Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1987, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1987 1988 guideline for rent increase 15 4.7 per cent The I9I guideline f'or rent in- creases is 4.7 per cent. This is a decrease t'rom the 1987 guideline of' 5.2 per cent. The new guidelirîw begins on January 1, 1988. Every year. the Ontario gover- nment sets a guideline 11)1' maximum rent inereases. This guideline is related to the rate of in- fiat ion. If a landiord wants to charge more than the guideline, lhe or 'she must get permissionf from the Ministry of' Housi ng. The landord must prove that the extra increase is necessary. This process is ca iled rent review. Il the Mivnîstry ol l-tousing does flot permit the extra increase. the la-,ndord cannot increase the rent by more than the guidelirie. There can be only one rent in- crease a vear. The landord mus( give the tenant a written notice of rent increase not leàs than 90 days belore the date ol' the increase. If this ks not done. the tenant dries nol have to pay the increase. For more information about the rerit review process or landlord and tenant issues. contact your local refit review office. The offices are Iisled in the bNue pages of' the telephone book under 'Government of' Canada.* Or cail the toil-free % çç f. c= CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION POPPY WEEK TAKE NOTICE THAT November 5 to 11, 1987,. s hereby proclaimed. as-Poppy Week-in and for the Town of Whitby. Citizens of Whitby are reminded of the significant contributions of the Royal Canadian Legion to our Municipality and are en- couraged to support the sale of poppies in memory of those who, have given lhemselves for our country. DATED aI 'Nhitby. Ontario the 281h day of October, 1987. R.A. Attersley, Mayor Town of Whilby CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE.0F INTENTION Street Name Change - GLEN HILL DRIVE to GLEN HILL DRIVE SOUTH The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law to change the name of Glen Hill Drive. south of Dundas Street East. to Glen Hill Drive South. The change in street name will apply to Glen Hill Drive, soulh of Dun- das Street East, as shown below. beîng composed of Part of LoI 21. Concession 1, Town of Whitby desîgnated as Parts 5, 6. 12. 13. 14. 17 and 19 on Plan of Survey 40R-8809. The purpose of the change in street name is to provide a clearer basîs for dîstînguishîng between properties fronting onto Glen Hill Drive, south of Dundas Street East and properties frontîng onto Glen Hill Drive. north of Dundas Street East. OIJNDAS STREET EAST The Operatîons Committee of Councîl wîll meel on Monday. Novem- ber 2, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room One of the Municipal Building. 575 Rossland Road East, Whîîby, for the purpose of hearîng any person who dlaimis their land wîll be adversely atfected by the by- law. Any person wishing to meet wîth the Commiîlee is asked to advîse thie Town Clerk accordtnqly no lalertIlari Thtirsday. October29. 1987. Donald G. McKay. Clerk FOOD for Chocolate Halloween thrillers When the ghosts and goblins corne out on October 31, surprise them with a chocolatey Halloween treat tbat's fun and easy to make. "Fightful" goblins are cho-4, colate peanut butter cookies on a stick that, with a little ima- gination, become spooky Hallo- ween faces.The only ingredients needed to make these delicious cookies - aside from handy kit- chen staples - are wooden stir sticks and an assortment of color- fui candies such as licorice and jelly beans. They can be prepared ahead of time and are sure to be a bit with the witches and warlocks who trick or treat ta your door. Or why not have a Halloween party where the kids can decorate the cookies themselves. With frosting and candies they can create their own "frightful" and "not-so-frightful" faces. And for the littlest goblins who are too young to trick or treat it's a fun and creative way ta be a part of the scariest night of the year. "FRIGHITFUL" GOBLINS (makes 2 dozen cookies) 1/2 cup cocoa 12 5 mL 1/2 cup ail purpose flour 125 mL 1/2 tsp baking soda 2 mL 1/2 tsp salt 2 mL 1/2 cup peanut butter 125 mL 1/2 cup butter, softened 125 mL 1/2 cup granulated sugar 125 mL 1/2 cup packed brown 125 mL sugar 1 egg 24 wooden stir sticks Devilish dark frosting assorted candies Sift together baking soda and together peanut cocoa, flour, sait. Cream butter and From pre-natal te teenage years, the nutrition of children is a major cancern of parents, and so it should be since nutrition plays such a major raie in the overal physical and mental health of every generation. Mother's nutrition is important while a child is nursing, but parents' concerns increase as their children develop their own per- sonal eating habits. Many people believe that hyperactivity and moady behaviour can be attri- buted to tao much refined sugar in the diet. A child who is unwil- ling ta eat a variety of fruits and vegetables can become susceptible ta illness and can show dramatic reactions te deficiencies of varlous vitamins-and mineraIs. In some cases a muitivitamin can bring up nutrient levels and improve overail health. One deficiency that can create others is zinc defîciency.ý It has been found that in- boys even a mild zinc deficiency can reduce appetite. Overweight- children have the opposite problem. They do not do as well in school as their $1normal" or underweight class- mates, often creating additional' social problems for these children. By encouraging, and even parti- cipatiflg in active exercise on a regular basis, parents can help their children control weight and morale. Exercise also contributes ta the strength and health of nany parts of the body, parti- cularly the heart. Besides, it's fun! butter; beat in granulated and brown sugars. Beat in egg, then blend in dry ingredients.. Chili dough 30 minutes or until stiff enough to roll into balls. Divide dough into 24 portions; roll into balis. Place 6 halls, 3 inches (7.5 cm) apart on the ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten balls with the bottom of a glass dipped in flour. Insert the stir stick inte each cookie as for a lollipop. Bake in 3500F (18000) oven 12 te, 13 minutes. Repeat with remaining dough. Let stand a few minutes before removing to cooling racks; cool compietely. Prost each coolde with Devilish Dark Frosting and decorate with candies to make "frightful" faces. Devilish Dark Frosting:- Heat 3 Tbsp (45 mL) butter and 3 Tbsp (45 mL) peanut butter in a sausepan over Iow heat stirring until mnelted and smoothly com- bined. Remove from heat. Stir in 1/3 cup (75 mL) cocoa. Alternatively biendl in 3 cups (750mL) sifted icing sugar and 3 Tbsp (45 mL) milk until frosting is smooth and of spreading consisteflcy. Co ncern for lkids' nutrition

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