Whitby Free Press, 16 Sep 1987, p. 5

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WHTBYR FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1987 z Once upon a time there was a father. Just for the sake of argument, let's caîl him Jake. Now this father was a tborougbly modemn fatber in al respects, and like many other fathers of his generation, had a child. Jake.loved his child, a smali, wee girl child named Milynda. Even wben she was very, very -small, Jake would take ber for walks, letting ber take turns at riding the German Shepberd and dragging the cat by the tail. So precocious was Milynda that sbe progressed from riding sidesaddle to riding bareback, bronco style, wbile swinging tbe cat by the tail. They were quite a sight going through tbe neighborhood, those four: Father. Daughter. Dog. Cat. Now so mucb did this father love bis daughter that be did wbat bis own fatber called tbe unthinkable: be changed d iapers. Not just the heavy, five-pound overnight ultra-absorbant jobs, eitber. Sometimes be even cbanged the messy, dirty diapers. Now just once, not just twice, but often. Regularly. Witbout a scbedule being josted. So be cbanged diapers; he took bis daughter for walks; he fed ber meals; he batbed ber; be wasbed ber bair, whetber it looked dirty or not, and rinsed bebind ber ears. Feeding. 'Bathing. Wasbing bair. Rinsing. Drying. Dressing. That brings us to the point. Dressing. Every nigbt afteý the bath, the father would dry ber off and dress ber in pyjamas for the nigbt. Now pyjamas, even littie girl pyjamas, offer little in challenge even for fathers. Èirst there is a top. Then there is a bottom. The top goes on top. The bottom goes on the bottom.Tbe top goes over the top to get on, and the bottomn goes over the bottom, usually starting with tbe feet. Notbing to it. So most of the time the fatber got tbat part rigbt.i I mean, witb pyjamas, even the labels can be believed. So everything in life was perfect for this father and bis daughter, and for tbe çbild's mother, too, I suppose. Until WITH OUR FEET UP by- Bill*Swan one day tbe mother came home from work, cbuckled, took ber daugbter on ber knee and proceeded to take off the lit- tie jeans witb the Care Bear on the bip pocket and put tbem back on again witb the Care Bear over the patcb pocket in front. "Wbatever," said the fatber, "are you doing?" "Oh, just putting ber jeans on rigbt way round. Tbat's ahl. It's notbing." The father sald, "Oh." And.scratched bis bead. And looked like be was thinking. Next day, before the mother came home again from work, the fatber carefully dressed the little girl again, this time watcbing very, very closely, and making sure ail tbe labels were at tbe collar at the back and ail. And the mother came home from work and cbuckled like a drunken uncle witb ber band over ber moutb, and as soon as the father went into the kitchen to make tea sbe took tbe ittie girls dress off and put it back on so, the but- tons would go down the back like nature intended. But she wasn't fast enougb, and tbe father came into tbe room just Items stolen from parked vehîocles Durham, Regional Police are in- vestigating three break and enters of vebicles parked in two un- derground parking lots at White Oiaks Crt., ail on the same nigbt. In the first incident, $2,500 worth of cigarets andi lighters were stolen from a truck belonging te imperial Tobacco of Toronto. The truck was parked at 101 White Oaks Crt. Aise in 101, $228 wortb of teols were stolen from another vebicle. At 100 Wbite Oaks tools valued at over $1,500 were stolen from a third vebicle. The incidents occurred on the nigbt of Sept. 10. * ulien Garden Chrysanthemum Festival '87 September l9th - 27th Special:r Free Pot of Mums to Every Visiting Mom. (Whilie Suppiy Lasts) Feafturing: Gorgeous spiashes of colour with thousands of Chrysanthemums in flliibloom. Plus: Miniature Cottage Country...wVith tiny boats, raiiroad, resoris & lakeside events, a new addition to ~,' i4the Miniature Village & Country FairgrouncL r Live Ertertainment daily except Monda y. Dlning: The new & elegant Garden