MY MEE PRESS, WbÈe ' 8 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION IST We have an immediate opening for a medical transcriptionist. Ap- plications are invited from individuals who have the following qualifications. .Medical secretary diploma e Excellent knowledge of medical termis s Two years transcription ist experience1 a Good inter personal and communication skilIls * Welorganized Send your resume to: - DIRECTOR 0F HUMAN RESOURSES WH ITBY G EN ERAL HOSPITAL 300 Gardon Street, Whltby, Ontarlo. Li N MT A newspaper is only as good as its distribution the Whltby Free Press relies on a small armny of carriers to do most of its urban distribution. But inevitably, there are some areas where carriers q uit or where carriers are hard to f ind. The Whltby Free Press needs a couple of reliable energetic aduits to f111 this gap. If you can spare a few hours on Wednesdays or Thur sdays and don't mind a bit of fresh air and exercise, cail the circulation manager, 668-6111 b-//P LIS 96£7é>tt thG e '~gg Iiparaemed Requ ires Do you have? Experience in carîng for someone who has heaith care needs or * xperience in raising a family. or *Good home management skilis or a A desire to supplement your income Flexible hours and. days We have work available in Durham Region. For more information cati: Anne or Irene at 433-7600 Mon.-Fri. 9-5 S KINCARECOMPANY Roquires oxperienced in- dividuals for ln home demon- strations of product and sales. Wage or commission. Will also train. Apply at: GO NATURAL HEALTH & BEAUTY CENTRE LTD. 121 Brock St. N., Wh itby 668-2661J EXCELLENT DIRECT sales oppor- tunity. Established manufacturer of distillation equipmont for residential & commercial markets seeking distributors, dealers, sales reps. For more information cail riow 1-800-661- 9954. B * FORMER *NEWSPAPER CARRIERS iWANTED * IMMEDIATELY! l Work part time evenings 6p m.-: 18:30 p.m. Door *to door sales *Whitby/west Oshawa area. WeI a train you. Transportation *providod. Excellent com-* *missions and bonuses. I Phone: 728-5117 *Mr. Anderson 16 MI ' LOOKING FOR IIILP? mn ao in classifieds may get you the help you noed. Phone 668-6111 to place your ad. * ATCArng E If s0 we are looking for you. VALMED OFFERS YOU: e Preferred Geographical Area e Work In Private Homes e Incentivo Bonuses a Flexible Hours Imed te opar e oito for .N.nd RN.A ih urn R.N. . *PhRmAo. cr tificato required. Geriatric ex- perience preferred. SUNNYCREST NURSING HOME Whitby 576-0111 ro Emerold Tea Room* Srequiros part time ~'weekend staff for kit- le chien & waitressing * positions. Please cal Sbetween 2&430 pm . * dall frinterview4 A I'cnrsrnlnn' InMaryv Sircef. Wc.çt 0430-2540 A SALES DREAM. Multimillion dollar international firm seeks 2 represen- tatives ln your area that seek ln- cornes of Up to $800 - $1600 plus weekiy. No direct selling invoived, daily repeat business, set your own hours. Training provlded. For con- fidential interview. Caîl (416) 756- 2111 or (416) 756-7796. B MA CHERIE f ashions. Discovor a new rewarding career. Be anindependent, joinourteam. t'sthefun, easywayto earn extra money. Caîl collect (416) 632-9090. B ADS. To seil the small items that you thought weren't worth advertising.i *Items must seillfr less than $50 - price must be stated in ad - multiple item ads must total less than $50 * Maximum 15 words * Prepaid * Cash or VISA only PRIME opportunity. Distributorsh i ps for patented security systems. Earn $1,000 weekly on minimum $500 ln- vestment. No competition. (604) 861- 3260. S.M.C. Security, 2789 Harvey, Kelowna, B.C. V1X 4J8. B EARN THOUSANDS wlth yo;ur'oCWn business $200 start up. Write today: Aaro, Box 2445, Orillia, Ontarlo, L3V' 7A3. DISTRIBUTORS, soul our high quaiity lino of stainloss steol distillers, large housohold carbon f Mlers and'water softoners. Earn extra income In this growing industry. Contact Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant St. Burlington, Ont. L7R 2G6, (416) 639- 0503. B THE* BEST opportunity for direct sellers and teiemarketers. Water filtration. $750.00 per week. Mike - 436-8854 a.m. 293-2303 p.m. CASH IN - CASH OUT. Coke, Pepsi', Libby's, Heinz - world famous drinks. You wlll refllI n your Iew, ýunique cold pop/juice vendors with separate price setting. Minimum investment $11,980 secured, as we supply frelght, equipment Installed ln locations, product filse, supplies, etc. Ow 'n your cash business; your choice, part or fulI-time. Caillwrite (24 hours) for brochure. Solar Business Centres, 100 East Drive, Suite 200, Bramalea, Ont. L6T 11B3. Mr. Haîbot (416) 761-5705. B EXCELLENT opportunity for, a osthetician to operate her own business. Phone 831-1657 evenings or 839-0681 beave messages. GROW FOR ITI 1 Raise baitworms at homo. Guaranteed market. Odorless, low investmont, we train I Ropresen- tatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR 1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4251, 856- 2248, (705)435-7463. B GREENHOUSE &,Hydroppnlc equipnent; supplies. Evorythling yôu. need. Best quality, super lo.w pricos.,' Gre enhouse $175, Halides,$1115., Over 3,000. products, ln stockl Send $2 for Infoc pack & f rée magazine t'o Wester n Water Farms, -1244 Seymnour St, Vancouver, B.C. ýV6B« 3N9. 1.604.682.63. hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographicda opulctn.TeWibFreP eswiraecckyuadrteetfoerrsnth 0f irst ot bè rrors £%ri F%%? filI~ pu iu i iiUcyjli lt:u t iu. U ii L ti LU U e oL.JL.iUpeU LDY the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5 for 25 words; 121t each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see details in separate panel) Blanket Ads - to blanket a wider market (see separate oanei for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15o each additional word AUCTIONS/AN NOUNCEMENTS .69C per agate line (14 agate'lines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 biIIed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders. pictures. or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 74e per agate lune' minimum size. 1 column inch - $10.36 (1l4 agate 1lines per i nch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111, 1. -