S- . *,.....,,*, >AUi 6, Wl-IlIBY FREEt!t PRESS;, w flLN rSurA, JAU uz' 13 . 19M5o 7J~JI~~? ~AJ VOICE 0F THE COUNTY'TOWN The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents .4, L Published every Wednesday, By 677209 Ontario Imc. Phone. 668-6111 Doug Andef son Publisher The Free Press Building 131 Brock Street North.* P.O. Box 206. Whitby. Ont. >Editor Peterlirvine Advert isifg. Manager Alexandra Simon Production Manager Whltby cou ncli may have set an ugly precedent Manday night when it gave -a develaper time ta strengthen his case on an ap- plication ta expand the- boundaries of Macedonlan Village. The decisian was based an a -fear that the developer, Dave Brennan, wauld take cauncil ta the Ontarlo Miunicipal Board. Although there. have' been previaus public, meetings an the 'application, council has given Brennan an unspeclfled amount of time ta dig twa test wells on a praperty where he wants ta Equal treatment create 18 new lots. The request came at the last minute fram Brennan and he succeeded ln getting council ta go alang wlth hlm although a council cammittee had last week, after yet another public meeting, turned dawn the request for expansion.' But should couïncil solely be- making decisions based on a tsar of subsequent action trraadeveloper? If sa, council shauld'have approved bath a Canadian Tire application for a. gas bar at the corner af Bawman St. and Dundas and the ex- pansion of a iodgln'g home an Euclid St. last year. Bath were turned down after complaints, ftram residents l ivi ng ln the area.. Bath applications have now been appealed ta the 0MB. It s time aur cauncil treated all develapers and Whitby residents fairiy and equally. LETTE.RS FROM OUWR READE"ýRS Education Action Committee atisfied with'resuits To the editor: Our September 1987 meeting was In 1986/87, as President of the Dr. well attended and many issues Robert Thornton Home and School were raised: There were bussing Association,- I encountered problems at Thickson Point; paren- numerous issues of concern to ts. east of Thickson Rd. were con parents such as overcrowding and cerned about their children's safety bussing. in crossing a main thoroughfare At that time Bellwood Public enroute to sehool; this safety issue Sehool was not at the top- of the was also raised by parents from St. Board of Education's priority list. Paul's and Pringle Creek Sehools; Dr. Robert Thornton- P.S. was the need for additional recreation seriously overcrowded with many facilities was recognized by many. * children facing long waits as busses Bussing problems at Thickson undertook double and triple runs. Point were quickly resolved. At early meetings the immediate Recently the Town approved the need for Bellwood P.S. was iden- installation of lights and a crossing tified and the level of parental con- guard on Thickson Rd. at Bellwood. cern over this issue was em- This will enable those children *phasized. Bellwood P.S. was moved living east of Thickson access to up in* priority and construction BellWood P.S. began last faîl. A crossing guard on Manning at * t became apparent that many Hazelwood has been approved to schools in Whitby were experien- assist children on route to St. cing concern over the same issues. Paul's. Crossing guards are also in It was for this reason that the Place for the benefit of those Éducation Action Committee was children crossing Anderson to at- founded as a coalition of concerned tend Pringle Creek P.S. parents fromn all across Whitby. Pringle Creek P.S. has been Partisan comments no help in getting beds To the editor: I would like to comment on the letter from Stephanie Bail which was published in your January 6, 1988, edition. While it is encouraging to ses that Ms. Bail is concerned with the recent decision made byte Ministry' of Health that denies .Whitby General Hospital more acute care beds, the general tone of her ietter is more cynical and critical than is constructive. t compares with the "politics of cynicism"' practiced by the tiny Tory caucus at Quesn's Park. The barrage of statistics and, the analysis mereiy states the obvious; Whitby has grown, but Whitby General has not. Shé accuses Elinor Capian of withholding ap- proval of' the additionai beds until such time as a future generai eiec- tion. That is rubbish. It amounts ta speculation and is an irresponsible statemnent. Ms. Bail is guilty of the cross political posturing she ac- cuses the minister of practicing. Your newspaper has provided admirable editorial support and has reported the whole issue 'in detail,* much to the satisfaction of your readers. Our community has been united in a most positive man-.- ner and it will carry on the negotiations with the Ministry ýof Health by supporting the Whitby General Hospital* Board of -direc- tors. The board's efforts and the com- munity's health care needs would be better served by proposals which suggest alternative strategies to reach the goal of a decision reversai and for a com- promise by the Mfinistry of Health. What is required is leadership flot useless criticismn and partisan politics. Yours rqspectfully, - J. Butson Whitby designated for use as a Community Center and BeUlwood P.S. is also under consideration for this project.. The Education Açtion Committee can take no credit for any of these accomplishments. What we did was draw these issues to the attention of our elected officiais in a rational and intelligent manner. This was done without taking an adversarial position which is so often favored by "community watchdogs. " Our mandate was to promote com- inunication and co-operation and this was accomplished. Our meetings were attended by councillors Gerry Emm and Joe Patty Bowman and separate school trustees Catherine Tunney, Tia Woodcroft and Ed Finan. Their. in- terest and input was greatly ap- preciated. The support of the local press was invaluable. SEE PAGE 27 Parking tiekéts-for fun and profit To the editor: I have a great idea for improving the economy of Whitby. Ail you have to do is caîl the police and report all cars on your street parked for 3 hours or more and they will be given a $10. parking ticket -but only if you complain. Think of the money the town of Whitby could make in tickets. We live on Shannon Court and when someone called and com- plained -we were issued a parking ticket and -a féw others on the street. None of the other streets were ticketed because nobody complained. The bylaw states you can't park in front of your -home after a period of 3 hours. If you happen to have guests for the evening make sure they leave when the 3 hours time limit is ut). So the next time you have nothing, to do -go outside and look down the street to ses how many cars are parked there for the night and cal the police. Each car w'ill'be worth $10 and just think the ones parked under the no parking signs might be' worth a lot nÃore. Business would boom. Have a mice day. Poor planning for torch run To the editor: Re: Torchbearers event in Whit- by. I waited with great anticipation for the torchbearer to arrive and could imagine the exciteynent felt. by youngsters as the stage was sèt in front of the Whitby library Dec. 21. However, it was very crowded there so we decidedto stand on the corner near the Iights at Dundas and Euclid. We grew impatient, tired and cold, and the only thing of interest in the meantime was an of- ficer tryîng to direct confused traf- SEE PAGE 27 * . . -a w- wholeyearw.ithou't T.V.!But.you won' findfatman-rer'uns in any boolgs! Yours truly, L. Del Bono Whitby LETTERS The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters ta the Editor on any subjeet of confeern ta aur readers. Letters should be brief and ta, the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must he accompanied by the name, address and phane number of the writer; however, on request, your namne may *be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valid reason. The paper reserves the right ta reject or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, -Whitby, Ontario LiN 5S.1 or drop through aur mailsiot at 131 Brock St. N. .. -1 '9 r% A ý 1- d-- titi tllnl:3%1 1 rinnloc:!- ILIrLlrl%&ILQnAr -Tà xttlà Dv lq 10125Z 1 m MIL 1 «: any bo'ok's ', ý,ý , -el-