Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1987, p. 27

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.19û87, PAGE 27 Community Care registration By BRIAN WINTER It is unlikely many Whitby residents realize that it costs ap- proximately $10 million a year to operate Whitby General Hospital, 88 per cent of which is paid by the Ontario Ministry of health. The balance of the hospital's revenue is obtained from agencies such as Blue Cross and the Workers' Compensation Board, as well from patients who are not covered under health insurance plans. Erie Hanna, director of finance for the Whitby hospital since July 1, 1987, oversees the day-to-day finan- cial operations of the hospital. He came to Whitby General from the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie, wbere he spent one and a haîf years as accounting super- visor, and previously was a char- tered accountant -with Thorne and Riddell at Kingston and Toronto. Eacb year a budget is prepared by the finance department in con- junction witb various hospital committees. The budget is then submitted to the finance committee of the board of governors. The budget process is generally started in October and ready for sub- mission to the Ministry of health in February. There are three integral parts to the budget: capital items, staffing requirements, and other supplies and expenses. Seventy-four per cent of the hospital's budgeted expenditures involved salaries and the related benefits. The balance is then allocated to medical supplies, drugs and otber supplies. Patients from other provinces ERIC HANNA and patients without OHIP are billed directly, as are non-residents of Canada. Tbe Workers' Compen- sation Board is billed for treatment for accidents whicb occurred at work. Hanna points out that people who require the services of an am- bulanice have to pay 50 per cent of the cost. The balance is picked up by OHIP, if the patient bas suitable coverage. The hospital's revenue for 1987-88 was budgeted at $9.1 million. This was a shortfall compared to the budgeted expenditures and resulted in a deficit of $576,000, says Hanna. He points out, bowever, that the original budget included the biring of 11.2 people, but tbey have not been hired yet, reducing the deficit to a projected $300,000. The Ministry of Healtb increased its funding by four per cent this year, and Whitby General bad to budget for a deficit because its costs have increased by. more than four per cent. Hanna pointed out that in the past, other bospitals have received funding increases, and the Barrie bospital's recent $1.7 million deficit was funded by the Ministry of Health. Although the hospital decided not to hire the additional 11.2 people at the beginning of the year, the board of governors was informed that some are needed right away, said Hanna. Therefore, in- September, the hospital will be going. to the Ministry of health to ask for the money to put in place the additional staff required. Another reason for the Whitby hospital's deficit is the expanded services which are required by this fast-growing community. In addition to the operating budget, the' Whitby hospital has a capital budget of $835,000 this year, of which $130,000 is funded by the Ministry of health. The Whitby hospital foundation bas committed another $600,000 and the balance of $105,000 will have to be funded by donations from the general public, said Hanna. Last year, public donations amounted to $27,000, so there is always* a need for public con- tributions to the hospital, he said. The hospital's business office has a staff composed of one accounting clerk, two accounts receivable clerks, an accounting supervisor and a part-time person wbo works in the purchasing office. The Oshawa-Whitby Community Care program will hold two registration sessions on Tuesday, Sept. 15 and Tbursday, Sept. 17 for English as a second language classes. Registration on both days, from DOROTHY ANN BARTER Dorothy Ann Barter of Whitby died at ber home on August 21, 1987, in her 68tb year. She was born ini Amarantb Town- ship, daughter of John James and Bale Maude (Sanderson) Bryan. She married Harold David Bar- ter in 1964. Mrs. Barter lived in Whitby for 13 years after living In Pickering for 10 years. She was a member of Ajax Bap- tist Church, and ignrden clubs in 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., will be held at St. Marks United Churcb at the corner of Centre St. S and Coiborne. For more information eall Glen- da Brown at .723-6528 or Susan Blakelock at 683-405. Obituary She is survived by ber busband, son David Mann, granddaughter Heather Mann and brother Donald Bryan. Predeceased by brother Charles Bryan. Sbe lay in rest at the W.C. Towni Funeral Chapel in Wbitby. Service was beld at Ajax Baptist Churcb, Monday, August 24,1987, conducted by Ed Lugtenburg. Interment was at Mount Lawn Cemetery, Whitby. 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