PAGE 2, WHFnBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAROH 2,1988 Budget: The Social Planning Council of Oshawa-Whitby 'wiIl receive a $1,000 grnt from, the Town of Whitby bu not with the approval of ail councillors. Counicil voted during budget discussions te approve the ý$1,000 Leoen' from the. beaul Education through Martial Arts. Parents cali: 666-2878 I Councillors debate Town grat-' grant but. not before two councillors 'called the grant a mistake. 1"1 amn not in favor of this, " said councillor. Joe Bugelli who argued council would be breaking a Town policy by approving a grant for an agency that is funded by the United Wýay. The Sociaf Planning Council is a United Way agency which, in a letter to council, requested the grant te help pay *for a $5,000 computer, software and traiing.. The computer will handie data from a study the council- is MDrie planning to do on the human service needs of the coâmmunity. 'In these times of, grèater demands' on government, corporate and charitable funds, piAorities must be set among, various needs so as te direct funds *where they can 'be used most effectively. The SPO expects that this study will help funders, decision niakers and agencies te establish priorities," the letter States. I have no problem with the service," said councillor' Ross Batten. "But I have a problem with breaking the policy. We are setting a precedent." Town clerk Don McKay said the Town does not have a "written policy" about approving grants- for United Way-funded agencies but it has been a Town "practice" for a few years. I F Hesaid'the Town'began the practice as a means of'reduicing the granto it hgnded out each *year. "Vie are not brealding the policy. This is just like *tfie two one-shot deals we approved last year for'theWhitby Courthouse Theatre- and the Downtown Business Improvement Area.' Council last. year approved a $3,000 grant for the theatre and $17,000 for the BIA. Neither group requested a grant this year. Batten pointed out to Edwardé, however, that rieither of those groups receive United -Way funding. er 'Councillors Edwards,Ger Emm. and, Marcel Brunelle' apprvedthe grant while councillors Bugelli and Batten were' oppos ed. (Councillor Joe Druxnm did not vote.) We are ~cI~rudi!r our showroom! DiPAV Y UNC ITSNDAL E ANOW *CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS *TOP QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP *INNOVATIVE SPA CE $AVERS *BATHROOM ACCESSORIES & FIXTURES OAK, CHERRY, MAPLE, PINE, OAK & EUROPEAN STYLING We will do the complet e job or supply materials for you to instail ,REE ESTIMATES - NO OBLIGATION 1100 SIMCOE ST. N.ý DSI~IAA 433772j J Bingo fees to increase HARRISON 1 - N - T - E . R - 1 0 - R - S fu rn it u re 0 g ift s COUNTRY CLASSICS furniture and decor in pine ai-id oak. a 0 e>ýý «:>Irlr ail in stock purchases. Mon. - Wed. 10 - 6, Thurs. & Fri. 10 - 9, Saturthiy 10 5 1031/2 Mary St. W.,WhitbY 430-0939 L 7j- mmmm,ý,j- Sn owmobiles Stolen ýl il It is_ going to cost organizations more to operate bingos in tewn following a, fee increase approve.d by WMhitby council last week. The increase will' affect organizations which -hold a series of bingos. For an average 13-week bingo licence the fee -will increase te $412 from $394, o r 4.6 per cent. The single event fee-two per cent of thé total value of ail prizes awarded-will remain the saine. For example, the average bingo lottery with a prize value of $3,500 would have a fee of $70. -In a, report te council- the clerk's departmnent states it costs the Town $410 to process and monitor a 13-week bingo licence. Included in the cost is $52 -to receive the' application. and forward. it to the police department; $80 to review it and approve it; $12 te' set up a file; $31 to forward the licence and informnation te the applidant; $125 to monitor the bingo; and $110 for administrative7 costs, equipment* and various other coets. According te the department, the Town wiIl collect $12,680 in revenues froni bingos in 1988. à v Two snowmobiles. and a snowmobile trailer valued at $7,200 were, stolen from a driveway of a - Brooklin -home sometime during thie weekenhd. Police- .i4ddj, the s 0S1Wflbles, were stolen. 7 'ýWhen' various miembers * of the publie hâve found out . our policy has been changed, you should be prepared to entertain. more grants," said. Bugelli'after. the vote. Another dissenting vote came from "Mayor Bob Attersley Who joineïd the meeting 1 ahaif-hour after the vote had been called.*'- Before he knew the outcom e of the vote he' warned council members that approving the grant would be a mistake. He said he was' dismayed te, hear that the grant had been approved. Council approved, Of $1,025,319 in grants to, ,varlous agencies in town and in* the region, inclu.ding .a, $956,498 operating grant to, the 'Whitby PubliceLibrary. Other grants approved included: $2,734* to the Ajax-Pickering and Whitby Association for the Menitally Retarded; $200 for the Brooklin Women's Institute; $300 for the Burns Presbyte-rian Church cemetery board; $3,000 for the Central Ontario Marine Rescue Association (COMRA); $25 for the Durhamn West-Rama/Mara Soul and- Crop Improvement Association;. $30 for' the Ontario County Farm Safety Association; $90 for the Junior Extension Program; $11,500 for the Whitby Brass Band-, $840 for the Whitby Chamber of Commerce; $3,500 for the Whitby Jaycees; $2Y500 for the WhMiby Archives; $15,800 for the Groveside CemeterySBoaird; $26 000 for Whitby Arts Inc. as well as a $25,000 capital grant.