PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY M3, 1987 ____RETRACTION oJtizz PIZZA, DELIGHT _____cà ht HWY 2 &TH ICKSON RD. w MAY 69 1987 AD Read: FREEToppings should have read: 2 FreeToppings We regret, any inconvenience to Pizza Delight Customers ISURANCE COSTS SOARINGI!., BEFORE YOU RENEW YOUR AUTO OR HOME INSU RANCE, CALL AND COMPARE.... Fora comploe Inaurance revlew, coli1 and arrange a mutually convenlent appoîntment .. O course there la no obligatlon PETER DI LELLO 24 RESOLUTE CRESCENT 666-2090 AUTO.HOME-LIFE-GROUP-DISABILITY-RRSP Regional headquarters FROM PAGE 1 buit at Harwood Ave. and Bayly St. in Ajax. The Hi-Rise proposai included room for a new Town hall and an of- fice building for the Durham Board of Education. It was first outiined last Wednesday and only by a narrow vote was forwarded to the committee for consideration Friday. Committee agree to let the proposai go back to regionai coun- cil for discussion. Council wiil debate the recom- mendation for the Oshawa site on May 20. Evans said the new headquaIrters couid be occupied by 1991. "One of the largest companies (General Motors) moved out of there to a better atmosphere," commented Attersley later about the Oshawa site. / GM recentiy moved from the downtown site to a south Oshawa location. MR. TRIM COM PLE LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE Reasonable Rates 72 5 33CO0...... 623-9711 * GET UPTO $325. REBATE NOWI WHEN YOU BUYM NORTH AMERICA'SM __ FAVORITE AIR CONDITIONINO SYSTEMI iPI LAST 2 DAYS' ICARRIER'S91m 0 DWILL MAKE YOU FEEL I 5Q 5IÀIiB COMFORTABLE.- INows a great time to move up to todays superior air coniditioning technology. Carrier deluxe central air conditioriers and heat pumps bring you that superb Carrier cornfort, plus: ILA LOW O7RA9%I I COSTS with Carrier's FINANÇED 8Y TFIE0 ROYAL B3ANK high efficiency, AI ineresl raIes below orime 7 9 NO DOWN PAYMENTS TO QUAUIFIED PUACHASES.I ~ ~, .~THE PREMIUM ROUND ONES. *38EH - OUR FAMOUS ROUND ONE.' efficiency air conditioner! 'hhIIIiIîiiiIiI'le38SQ - THE WEATHERMASTERIII11 III1IiiiiiiIIIltI IIII[[IWII:IIIIIîHEAT PUMP. Unique dfesign brings ~~[nrriiIÎIîI;IIiIcritical parts indoors for best protection 38SO and easiest service. Super-quiet! CALL TODAYI UFOR A FREE ESTIMATE' GET UP TO $325.00 BACK WHEN YOU BUY A CARRIER ITOTAL COMFORT SYSTEM INCLUDING: CENTRAL AIR CQNDITIONING OR (HEAT PUMP) FURNACE, ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANER AND HUMIDIFIER. Authonved I Corisurner-,'Gas HEATING & AIR CON DITIONING LTD. Dealer I I OSHAWA WHITBY AJAX/PICKERING 73-0868 668-811il 683-5757 ASSORTED INSECTS and reptiles, including cool crooner Shahida the Snake (played by Barb Tobin),, took part in- 'Jennifer's Beauty Contest,' a stage production by Henry Street High School students last week at the school. Free Press photo Parlor decision June 15 Whitby's operations committee wiil deal with the aduit, parior bylaw on June 15. In January, council gave ap- proval to two readings of the bylaw, which if passed, would make al three aduit entertainment pariors in Town iliegai. A bylaw requires three readings before it becomes iaw. The byiaw designates ý.an area west of Thickson to the Oshawa-Whitby border and south of Victoria St. to the lake as the zone in which aduit entertainment pariors would be aliowed to locate. Chairman of the committee, councilior Ross Batten, says mem- bers of the public will not be given an opportunity to speak at the meeting. Council heid a public meeting on the byiaw in January. More than 200 people attended. _________________________ mi ~-~--~- -w----~ -~ - -~ -~ VANDERMEER NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE NQWI I BLEi THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Reg. $1 .2OIBox PETUN lAS NOW .85IBox JUNIPERS - 80 centimeter *COLOGREEN * SPRINGBANK Reg. $24.75J NOW $17.75 WE SPECIALIZE IN QUALITY * Bring in this AD for aLNS FREE box of petunias OPEN 7 DAYS AWEEK 8:00Oa.m. -9:00Op.m. DRIVE A LITTLE - SAVE A LOT 427-2525 AJAX WHITBY SAYLY AVE. VICTORIA ST. ci gr4 -M ---q- - aumq L-dh. mm