PAG~Q1O~WHTBY REEPRES, IJYMIC PECALFEBRtUAY 10,98 . 1gqbIy Xrte'E1yijpic Fitness: Once started, keep it going 1By LINDSAY BOLTON Durham Regien Fitnèss Council The elevator broke and climbing those two flights of stairs left you gasping for breath halfway up. You're sa tired at the end of the workday that ail you can'-do is collapse in front of the television set. You can't-do Up the top button of your pantsw.ýithout taking a deep breath, Most, people know thatý it's high tinte they started a fitness programn but maniy don't kn9ow how- to go about it. Before starting on fitness, check to make sure that there are no res'trictions on your activity prograrn. For most people, physical activity.should not pose any problem or hazard. The following PAR-Q (Physicla Ac- tivity Readiness Questionnaire) was developed by the British Columbia Department of Health ta identify the small numnber of aduits who should,ýhave medical, advice concerning the. type of activity which would be most suitable for them. 1. Has your doctor ever said you bave heart trouble? 2. Do you frequently have pains in your heart and chest?. 3. Do you often feel faint or have spelis of ýsevere dizziness? 4. Has a doctor ever said your blood pressure was too high? 5. Has your doctor ever told you t'hat you have a bone or joint problem such as arthritis that has been aggravated by exercise or might be made worse by exercise? 6. Is there a good physical reason not mentioned here why you should not follow an activity program even if you wanted to? 7. Are you over age 65, and not ac- customed to vigorous exercise? If you answered "yes" to any question or are over the age of 50, consuit with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Once you've cleared your par- the officiai retrospective book of the Olympics arriving the lst week of March. We accept" Share the Flame " coupons worth $5.00 off book. 10AMary St. W. Wbitby Pearson Lanes ticipation in physical -activity, it's time to take a look at the fitness " menu" . A person embarking on an exercise program in the eighties is faced with a mind-boggling array of choices ranging from com- puterized exercise equipment to walking programs. Choose an ac- tivity which is enjoyable and fits well with your budget and lifestyle. it's not necessary to adopt a rigid and narrow training sehedule. Convenience may also play a big factor when it cornes to sticking with an exercise program. A fitness program which fits in.quite easily with your everyday duties is more likely to be followed than one which totally disrupts the day's routines. The first hurdie that people are faced with when starting an exer- cise program is brea king out of the inactivity habit. Conveniences have made it easy forý our lifestyles to be very inactive. Research has shown that the first eight weeks of an exercise program are critical. This is when our habit of inactivity exer- ts its strongest hold. It is often help- fui to decide why you want to get fit and remember it throughout this time. Once you've worked physical activity into your lifestyle, reward yourself for your accomplishments. Treat yourseif to something special to reinforce your good habits. Self-consciousness may be the number one deterrent to keeping on an exercise program. Remember that most people are too involved with their own activities to pay at- tention ta you. You may experience a few aches and pains when taking up a new ac- tivity. Minor aches and pains are usually signs that underused muscles and joints» are finally being used. If you have more than a small amount of stiffness, your body is trying to tell you to take it easier next tim-3. The old saying, "no pain, LONGINE S THE LONGINES STYLE 1 The thin, elegant Longines Gold Medal® Very Swiss. Very Supple. Very Sensuous. You've neyer seen a design this superb, at a price this remarkable. Thé.i luxurious look of brushed gold. The srudied txcl iîc f S%%wis rftsmanship. Exclusive LcLongiine.