WmnTBY FREE, PRESS, WEDNEiSDAY, FEBRUAIRY> 24, 1988 PAGE g- Durha mCentre MP opens eosttuny office in Whitby esho'P n g i u ldcn tc tteofc ifhe goe re t. The officiai opering of the, o constituency offlice of. Durham' Centre MPPAllan Furlong was held last Thursday, Feb. 18. .The office' 1located: at 111 Dundas, St. W., is open from 10. a.m. to'4 p.ni. o ns According to DonnaLoes Furlong>s c onstituency assistant, weekend appointments can,,also be 'made if necessarY.. Lohnes ,says, constituents are. having an y problems or concerns with the .provincial* The phone number for. the offic« is 430-11l41. _______________________________________________________________ I A FRESH NEW CONCEPT WITH A Ë UROPEAN..INFLUENCE- *STORAGE SYSTEMS *WARDROBES *GIRTS *VANITIES *BOOKSHELVES PEARSON LANES 1011/2 MARY ST *W. WHITBY 430-2929 FINE HANDCRtAFTED'FURNITURE Custom Woodzuorkcing Reproduction. Antique Restoration Des:gn 114 Dundas Street,- East, Whitby (entrance on -6310 PerrySt.) 6310 M4ý-BO.L Moving Io a NEW LOCATION., Ali stock greatly REDUCEDI FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY LTD. *ANTIGUES UNO.iDip RISTORED STIPPING *CUST~fi REPAIRS UPHOLSTERY .REFINISHING A large select ion of Victorian parlour f urniture aval lable 413 DUN OAS SiT. E. WHITBY 668-5481 WM