WHITBY FREE PRESS, SPRING FAIR SUPPLEMENT, JUNE 3,,1987, PAGE 7 * SANVOS WITH'VHS HQ There'sneyer been a better tUrne to buy your- self and your tamily a Video Recorder. Check the outstanding features and Iow prices of these quality Sanyo models HQ (Hlgh Quallty Picture) represents a new level of excellence In VHS picture quallty with superlor specifications ln colour fldellty, picture sharpness and noise reduot ion. GABLE COMPATIBLE DIGITAL TUNER AUTO REWIND e AUTO PLAYBACK AUTO POWER ON VHR 1350 $499 -24-button, 18-f unction Inf rared remote control -14-day, 8-event timer. -Double-speed and regular picture search. VHR 1250 - 1il-button, 14-f unction infrared remote control. - 14-day, 4-everit-t1mer. SANV QUALITY ABOVE AIL 76 Baldwin St. Hwy. 12, Brooklin 655-3306 BEST WISHES TO THE BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR Compliments of Linda Pegutter & Donna Pearson THE flAIR STATION 69 BALDWIN ST* 655-4201 GERANIUM'S LOTS 0F COLOURS' FUCHSIA'S BEDDING PLANTS' We installToro Lawn Sprinkler Systems We repai r any make i SBROOKLIN ESSO SERVICE* Larry & Doug Morden, Manager * BEATTHE HEAT* COMPLE* AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE * 9 I3aîdwin Brooklin, Ont. LOB iCO * 655-3251* Third year for horseshoe Competition Competition aiways runs high at the annual horsehoe pitching con- test sponsored by Whitby Ringers atthe Brooklin Spring Fair. This is the third year for the popular event that draws' men, women and youngsters from a wide area surrounding Brooklin. The competition starts this year at noon for singles play and 1 p.m. for doubles, but registration'm.ust be made prior to 11:45 on Sunday, June 7. Finals in both categories start following the completion of the doubles competition. The Fred M. Holiiday. Memoriai Trophy wili be presented to the winner of the doubles match and the William Jackson Memoriai Trophy to the- singles winner. Money prizes will aiso be awarded according to standings. There will also be ajunior com- petition for those age 15 and under held at 10:30 a.m. with registration taken at 10 a.m. Trophies and com- petitor ribbons will be awarded. Plenty of classeslin pet show There is something for everyone at'Brookiin Spring Fair and that in- cludes the younger set and their "best friends" The pet show will be held on Saturday, June 6 at 1 p.m. in the goat tent. It. is open to al youngsters age 16 and under, providing they are not breeders. There*will be trophies for every class and ribbons for all entrants so no one is lef t out. The classes for caged animais in- clude biggest rabbit, guinea pig, hampster, cutest kitten, best dressed pet and most unusual pet. Over the years there has been a wide assortment of pets on dispiay including a whole family of hamsp- ters and even a donkey. Last year's winner for the most unusai pet was a baby pig belonging to two Brooklin brothers. 1! MODEL HOME AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING BY APPT. ONLY Man's best friend, the dog, hasn't 1m - -- been left out either. It wW in i- teresting to see which wins the prize for the longest ears, longest tail, largest and smallest. Even more interesting should be seeing - - which pet looks most like its owner and who can do the best trick. Kids are always proud 'of their HWY. 7& 12 - NORTH BROOKLIN pets and this is a great opportunity for them to strut their stuff before 655-3313 the public. [ I