WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17,1997, PAGE 5A Average of 206 cars stolen each day inCnd An average of 206 cars were stolen each day in Canada in 1984, according to Canadian Automobile Theft Bureau figures. That totals 75,252 cars in a year. "'You can't always prevent car thef t but .you' can take steps to reduce your changes of being a vic- tim,"' saysiLeo McKinnon, director of- casualty-property dlaim at Travelers Canada SStaff Sgt. Brian Clark -of the Metropolitan Toronto Police Squad, who helped recover 90 per cent of the 5,000 cars stolen in Metro last year, ou tlined a number of ways to make your car less vunérable to an auto theft. Lock your car whenever you leave it unattended and neyer leave it running. "Cars stolen outside of a store are usuaily used for quick transpor- tation and i most cases wiil turn. up abandoned, " says Clark. Clark. He also suggests you should not use parking lots that ask you to leave your keysg in the car. "'Thieves wil grab a car from the corner of the lot and be gone beore anyone realizes -it's missing," he saYs Expensive cars are the targets ofý professional car thieves and can turpi Up in Europe jand the United States, according tb staff sergeant Clark. He recommends, a good, loud alarm. Another deterrent, he suggests, i4-S engraving the vehicle idien- tification number on ail the win- dows of the car. - '$This forces'the thief to replacé, ail the windows and the more time it tâkes to steal and dispose of a car, the less attractive itwill be to a thief , says Clark. H"says ,modifications by manufacturers, like locked steering' columns and iniproved door locking mechanisms, make it more difficuit to steal a car. Contact your local police for pamphlets describing ways to protectyour ca rtht. Ini 1985, 13,295 automobiles were stolen i Ontario. The majority of stolen cars were left unlocked, of- ten with the keys in the- ignition. CAA Toronto urges ail motorists to take sensible preventative measures to make it more difficult for a thief to steal their cars. One of the easiest ways to discourage a car thief is to lock the car and tiikp the keys. .The Canadian Automobile Association recommends that motorists adopt the following prac- tices to discourage auto theft: *Park in a weil-lit and busy area. This is important for both your per- sonal safety and the protection of youç car and its contents. a Neyer leave your car with the engine running. This is an open in- vitation to a "Joy-rider. " *Avoid parking lots that require you to leave your keys. If you must, leave only.the ignition key and take the claini check with you. Engrave ID n umber on al windows e YKeep car keys and house keys on separate rings. Neyer have an identification tag on your- car key ring - tllieves may use it to locate your car. And, don't hide a spare key anywhere in or on the car. e Secure your valuables and par- cels in the trunk out of sight. This may prevent the t.heft of and/or damage to your car. e Neyer leave registration papers in the car as this provides a thief with valld identification if stopped by a police officer. e Take steps to make iden- tification of your car essier. Engraving 'tols are available to mark equipment and accessories such as batteries, stereos, CB radios and hub caps. a Report any suspicious or aban- doned cars and suspicious persons in the area of homes, apartment buildings or parking lots to the police. Aunique comS-pete service package. Computerized 12 Montli Coi~pC1y u terieL Wheel Alignment. i Tune-Up. Straighit TaIk About Our computer perfora; numerous tests on your car's engine. Then a computer print out shows exactly whails needed. We instal new spark plugs and check charging, sarting and engine systetus. Our 12-month warranty includes 3 additional engine analyses and tune-up adjustments within one year. Most vehicles ingluding imports;- 4 CYLINDER 6 CYLINDER 9 CYLINDER Ouîr computer provides a prini-mut that itidicates Ille correction needed to each whccl. %f adjuçi cwsier camber and loe-în. plus inspect suspenosimi and sierg ystents. Paris anid addlitional service extra, if nctded. Most velticls. includirig impoirts. 2-WFIEEL 4-WHEEL $25?5 $39!'1 ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ _.. I- .I--.. Front Disc Brake service Our guaranteed service includes new front dise pads, repack wheei bearings and resur- face front rotors. Weil inspeet ail other components and road test your vehicte. Price may vary for frontwheel drive. Metallic pads $15.00 extra. 00 9 MOST VEHICLES '909- INCLUDING IMPORTS Includes up to 5 litres of quality motor oil. new Fram ou l iter and chassis lubrication. Diesel oil and filter hlay resuit in extra charge., ,$17 49 MOST VEHICLES INCLUDING IMPORTS Includes Evaluation and Recharge up to 3 Ibs. of Freon. $ 9 40,000A MIN -M- - OSHAWA 162 KING ST. E. THORNTON PLAZA LOCATION OSHAWA OPEN: MON,- FR1. 7:30 am 6:00 p.m. ,QAT -q. D.s WHITBY 103 DUN DAS ST. 668-3356 @ *,TINVDE RANT US AY CAREI - t "4. ç.. 1~ W-1 E. 1