1W14TlRV FRREPRESS- WEDTNEflAY- 1111. i1987 The final link in the establish- ment of a recycling progr.am could be forged on Thursday if Durham Region council sanctions a commit- tee recommendation to accept the tender of an Agincourt firm to sup- ply 80,000 blue boxes for the program. The committee's recommen- dation that Janbar and Associates be awarded the tender, however, is conditional on the firm providing a performance bond and financial security in the event of patent in- fringement. The conditions set down by the works department arose frein con- cern that the boxes te be suppllod by Janhar wero actually mnanufac- tured by anothor firrn which lind aise bld on the tender. Works commissioner 1Bi11 Twelvetrees told commltteo Jan- bar bas not produced recycling boxes ln the past and the firm of- fered the sample of another firm as un Indication of what its own might look like. The low tender for the boxes was $322,712. Blue boxes will be distrlbuted to residents in south Durham who wlll be asked to deposit cans, glass and newsprint in them for recycling purposes. The cost of the boxes would be partially offset by a $125,000 subsidy. At their last meeting, regional council members approved a ten- der for construction of a recycling centre at the regional depot on rAvz iz, wriiijcbl 1, li7U# Decision Thursday on blue boxes i "Oýe. "ý v Al, 'UMM @mm %J"f. bu q ir.- la-- L Umm Conlin Rd. in Whitby's north ward and the purchase of eight' truck s to be used in the program. It is an- ticipated the recycling prograrn will he in full swing by late fail. Works committee also sent back a report dealing with the diversion fee to be paid to municipalities for materials collected.in the program to staff. The departmeflt is* suggesting the fee beé $18.07 per tonne, the current price charged to dump waste at the Region'slandfil sites.