WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19,1987,ý PAGE il1 Children 's author Green at Brooklin li*brary Local children were treated to a book,' and 7The House that Max special story Jiour recently at' Buît.' Brookîhri library as author John Green is a teacher at Durham Green was on hand to read from lis College in the journalism depar- latest book 'There's a Dragon in My tment, married., and father of four Closet.' dhîdren age 13 to 18. -He says lie Green, a resident of Oshiawa for bas always been interested in many years, bas establislied him- writing for the younger set. self as an author of children's books, particularly for those age 6 to 8. 'Tliere's a Dragon in my Closet,' illustrated by Linda Hen- dry, came on the heels of another fine Green work, 'There are Trolls,' both of which have been publislied in English and Frenchi. Green lias recently soid two other manuscripts. The 'Eight Lost Notes' wil be published by Peguis of Winnipeg, 'and ScholaÉtic Pubhishing wil have 'Junkpile Jen- nifer' in print by next year. The prolifie writer also has two other books i the works. -'There's a On- ne-eyed Dragon Sleeping in the spare room.' a sequel to lits recent 's j i "Children are mucli more demanding to write for," dlaims Green. "iThey are truly lionest ... tlev- won't strupgle througli a book if it doesn't hold their interest. you have to give themn something palatable or they will put it (the book) down. ". Green, who says the biggest competition for a children's writer is television, has toured 22 schools tlirougliout Durham« Region i- troducing youngsters to lits works He-lias tentatively been accepte( for a book signing session at Colet i the Osliawa Shopping Centre ir, the near future. r LOCAL YOUNGSTERS, including Joe tly at Brooklin Library and read some -Drebbitt (1), were enthralled with of his works to those gathered. author John Green. Green was recen- Free Press photo Townaccepts $1.59 milliion tender for transit systeém *Wlitby council lias accepted a tender from Cbarterways itlie amount of $1,590,370 to operate tlie Town's bus system for tbree years. Tlie Charterways' amount is more than $300,OOO less tlian the original bid by tlie company in July. Also i July, Miller Transit Ltd. bid $1,610,M9 for the contract. But because Miller forgot to include thie cost of construçting a building to store tlie six new buses, Witby coundil decided to retendèr the projeet and deal during tlie sum- mer on the new tenders. The second tender from Miller was in the amount of $1,879,216. The Charterways' tender was accepted following a phone poli of Whitby councillors. But one councillor who was not happy with the process was Joe Bugelli. In July, lie lad argued there was no safeguard against collision if council retendered tlie project. While lie supported tlie council decision to accept the Charterways tender, Bugelli commented "the figures might indicate reasons for my concerns." Fie said tlie new tenders could be a reflection of liaving prior knowledge. Town administrator Bil Wallace said the Town'lias decided to insure the buses through tlieir own i- surance company rather tlian have Charterways insure tliem.- He also said Cliarterways will store the buses at their storage area in Bowmanville. * cMUFFNS! TWO NEW BREAKFAST TASTES FRON McDONALD 'S. Omelettes you can hold in your hand! New Omelette MoMuffins, with Bacon & Cheese or Ham & Cheese. The classie taste of a real breakfast omelette - a Canada Grade A large egg, hamn or bacon, ornons and process cheddar cheese, folded and tucked inside a buttered, toasted English Muff in. Try both new Omelette McMuffins today, Bacon & Cheese, or Ham & Cheese. Omelettes you can hold in your hand! OMELElTE YOU CAN HOLDIN YOUR HAND!1 r'SAGOODflMEF~ FOR THE GREAT TASTELMI CHICKEN & RIBS featuring 1Salad Bar, Children's Menu and more! LOCATED on HWY. 12 Just South of Thickson Rd. 655-8911