WHTYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8. 1987. PAGE 17 Co'mbination course saves time, ives st. John Amnbulance in Whitby, in response to requests, is' now making available a combination course to the public. Effective this month, a student may now achieve a certificate in CPR to the heartsaver level and a standard first aid level by atten- diga 16-hr. course. Many people from both industry and the public found it very hard to find the 28 hours needed to attend these two separate courses. They often expressed the opinion that the two go together. With the new changes in- CPR brought. down from the Canadian Heart and. Stroke Foundation, the two courses are combined. For further information regar- ding content, time and costs cail1 St. John Ambulance in Whitby at 668- j 9006. Jaycees to hold intro ~niight, By BOB STANLEY The Whitby Junior Chamber of Commerce/Jaycees are holding an 'intro night' next Monday, April 13 at 7:30 pin. inthe Gold Room of the Centennial Building. The Jaycees are an organization -for young men between the ages of 18 and 39 interested in community involv 'ement, individual develop- ment, and plenty of funt and fellowship., The past two years have been ac- tive for tlw Whitby unit, with many successful projects including the spring carnival, mayor's roast (proceeds to MS), the ail- chnadiates' nights (federal, provincial, board of education and mayor 1), Santa Claus parades, postal forum, joint Chamber of Commerce - Jaycee dinners with Ed Fulton (Miister of Transpor- tation and Communications) and Tom Hockin (Miister of State for Finance), Whitby ail-sports banquet, and sponsoring and run- ming the DUTI program. The DUTI program wiil help provide alternatives to driving un- der the influence and increase public awareness of the need for an availability of the alternatives. The past year has also seen the Whitby Jaycees host the Jaycees' central region bail tournament, as weil as dances and parties. The Whitby Jaycees have won many prestigious awards recently, including outstanding unit and presideAnt of the Jayceesflcentral ' STUDENT LAWN CARE I Lown, Gardon, Pool end otiierI It i Proporty M.Intonne I Undercut any written estimate by Ia awn care company C Senior citizen and full season I contract discountI [3~ Support student employmentI I FOR FREE STUMATE CAL I i~: PAUL SMALLEY j668-3085 1 t II-----------------J