Whitby Free Press, 26 Aug 1987, p. 26

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PAG E 26, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26,198 Obituary. JOHN HENRY OLTHOFF John Henry Olthoff of Whltby <ied on August 13, 1987, inibis 72nd year.. He was born i the Netherlands on April 24, 1916, son of Henrikus and Hendrikje <Schuurman) Oltboff. He resided in London, Ont. for 30 years and in Witby for the past year. Rie worked as a general laborer at various industries during bis lifetime. Hie la survived by bis wife Maria Wilhelmnina, to whom he was married August 29, 1986. Hie was predeceased by bis first wife Alice, three brothers in the Netherlands and grandson Jason. We'd lke to discuss .soimethinig you don't* want .to talk about. It's Ironie that while we make 80 many plans before a birth occurs, we're 80 reluc- tant to even talk about the préparations that have tobe made for afuneral. But the fact ls, prearranglng a fanerali sn't morbld or distasteful. Instead, it'plmnnng for the Inévtable in the most sensible way.AnalÛ t takes little more than a conversation wlth us tbexpress your wisbesin advance, and ensure tiey're carrled out. It's a tlme to ask questions, get clear answers and dtermine colts. That brings us to another important point. Ttere's no premsurto prepay yourfuneral when you preplan. Although fromna flnanclal standpont,it does make sense. Guaranteed Funera Deposits of Ontaro manages and protects your fumds under provincial law. As as member of GFD, we can guarantee that what you pay today wll still cover what P limerallcost tornorrow. Startthlnklng about a ubject you meY have neyer thought of before. Please feel free to contact us for more Information and gudance about funerai prearrangement and GFD.. Hlasurvlved by five children; Henry and Dorothy Olthoff of Kit- chener, John and Helen Olthoff of London, Ben and Florence Olthoff of London, Rien and Hilda Olthoff of London and, Oakie and Henriet- ta Mulder of Ingersoil., Also survived by stepchildren Nick Van Viiet of Whitehorse, Yukon, Frank and Elizabeth Van- derloo of Brooklin, Richard and Wilhelmina Coates of Markham, Jan and Joan Van Viiet of Whitby; 27 grandchildren; brother Jan William Olthoff of Brampton and a brother and two sisters i the Netherlands. Mr. Olthoff was a member of the Hebron Christian Reformed Chur- ch of Whitby. H. Zanting officiated at, the funeral at the First Christian Reformed Church in. London on August 17, 1987. Interment at Forest Lawn Cemetery i London. Swans roun'ded up at Lynde, Shores As part of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources program to establish a breeding population of trumpeter swans on Cranberry Marsh (located at the Lynde Shores Conservation Area in Whitby), staff from the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority will take part'. i a swan roundup on Thursday, Aug. 27. MNR wildflfe biologist Dr. Harry Lumsden directs tbis'program hi' which the eggs of mute swans (a species not native to North America) are replaced with trum- peter eggs. In order Wo monitor the effectiveness of the program, swans on the marsh are rounded Up and fitted with numbered wing tags. These highly visible tags assist i the ongoing research Wo determine the survival success of the trumpeter young. Cranberry Marsb la well known for ts wildlife viewing oppor- tunities. Its tbree lookôut platforms provide 'nature watchers with a view of marsh life. The trumpeter swan program, if a, success, will add one more unusual species to the already long list of aquatic animals sighted from these lookouts. SCLOCA's Waterfowl Viewing Day wlll be at Cranberry Marsb on Sun- day, Sept. 20' starting at 1 p.m. Authority staff will be on hand Wo point out various species* of migrating waterfowl . A telescope will-be set up for use by members of the public. For more information cail 579-0411. CLOCA tour hi*ghli*ghts nature ftI-MON1TUCO UNERAL SERffCEASSOCWÇtIE g -r . bex o t Did you ever wonder wby birch trees do not survive wben planted in. an open space? Or how to iden- tify poison ivy? You could find out the answers by consulting'an encyclopedia, or you can see for yourself by taking a guided tour of Heber Down Conser- vation Area, courtesy of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority.1 Heber Down is jorated north of Taunton Rd and wést of Hwy 12. The tours are usually held three times a year, one in late spring and. two in the summer. About 25 people attended an hour-long tour last Tuesday con- ducted by Chris Hachey of the association wbich wmnded its way through forest and along Lynde Creek. on thxe way, Hachey pointed out me clffeèrent varieties of trees and plants and the different animais that can be found in Heber Down. For instance there's jewelweed, a plant wbich is very hardy if you run mnto a patch of poison ivy -and are not near soap and water. Hachey explained the juice from the plant is very good for the rash caused by coming iu contact with poison ivy. However, he says soap and water are still the best remedy if you can wash the affected area before seratching it. The tour also pases by two <if- forent types of poison ivy. A black cherry tree la also a stqp on the tour. Known for its black bark, often described as burnt cor- nflakes, Hachey explamned the tree la oxtremely valuable as wood for fine furniture. "The tours make people more familiar with the authority and the area. It la also a great leisure ac- tivity," says Rick Clow of ..the authority. Clow also says the authority, may try a cross-country ski tour at Heber Down this wmter. For more information on the tour cal the authority at 579-0411. CHRIS HACHEY, of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authorty, lec- tures while standing amidet submerged plants during a tour at Heber Down las week. Free Press phot Myrtie news By LAURAL HAMER Services will begin again in the Myrtie Church on the second Sun- day in September with Rev. MacRury leading in worship again. Keep in mind in October the an- niversary services with Rev. Bob Rumble as guest speaker. Thne and date will be specified later. Again there will be square dance classes if there are enough dancers. We wil start on Sept. 16 in the church basemient. Cail Laural Hamer 655M492 days or 655-4731 evenings if interested. l A committee from the Myrtle Church has been investigating bibles and they have made a pur- chase of a beautiful new pulpit bible to grace the church for many years to corne. The congregation of Myr- tle church thanks the people who sont donations. The community la saddened by the passing of Mrs. John Grant and we remember ber as one of the friendliest of women Patients seek allowance, FROM PAGE 3 lie says the comfort ailowance would also help patients pay for transportation, if only to go for a cup of coffe i town. " The Ontario ombudaman's. office. and Ontario government have been contacted about the allowance program wbich bas been handled by the Ministry of Community and Social Services since,,it ,begani 1983. vocate involves patients' rights, says Durbam Centre candidates i the upcoming provincial election will be queried for their views on the matter should a planned meeting with the candidates take place at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. "It's really unfair as it is,"' says Berkhart, who. says lack of some spending. money, "just putsainoro pressure on you." ~;; ~ 't o et,

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