PAGE 12, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15,1987 [UHIIMOHi3W FESTIALM DR. PAUL KIDSON, Whitby veterinarian, was one of the judges. in the pet show that was part of the down- tonm ehi1u1rençsfestival. 1He checks out Jason Johnston's fîsh Freddie, even- tuai first-place winner for fish in a bowl. JEFFREY PILGRIM enjoys a cool drink while taking part ln the.paruide Saturday. zm 13 Hour Fashion Extravaganza Clearance Sale1 8 a.m. m-9 p.m. Thursday, July 16 143 Brock St., South Downtown Whitby 668-1266 Bokigsthrsg v 2 -,Va t( -~Specialisi (Wo !~ in ail aspects ýf finger. nail façhions. WAXING --TANNING - PEDICURES IJaif Price Special with Pauline NEW NAILS $20: (Reg.- $40) NAIL FILLS, $9 (Reg, $18). TANNING SPECIALS TILL.JUJLY 31 Il sessionsReg. $49. NOW $35: 209 DUNDAS STL. E., (across from post office) 668-7446 Announcing the opening o * aur 2nd l)cation ai the European Woamen 's Health Gl b, Whiib.e 666-4540 '4- Appointments restrite t Omem bers only! m. FURNITURE& UPHOLSTERY LTD. *ANTIQUES *NO-DIP RESTORED STRIPPING *CUSTOM eREPAIRS UPHOLSTERY .REFINISHING A large selection of Victorian parlour f urniture avaiable 413 DUN DAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5481 owntown -wor il ýv * %. momp, .in all aspecis - -- --j 11