PAGE 4, WHITB3Y ,FRE PRESSI WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ý3; 1988 Drve ijuedwhen car rolis,.onDurha roa2 An:, Ukbridge" woman, was exp!!cted to be released from GWibfCenral Hospital yesterday (Tues day, Feb.. 2) following a spectacular accident on Durhain Rd. 23 Monday niglit. Durham Regional Police report Nina Martin, 52, was- heading north -on Durham Rd. 23, north of concession 8, when she lost control of lier 1984 Hyundai Pony. The 'car rolled: several times., béfore, doming to a I stop. Martin was taken to) Whitby General with back injuries."' Police laid no charges, noting the icy condition of the«road. Truck hits pole AN OSHAWA MAN has been charged at Dundas St. E. and Blair St. The ac- with inîpaired driving after'the cam- cident occurred about 9 p.m. oôn Mon- per he was driving struek a traffie pole day, Feb. 1. There were no injuries. Free Press photo' ENJOY WEAR1NG Gi WHITBY OPTICAL IAFRICAN VIOLETS$'$1.45. JOHIN'BROU.WEÉRGARDENCENTRE ASSES ï Car'ri'ér