Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1987, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WH-ITI3Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1987 Four more crossing guards to be hiired Whitby council has agreed to hire an additional four crossing guards at a cost of $3.500. The guards will be placed at the intîersections of Mary and Garden St.. Brock St. N. and Manning St.. Gai-den St. and Bradley and Man- HeIp your Heart Fund HeIp your Heart mîîg Rd. aind Hazelwood Dr. AIl the locations were accepted without question by councillors. with the exception of'one. nhe public works department reported that a crossing guard. which had operated at the Brock St. N. and Manning crossing l'or a number of' years, was going to be removed because the Palmerston Avenue Public School boundaries had changed. Trhe report said the'Town was in- l<rmed the new easterîy boundary lor the schooî on Palmerston Ave. would be Brock St. N. oýarire "-We pursued to have this crossing removed since il seemed that no one would require the crossing.- stated the report. l-iowever. the rown was later in- P)rmed that 24 children had special permission Io cross the easterly school boundary and the Board of' Educat ion inf'ormed the parents they must gel 'the children across Brock St. N. Trhe departiment said children. however. are crossing Brock St. N. and the guard should rernain. Trhose parents asked l'or special consideration. rhey did not lollow through and now the tixpayers have 1<) carry the costs.- said coun- cillor.Joe Bugelli. Council was also informed the department wilI present a report on crossing guards for Anderson St. at a meeting of the operations com- mittee on Monday, Nov. 2. New high school.i...... FROM PAGE 1 Province. would be r.3 hal figures includes space for 880) Eîîglish students and :32 French students Andrews said capacity usiug the D)urham separate hoards rat ing would he about 1.1(1<>n total In1 Sept embler. 1 9M~. Denis t o nor Iliigh School %vas rel ocated f'rom Whill t'v to a new. building iii;:Xja x Planiis were bo later open new high schools iii Whitby and Pickering. nhe new Pickerinîg facility will be completed in 1988. Board planners project that 40>8 Whitby students will move into the new Whitby English high school from Denis O'Connor in 1990. and aniother 176 lrom Dwyer -a total of 688. About 250 are expected to at- HOT STUFF HIGH EFFICIENCY AND GET 5*FACToRY Up TO $425 DPir R AT Now's a great time to move up to today's- superior heating and air conditioning technology. Carrier deluxe gas furnaces and air conditioning units give you that superb feeling of comfort year round. *TOTAL COMFORT SYSTEM INCLUDES: HIGH EFFICIENCY NATURAL GAS FURNACE, CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING (OR HEAT PUMP>, 31 MP/SX ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANER AND HUMIDIFIER. %A 'CED e THE l ROYAL BANK 8 9 % OUR NAME ALONE WtLL MAKE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE Bridlewood Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. 111 Industrial Dr., Unit 23, Whitby, Ontario LiN 5Z9 Oshawa 723-0868 Whitby 668-8111 Pickering 683-5757 0(1er Expires November 14.,1987. Available 10 qualified home owner-occupanls only. Cannot be combined with any olher Carrier promotion. tend the French school from the temporary Charles Garnier faciîity. Whitby trustee Catharine Tunney i nquired during Monday's session whether the high sehools would beginasGrade9)to I3facilities. -We really haven't corne to ter- rns with that," Lagroix responded. "We're assuming not" He said he had sorne risgivings about uprooting senior students frorn schools (Denis O'Connor, Dwyer) which they had been attending. Andlrews said discussions about the proposed complex remain -at 1tle st aff level.- wi thl discussion l'or- thcorning with theý archdiocese which t<wmerly owned the school site property. 