Gate Restaurant, The Village Restaurant & Garden Tea Room Free Parking, Open 7 days a Weekl '"A deihflplacefor Young G aidff Cullen Gardens & Miniature Vili.age Whitby 668&6606 / 294-7965 Toronto to ask, "Skim milk or wboie?" and she answered, A Ai JL ___________________ I Weil pay you wlen you ýget a Mortgage fmom us. We'1l open a high daily interest TOTAL Account for you with $100 already i k, when you get a new mortgage or transfer your existing one to National Trust by October 31! National Trust Mortgages offer excel- lent rates and our staff provides fast, efficient service. But now, you'll also get an additional $100 earning high daily interest fory ou i a TOTAL Account. Plus ,we'11 automnatically add up to $50 * * to your TOTAL Account when yÃ"u transfer your account balance from another financial institution to National Trust. Not only wil you get high daily interest, you can also write cheques on your TOTAL Account. And we can handie the transfer, so you don't have to d o a thin"r Don't orget to ask for details about oui special offer on loans! Contact your nearest National Trust Branch today. But hurry, you only have until October 31! *NTIONAL TRUST A National Vîcitiina and Gir Trustco t.mpn WHITBY 352 Brock Si. S. 666-1800 & 308 DundaSi. W. 608-9324 AJAX Harwood Place Mal S. 683-7344 OSHAWA .32 Slmcot Si. S. 723-5207 PICKERING .Pickering Super Centre 831-6501 'Olier appliestIo appications tecetved Imon SeptctnbeT 15 thrî,ufl )ctct el , 197,)il'.tt a n,îrtga4c ii $20,000 or mare Ail tunduig mu--t bc compiried by Dcecmber .11, 1987 Ili prorrss draw%. tirt advance must lic made l)censber 31, 1987 1 011cr applit% to residratuiatrsit motsgagc application% t -uglcîamntly. duplex or trplrx, ownrr-occupîed homes bcang purchascd Transros from ithcr lcndtr' uuaifv t tht 1111 dcposit Lilpropnes tmmetthe above cntcria Renewals tiii cistintr National Trust nnagc di) ont qiaiuhv ti the SI(X) cash dcposîî. Normal local Icnding craîrna will appir - Transtcr youraccount by îving us ytijr acco)-nt passbook and wc wîll czrdt your ncw TOTAL Accouat i wîh 1% ut the balance transterycil. tui a maxutwiiofaI SSO 011r as Iltaancinoeaccouai pet Mpsn 1 L M "Whoie,"'but he had seen the eXehange. he scratched bis head and iooked again at the girl in the blue dress. " Got it wrong again, eh? " And she just nodded. "Dress buttons down the back, eh? " Again, she just nodded. Next day the father again dressed the littie girl, this time in a pretty pink dress«given to her by her maternai grandmother, with patent leather shoes, with the buttons' down the back and the bow neatly placed in front and a sweet littie hand-knit sweater which he aimost thought he got wrong, but then he remembered the buttons down the back and proceeded to button them so. And the mother came home from shopping tbat day and lnnked at the littie girl and stifled her laugb very niceIy, and waited until the father had gone out to mow the lawn or take the garbage out or wash the car or do some other maie job that doesn't count as his contribution to housekeeping. Then she turned the sweater around, re- tied the pretty pink bow and refastened the barrette in the tiny giri's bair. Sbortly after that the father gave up dressing the littie girl in dresses, or friily things, and now be sticks to blue jeans and sweaters. And mostly he gets it right. But he. ignores things like labels, which his maie childbood had taught bim always go to the back. Except the odd time, when he forgets and the waist band ends up at the front of the jeans. And from time to time the Care Bears end up facing backward for a day. The littie pink socks often end up inside out, but always on the right feet, which is more than can be said for the sboes. So stiii the father and the littie girl go for walks, and she stili rides the German Shepherd. But the cat has grown wiser in oid age, and now does not wait to be dragged by the tail. And the little girl bas finally learned to look ber fatber in tbe eye and say, "Do it self, do it self." ML- 1 1 1 5 1; J,

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