12 STUDENTS from Anderson CVI and Henry Street High Sehool on the pegboards, the manual dexterity portion of the general aptitude test that pinpoints a student's partieular job skills for direc.t entry later into the workforce or further job training. Free Press photo Trial in July A July 22 trial date has been set for an Oshawa man charged after *a fatal hit-and-run in Whitby Feb. 1. Michael John Humphries was charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, failing to remain at the scene of an accident and driving without insurance. The charges were laid after Craig Holley, 14, was killed when struck from behind by a vehicle while walking along Hopkins St. 'Trial will be held in Oshawa provincial court. Bus purehase approved Six Orion buses, at a cost of more The buses will be provided by On- than $1 million, should be operating tario Bus Industries Inc. of in Whitby by September. Council approved purchasing the Mississauga. The cost of the six buses at its meeting last Monday buses, $1,044,283, was the Iow ten- night. der received by the Town. ANNOUNCEMENT DR. T. E. FLOCK IS PLEASED TO AN NOU NCE THAT SH E WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN THE WHITBY URGENT CARE CLINIC Opening MARCH 30,1987 at 127 Perry Street, Whitby 668-5872 Whitby Urgent Care A WaIk in CIinic Opening MARC H 30, 1987 at 127 Perry Street, Whitby behind the Post Office H ours: Mon. - Fri. 6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Holidays, Sat. & Sun. 10:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. 668-5872