NOBODY..UBUT NOBODY CAN BEAT OUR PRICES! We set the Pace the "others" try to follow. e 2.2 litre engine, auto, p.s., p.b., AM/FM, hi-back buekets, defroster, tinted glass, road wheels, console, delay wipers, dual R/C mirrors, plus more. Balance ot 7/115 powedrain warranty available.' ___________________g g 22 L ~financing available Ic:2 engine..ato. p.s. p b. defroster, rear wviper. rallye wheels. ful guages. arn/im sterso, cloth high-back buckets, tinted glass, console, delay wipers, loftt WC mirror, balance 7/115 powertrain warranty avaliable. P2089 ONLY 51 PER MONTH SALE $6,995- -4 87 RELIANT fina cing available kIci: 22 L engins. auto. trans, ps., p.b, inted gla6s, n/fin sterso, defroster, w.s.w., dual mirrors, cloth smats, &ide stripss, delay Wipers, amn visa i rrcr, balance 7/115 powtrai warranty avoale. P977ON LYKE793 PER MONTH SALE $8,575 Console, auto. P.S., P.b, air cond, sunscreen glass, defroster. arn/ftn. dual mirrors, rosi wvipers, roof rack, mors. Balance 7/115 powesr train warranty available. P2w4 ONLV 347.93 PER MONTH SALE $16 ,375 ~AD A - ~p~1 il' III e e is c Hwy # 2 mouth, ýChryslGr mâx goo... FINANCIN.G.. AVAILABLE NI v rc> rr ý m