Whitby Free Press, 21 Oct 1987, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1987 ]Region wantM4s t n»more about.plaza A -proposai to permit the con- struction of a strip plaza in the west section of Whitby bas been put on the back burner for two weeks to allow the Region's planning com- mittee to obtain additional infor- A 44-year-old Whitby man has been charged with personation af- ter he called a woman and asked her if she was interested in modelling. The woman. a 36-year-old Whitby resident, received the caîl on Oct. 16. She then called Durham Regional Police. The man called back a second time saying he represented a nyfovie company. A meeting between the man and woman was then arranged. Police did not say where the meeting was held. mation. During last week's meeting of the planning committee, represen- tation was made by Kevin Tunney on behaîf of Nard Investments. who want to construct the plaza. and Police arrested the man at the meeting location. Charged with personation is Gar- field Fredrick McKnight. 44. or 100. White Oaks. The charge -of per- sonation, claiming to bé someone else for an illegal purpose. has a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison. Police say the incident is similar to other occurrences in Durham Region in the past year and they warn the public to cali police if they receive any similar type of phone call. Well pay you Rob Morton of the Whitby Business Improvement Area, who are op- posed to this plaza-type develop- ment. Ron Rogerson, owner of Green- briar Developments, wants to build a 24,000 square-foot plaza on two acres of land located on the south side of Dundas St. W., west of Cochrane/Annes St. He has an offer to purchase on the property from Nard which applied last year to have the land rezoned from residential to commercial.. Whitby council had tul-ned down a proposal to build apartments on the site. twice prior to giving approval in principle to the construction of a plaza on the property Tunney, of Tunney Planning, told planning committee that negotiations with area residents had led to an understanding con- cerning the proposed plaza which includes brick and wood security fencing, lighting and garbage con- trol. , But Morton stated-that the BIA is in opposition to any plaza-type development on the Perimeter of the downtown core. Counicillor Mike Armstrong of Oshawa, a member of the Region planning committee, said he wan- ted a littie more direction from the Town of Whitby, adding he feit the municipality dumped the proposai onto the Region by qualifying its approval. Regional chairman Gary Herrema echoed Armstrong's wor- ds and stated although he is flot op- posed to developing the land, he would appreciate more information on the subject. On a motion from Herremna, the matter was tabled for two weeks and is expected to be discussed at the next planning committee meeting on Oct. 27. when yuget a Mortage fmmus We'll open a high daily interest TOTAL Account for you with $100 already in it, when you get a new mortgage or transfer your existing one to National Trust by October 31! National Trust Mortgages offer excel- lent rates and our staff provides fast, efficient service. But now, you'll also get an additional $100 earning high daily interest fory ou in a TOTAL Account. Plus, we', automatieally add up to $50* * to your TOTAL Account when you transfer your account balance from another financial institution to National Trust. Not only will you get high daily interest, you can also write cheques on your TOTAL Account. And we can hande the transfer, so you don't have to do athing Don'tlforget to ask for details about oui special offer on loans! Contact your nearest National Trust Branch today. 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