-, qur: oement. Gold Medal is a classically elegant sporsJ ir oand Jress %w&uIch. An impressive gift. Also an'ailable ii aIl gilt dm1l. . j' NnmT as-s Jewellers, 153 Bruck St, N. LONGINESWhitby 430-2500 A proud sponsor. of the, Canadian Na tional FigQure Skatfingi Tearn no gain" should flot be a part of your fitness prograrn. -A fftness a ppraisal can be a very helpful starting point for those taking up a fitness program. The appraisal wiIl give an estimate of your overail physical fitness as well as providing an exercise 'prescrip- tion that matches your personal ac- tivity preferences'. many fitness centres and'recreation departmen- ts offer fitness appr ais. We inquiring 'about this type of program, check ta make sure that the person administering the ap- praisal is either a registered or cer- tified fitness appraiser from the Canadian Association of Sprat Sciences. Finally, don't let a small setback become an excuse for giving Up. Fitness is not without its ups and dowins; if you've been sidelined for a while, get right. back on track. You may need to make allowances f or- the decreasei' your f itness level, but the important thing is to jump right back in. Supplementation enhances today's tif estyle (NC)-Millions of North Americans will consume one or mor<e food sup- plements today in the form of tablets, capsules, powders, oiis, solutions and the like. Typicaliy, without any pre- scription but with their own judge- ment and common sense, they will seek to derive essential foodbutrients [rom such concentrated formulations. Many are derived from such natural food sources, as extracts or isolates. Some are chemicaily tieated for one reason or another to make stable, convenient, marketable products. Others are essentially prepared by chemical synthesis prepared to mo- Iecuiar specitications. The benefit to the ceils ýof the humnan body after digestion and assimilation is different in each case, but the intent is the same. Supplementation is often touted either as a panacea for ail ilis or brushed aside as a foolish placebo.*I is truiy neither. When applied wisely and, cautiously, it is a -scientifically justified means to raise the nutritional status of an individuai when there are dietary inadequacies. Clinical re- search on supplemnents will continue to give us more conclusive evidence about the role of this unique means of nutritionai intervention. It is a young. empirical science today. Fortunately, the pace of active re-' search is acceierating but the need for vitamin suppiementation is a highly 68-102 ,YOUR VERY GOOD HEALTH Dr. Allan Somersali,- Ph.D. debated healih'.issue. Nutritionalists,educatô'rs and oth- ers have tried to make the nation-eat well but 'the forces of opposition, including technology and -business. advertising and contemporary living, have conisiderable impact on the eat- ing habits of Canadians and- nqt ai ways a "healthy" impact. Therefôre,, food supplementation has become 'a convenient and sensible alteinative in the real world. Today's healthy lifestyle choice To supplement a regular diet wisely in 'lorder to guarantee adequate amounts of the essential nutrients. This column is an excerpt tram Dr. Ailan Somerall's recently pub" Ilshed book, Vour' Very*Qd Health. Dr. Somerali is Vice&Presl- dent, Health/Communications ,at Shaklee Canada Inc. If yoà « wouid like more Information about'the b.ook, nutrition or diet, eall Shakiee at 1-800-263-9138. Father David Bauer arena, The training home for Canada's Olympic Hockey Team underwent major renavations to provide an in- ternational ice-sized arena and int- proved training facilities for the team.- The Federal Government committed $2.2 million (current dollars) for this facility. The City of Calgary, designated1 project manager, and the XV Olympie Win- ter Gantes Organizing Committee (OCO'88) have contributed $350,000 -each. Leading '84 medal winners At the 1984 Winter Games, the Soviet Union won a total of 25 medals, including six gold, and East Germany, 24, including nine gold, ta lead nations competing in the Gantes. Next were Finland, 13 medals (including four gold), Nor- way, nine medals (three gold) -and the United States, eight medals (four gold). Cross country skiing -at Corne and enjoy some oft-the biest' skllng ln Southern Onta'rlo'.,. for novice, intermediate or experts. Equipment for rerit. Lessons availabie. 'WaxingI-tas. 'Haifway, warm up hut with fireplace. Hot drinks. 'Chalet wéith Firepace, food available. *Canadian ski patrol on sight. Park Hours: 9;Oa.m.-5:00ptm., 7 days a we'ek. *.Telephone:.471-5070 How ta gett there: IEPleursure Vle H 0CLAiEYCt4. .lhawa *»Em Pickering -e, - r-ý 15çia