15<> acres in size. Group Il purchased the 150) acres rom the archidiocese. Andrews said the exact acreage l'or the complex had yet t<) be dcl ermi ned during discussion bet- ween the rown. board and developer Our Mini-Statc îclevision anlcnna looks like a tiodesl. îastcfully designed tlfle fly- ing saucer. Il is only 21< in diamrcler and weighs just 6 Ihs. But whcn il is comiparably ~ tocated il perforns as QMEP Weil as that big, curn- -a bersonie. conventional nionsler you are uscd lo. With ils% rernole tuner, you cSfl 7cr0 in on precise TV reccp- lion on any UIF or VIIF channci. Thc M ini -Siate is CSA apprswed. Il cones comlple and is as easy lo instll as your sierco speakers. Wc provide 60 feel off eu- axial cahie plus îhrceewire rolalor cable, and complclc instructions. You can stand the Mlini-Stale on your rou)f, aîîach il tu the chiimncy. nsounlt il ouiside your windows. or suspend il froin a rafler in the alie. You can evcn pcrch il atop a. flagpole and you'll stitl gel ierrific rcceptiofl. llite NMni-State is huili lu ast. Thc enlire antenna. amplifier. and the rolalor niechanistîn are conmpletely encased in a durable space-age style radone. The radomne is highly imipervious lu wind. dust, min, ice, snw and indusîrial gases. The NIini-Stale cosîs $259 . . . a fraction of tihe ainounil you would expecl Io pay for a conventional TV antenna. Were su sure you'Il be plensed with the NMini-State Ihal WC offer a 30 day noney -back guaraniee if you are nol conmplelely saîistied. Order your Mini-SIale îoday. Send $259. plus $10. for shipping and handling and 7 % sales lax ly cheque. rnoney order, VISA or Masteitharge, îuade payable lu Station Farth, RR4 Fergus, Ontario NIM 2W-'. inmediate dcivery. PS, If iyouliars an c ~ît ortt orr gxl îiivrkiîg condition, ask aNtut otir al Piie 'SP2000 ). . . ou imay l'e jaçatilly su rpriseil! Dealer inquiries inviled. tiR 4. FERGUS, ONT N1M 2W5 HOT STUFF PHONE (519) THE-DISH A' SECTION of the retaining wall between Brooklin Cycle and the Town Funeral Parlor gave way Iast week during construction work o11 tle Brooklin Cycle prOperty off Dun- das St. E. Tîtere was $50,000> damnage. F'ree Pres% phloto> Use of name rejected Regional councilIlors have t urned thumbs down to an organization which wants to-incorporate the name Durham Region into its name. D)urham Region Action Commit tee for Training had applied 10 tthe Region t0 use the name during proceedings. But counceil has stated that while il does not ohject to the organization using the name D)urham. it will not allow t he word "region- tb he used ini the inetu' p<rated narne since the puhlic rnahelieve il is operated hy ilin municipality. The group identifies employer's needs and purchases the necessarv training. Il has been operating fo r about two and a hall'years. GRAND OPENING SALE Oct. 28 - 31 Wedncsday 3 p.m. '- 8 p.m. Trhurs. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 9 p.ni. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 10% off ail Racing Harness & Halters MANUFACIIJRING SM= XUNE AND) WILL MAKE 10) ORDER ' RACING AND SHOW HARNESS. TOP QUALITS'LKAWIERS AND) SOME SYNITHE1CS USED. WE STOCK A M-1t. RANGE 0F ACCESSORY rlMS MRR TRAILORING AND) 11Aýn1NG ANI) CARRY A WIDE ASSORTIENT 0F 1 IARNI-SS FEQUIPMLNT. We would be pleased to accept telephone and miail ordcrs. Ail orders under $500. C.0).l). Corne by and sce us today for the best service avallable by knowledgeablc equine personnel. Kestrel Leather -Manufacturirig Corp. 210 Willrnott Rd. Box 927, Cobourg, Ont- K9A 4W4 (416)372-2166 mFie IRoyal Canadiati Legion Whitby. (Ont No 112> Brancri Net Proceeds $1 39032.30 Welfare $ 7,300.00 The Royal Canadian Legion is committed to assisting aur veterans and their widows and dependants. Although the number of veterans is dwindling, those that remain stili require aur assistance. HOT STUFF LL L1 SAVE WITH [. ...... oem amaw Umm.. mm&= 4qeýýýHOýT ýSTUýFFýýý, ilà tti&,k* HOT STUFF

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