WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH- 9,1988, PAGE 9 Ban on- pet sales 'flot too0 practè*ical,' says MacKay An idea by, the 'Toronto Human.e Soi'ety to ban the sale of cats and dogs in pet stores would- be. very difficuit 'to regulate, says a Whitby veterinarian.< "The society 'is in the right area but that is not too practical," says Clayton MacKay, an advisor ta the Pickering, Ajax, Whitby Animal, Control Committee (PAW). I just don't know. how you would do that." The humane society, daims-, that impulse buying from pet stores often 'leads ta cats' and dogs being brought ta the shelter. When the sheiter can't get them adopted, they are euthanized., .But that does not appear to be the case -at the PAW animal contrai centre on Thickson Rd. N. in Whitby. According ta imanager Carol Lang, the excuse that the pet is no longer wanted- after being bought at a pet store' is.rare]y given when pet owners leave their pets at the center. "That is an infrequent occurrence," saysI.ang. She notes that dogs or cats are usually left at the shelter because the mother is returning ta the workforce or the children are no longer able to take care of the pet. 1"If someone tells us they bought the animal from a pet store we try- and get them ta bring it back to tl4e store," says La ng. SWhile MacKay agrees with the society's attempt ta contrai. the pet population, he says pet owners as well as the stores should be looked at. "People should give more thought before buying a pet," says Thousands of Canadians are waiting for the gift of a life-saving transplant. ."The Kidney Foundation of Canada urges you to sign an organ donor card. MacKay,- adding that one easy. methad- is ta do their hamework including calling a veterinarian. HOURS MON.-THLJRS. 10-6 FR1. 10-9 SAT. 10-5 He says a vet can explain a dog's breed and can supply literature on haw ta choose a pet. 541 Bayly St. E. AJAX 0OHAA etween Ajax and Whitby U»Rd. 686-4737 It's Spring Again' and. WE'RE - OPENING FOR BUSINESS OpenIng for the seas on, WED:.., MARCH, 9 We hope that ail our valueci' customE enjoyed a safe and happy winter sews Drop in soon and try the best barbeq CHICKEN & RIBS, and STRAWBERRY PIE you have ever tas soT ste cd 'ci. -NOW- HIRING STAFF- We requireé:.HOSTESSESý, WAITERS, WAITRESSES, COOKS, AND DISHWASHERS for the coming season. Apply in.person to: HAUGEN 'SRESTAURANT, IIwy. 7. & 12, Manchester HAUGÉN'S, CHICKEN BARBEQUE HWYi 7 & 12- MACHESTER - ONTARIO Upholstery Sale rraitc>ralby JarruscX <--Sruyder xLtd. 9-<Dh-LascruLy.'c>3rf Drud. v j j ".4 ýj F-015)0 Aik-.9mý