PAGE 10. WHITBY FREE PRESS, -WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27,- 1988 Parents aeopp.osed to S.Pau ýl ,boundaY, change More than 100 St..Paul's separate school parents last week resoun- dingly opposed any school boun- dary change that would transfer their children'to, St. Michael's separate sehool ln Oshawa. 11'We are very upset, with this move. We do not want our chlldren moved to St. Michael's,," Margaret *Clay, one of the parents, told Durham separate school board trustees and staff to loud applause by ail parents attendlng the Jan. 21 information session.- The board is seeking to relieve overcrowdlng which is expected to take place at St. Paul's, despite an addition opened Mi March last year. St. Paul's now has 852 students, an increase of 31 since the beginning. of the sehool year last September, and that figure is expected to increase substantially. in coming years be cause of houslng growth now un- derway and pIanned in the St. Paul's boundary area. 1A niew sc hool, to be called St. Bernard's, is scheduled to open nor- th of Rossl and Rd. between Garden and Anderson In September, 1989. With 419 students when it opens,,it will relieve some of the over- crowdinig at St. Paul's and will, ac- cording to a board plan, split the St. Paul's boundary area in two.. Gerry O'Neill, controller of plan- ning for the-board, outlined threê alternative realignments of the boundary between St. Paul's and Michael's whlch would move fromn 76 ta 183 students at St. Paul's to the Oshawa school in September, 1988,, and further relieve accomm odation problems. But parents Who reside withln-the three alternative areas, ail in Êoutlieast Whitby, hotly rejected- the plan. "'You're asking us to move out and make way for people who have flot settled into their homes yet," said Clay, referring to parents in new subdivision areas who would send their children to St. Paul's. "We do not want to leave St. Paul's." Southeast Wbltby. is only part of, the large St. Paul's boundary area. AU three realignments are South of Dundas St. E. and extend- to the lakte, but the -first, and largest, alternative is east of Tbickson (183 students would transferfrom St. Paul's to St. MBichael's); the second, and smallest is' eastof Kenddlwood Rd. ý(alfecting,*,76 studentb); and the third, east of Kendalwo od -as far' south- as Sawdon, and then east of Thickson (affecting 83 students)., "We feel like a very isolated' group at this point," said Clay. Tony Morra, another parent, said the boundaries between .St. Paul's and St. Theresa's'school, which has 621 students, should be reallgned to mo ve- any. rýew- students to ,St. Theresa's where, he said, miore portables could be accommodate 'd. "We!ve been here too- long ta, be shuffled again,"I said Morra, rejec- tlng a transfer ta existing St. Paul's to any. other echool. "We paid our dues."' <O'Neill wll be "lempty classrooms" at St. Theresa's but noted -that the boun-. dary 'area will be growing -with "lots of construction": projected -there. Morra said studentis from*any new subdivisions in -the'St. Paul's, arashould attend other schools, which another resident said was the case with one publiec hool in west Whitby, with parents receîving notification when they.move into. new homes,. Another parent,- David 'Lacey,' said the bounday for St. TheresaFs, could be moved north'to Rossland Rd., while more emphasis could, SEE PAGE 18 ([I \4~ ow ntown Don't Miss & Gretel Chilren 's Boutique FANTASTIC SAVINGS Extended ili Sat. Feb. l3th Winter Clearance 2 FOR1 SALE fPay hlgher prlcd Item) SPRING - SUMMER UP TO 70% OFF Top Quality Fashions Oshkosh* Ocean Pacifie * Pierre Cardin. Just a Little Soniething * Manhattan * La Unicorn Maggie Muggins * Gift Boxes * Glynne Percy Gund-Soft toys * Kiddo Dresses-S weaters-Coets-S hi ris and much more. [TBY LANE . "- MR ick St. N. Unit 6, le Iby 430-0894 0 oe US o. STAT S198 WTHA MRBOSIHE BE s NE 0F*H FI.T 0 O U ASEA BECM AEL,.BE O Ie GF * TIIATEWOTH$50 N* H PURHAE F NY GIFTWAE *R* 1O~25Off Al paperbacèks and PHOT SERICEhardeover books IN, Our Sale has been extended to DOWNTOWN, r, ar,29 &Sat. Jan. 30. WHITBYOpen Friday until 9:00 Pm 211 BROCK ST. > SOUTH103A Mary St. W. Whitby Pearson Lanes 666 430 - 1642 Hansel *ANTIQUES *NO-DIP RESTORED STRIPPING *CUSTOM 'REPAIRS UPHOLSTERY *REFINISHING' A large select ion of Victorian parlour furniture available 413 DUN DAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5481 WHI 153 Brc WVhil ,.4ý. ýý /À tbý