It's spring, 50 the Zundel trial IlToronto is again lI ful swing. In the Maritimes, a school teacher is being threatened with the loss of his job because of views he expressed in a book.- Until yesterday, a bill which some experts say would have banned parts of the Bible and many classics topped the list of Brian Mulroney's legislative plans. Censorship. It's a topic which continues to rear its head. Today, it's, back ifashion. Sirnply put, censorship is someone else. deciding what youandIwillorwillnotbeallo'vedtoread. Or see. or taik about. Or discuss. Because we are Canadian, censorship usually has something to do with sex. To wit: the showing of a naked female breast on prime time television stI causes great controversy. But sex isn't everything. The Zundel trial in Toronto -actually a retrial, since it did't corne out right the first time -places a criminal charge against a mani for publlshing a lie. Zundel published a pamphlet which asserts that propagancla createci the holocaust. He was charged with knowingly publishing a lie. The teacher in the Maritimes has hisjob under scrutiny because he bas suggested that the holocaust -in which six million Jewish people were killed i history's greatest act of genocide -may have been exaggerated. But whether the topic be sex or holocaust, the brutal fact contiues: itwon'twork. It neyer bas worked i the past, it won't work now, and it won't wc rp i at chlld porn, and exploitation of women. What the law would do, however, is to cause grief to art galleries and libraries. The holocaust was a terrible chapter in human history. I have not studied the topic, but I have no doubt that the Nazi death camps existed, and six million people did die. Let us hope that such Hellis never revisited on Earth. But should it be illegal for someone to think that the of- ficiaI record is flawed? Thlnk about it: the Zundel trial sees the crown trying to prove that Zundel knew the "truth" about the exterminations, and that lie knowingly published a lie about it. Could Zundel's defence be simply that he is stupid, and through his own pig-headedness published what ultirnate in bad manners. But if bad manners were illegal, almost every smùoker on this planet should be in chains in a dungeon, havingher/his eyes burned out. The real danger of censorship lies in its application. No matter how well-intentioned laws against pornography are, they will be misapplied. Laws aimed at those who, profit frorn hard core poru will ultimately be used by some left-handed wing nut to attack Margaret Laurenlce. The methods by which Zundel is to be quieted will ultimately be used by a crank with a loose bookends to stili legitimateinquiry. The real horror of censorship lies in the ignorance of those who ultimately apply it. Bugelli: 10grn il t art flood of onetierqss F $100 contribution to Durham Region Block Parents je only the start of one-time requests, says councillor Joe Bugelli.. "There will b. a flood of one-times coming Up," said Bugelli at an operations comittee }Town tears up Cooke's parking ticket ,The Town of Whitby has tomn Up a Whitby resident's parking ticket after deternining that a downtown parking meter was faulty. Léanny Cooke received the good news this week after he complained about a $5 parking ticket he reoeived at a downtown meter on Feb. 29. Cooke said the Town tested the meter, found out a spring wasn't working and ripped up the ticket. Cooke had threatened to go to court over the inatter. High water concerns? CalLOC The Central Lake Onrtario The authority has a w Conservation Authority advises system to notify residents who have concerns departments about lloodir about high water levels in hazardous conditions. streams during spring brèak-up Clo nia 7-4 to call the authority. alCCota,5704 warning various ing and il. u AND DDN'T PAY UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1, 1988 s5 YEAR WARRANTY on one of the most quiet and efficient systems availabie. eFINANCING BELOW PRIME Pay your account on September lst., or finance at beiow bank prime rates. SECIAL EARLY ORDER BONUS.» VOUR CHOICE 0F ONE 0F THESE PREMIUMS FREE 1MILE WC ,Cai oLENAN ooLEH 45 LMTESt meeting lest week. Bugelli noted that the. precedent was established with coundil's recent decision to approve a one-time grant of $1,000 to the *Social Plannin*g Council of Oshawa-Witby during budget discussions. At the time Bugelli said the approval broke a Town policy of not approving grants to United Way-funded agencies. He warned coundil then that one-time grants will b. coming forward on a more regular basis. At last week's meeting, councillor Tora Edwards moved that $100 b. approved for Block Parfnts. Bugelli approved of the amnount, but asked Edwards on what it was based. "Some members of council may flot put up a fight for $100," replied Edwards.. In their request to Whitby, the association said the money is to be used for a conference this year. NOTICE FROM THE MINISTRY 0F HOUSING TO ALL TENANTS AND LANDLORDS. The Rent Review O ffice I Oshawa Has A New Location. Our new address is 40 King Street West, Suite 700 Oshawa, Ontario* L1H 1A4--ý Phone: 723-8135 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ~ Minlistry Of Housing Ontario Chaviva Hosek, Minister MHTY RE PRESS, WEDNESDAYi MAROH 16,1988, PAGE 5 hedid. That teacher li the Maritimes: should he be removed' from bis.teachingjob because of a book he published? W I H O u R Corenow. L ts keep the ignlorntatbaylher(e. i.iitiès into the classroom, that he teaches Young P eople a flawed view of history -contrary to the education guidelines of his < F E -E T U Pprovince -then let hlm be flred. But let hlm be fired for byBi S anwhat he does in the classroom, for goodness sake. by -ill wanin real life I arn a college teacher. Should my job be jerked out from under me because I wrote a colurnn admit- ting to talking to a gaggle of littie green people frorn the planetErehwon?' 0f course there is a difference; no one takes those littie green people seriously, and no one is harmed if I do. But if I L aw m is appieu question the holocaust,, then that does threaten a whole group of people who have Hellish memories of that dark rkin the future. chapter in human misery. nrno..n 2 w fori, ta,.0vnIle.i kimer1 nrimarilv. Tn El1efulvnplay on those memories is ghoulish and the