WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1987, PAGE 23 Whitby's Glow Young is' Queen of Clowns' As she performs as Marigold the Clown, Glow Young likes to think herself as "Witby's clown. " And she can now add title to that name - Marigold, Queen of Clowns - after ber costume was judged best out of 104 entered in the recent Toronto Clown Alley competition. Young, of Whitby, is a "whiteface" (nice) clown ('hobo,' such as Emmett Kelly, and "Auguste," the mischievous and acrobatic type, are the others) and it take her about an hour to put her make-up on. She also made ber own splendid costume but would still like to add those 18-inch clown shoes - at a painful $200 a pair. A teacher in elemnentary schools in Whitby since 1977, Young now performs for students as Well as in- structs in the art of clowning while on a two-year leave of absence. "I like to work with children, ' even in my sparetime," shesays. She will be back teaching at E.A. Fairman in September. Young, a native- of Taltine, Illinois, has been in Canada 12 years. She took a Seneca College course in clowning and balloon sculpture. "My mother worked for the Cir- cus Hall of Fame in Florida as a puppeteer and tour guide, which gave me the interest, " she says. Marigold is a musical clown - she plays,,accordion for the Clown Alley band '; plays the guitar ber father gave her when she was 12, and once taught guitar and piano. Husband Scott and their children Angela and Jason have been en- couraging. "Follow your talents," ber husband told her. "I knew it ail along, I married a clown," he also told her, she says with a laugh and a sbrug. MA\RIGOLD THE CLOWN entertains with Palmerston Public School studen- ts Jaimi Waddell, Mark Scuse and Hilary Burnett, ail appropriately dressed for the occasion. Free Press photo Pit bull owners are dangerous:, vet Pit bull dog owners, not the dogs, are dangèrous, says an Oshawa veterinarian. "No dog is born vicious. Training and environment make the dog that way," says Dr. Graham MacLeod, president of the South Durham Veterinarian Association. But the rash of pit bull attacks bas warranted an investigation into the dogs by the Pickering-Ajax- Whitby Animal Control. "We are investigating to see if thee as been a problem with these dogs before," says Ross Bat- ten, Whitby councillor and chair- man of the PAW committee. "I don't think there bas been any problems and it is not a major problem now," he adds. Manager of the Whitby animal control centre, Carole Lang, agrees witb Dr. MacLeod. "The pit bull bas the potential in its bistory as any dog bas. But wbat happens during its growtb and training, exaggerates that inheritance, " sayd Lang. She says Wbitby bas neyer had a problem with the pit bulîs. "I tbink the panic button bas been pushed, " she says. "I think people have to ask them- selves, 'What is a pit bull?', says Dr. MacLeod. There are three breeds - bull terrier, which bas white erect ears; Staffordshire bull Whitby man arrested after sehool breakm A Whitby man bas been arrested and charged witb break, enter and theft following a break-in at R.A. Hutchinson scbool Sunday night. Durham -Regional Police say an alarmn at the school went off around 11:45 p.m. When police arrived at the school, tbey saw a man in the school and ordered him to corne out. While he was being searcbed be escaped from the officers. He was caugbt after a short chase. Charged with break, enter and theft is Mathew McDougall, 18 of Mason Dr. The scbool was entered by breaking a window. Damage to the window is valued at $150. FE) E l 13 E l ( l E Dr W.P.M. INC. Landscapiflg Design consultants " Interlocking Stone " DrivewayS & Walkways g " Retaining Walls El e Timber Work " Soddingg "n~ Tree & Shrub Patn ~~668-8739j terrier, a husky British breed with drooped ears ; and an American Staffordshire terrier. "The American one is referred to as a pit bull," say Dr. MacLeod. He adds that the "ldogs that at- tack are the ones that belong to idiots and are not training properly." = I -a c, o E m -a c, 0m c, (na On CD c» CD 0 CD C 0. au CL 00, c-,oD 0 C) 0 I > - OOý - u Me W CD AVRY D 0z CA)LTYFR FEHpROC I --The Whitby Urgent Cure CIinic * Advertisement of June 24/87 I should have read Ne.W. JeKE j Whitby Free Press apologzes for anyI I Inconvenience this may have caused. I7B» THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Reglonal Planning Committee wiII consider at a meeting to be held on: JULY 7, 1987 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY AN APPLICATION TO AMEN O THE TOWN 0F AJAX DISTRICT PLAN The amendment, as submltted by the applicant, proposes a rural residential cluster to permit the creation of limited new lots within the site indicated on the map below. Subesequently, the Regional Council wiIl consider the recommen- dation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be held on: JULY 15, 1987 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY To report reîated to the amendiment application is avallable for in- spection in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, or by caîîing Mr. John Sharpe, Planning Department (Whitby) 668-77311/(Toronto) 686-1651. Requests to make a presentation before the Planning Committée concerning the amendment application must be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P., Commissioner of Planning, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and shouîd be received by the Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to make a presentation before Regional Council concer- ning the amendment application must be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossîand Road East, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and should be received 48 hours prior to the Regional Cou ncil meeting. Gary Herrema Regional Chairman Regional Clerk