PAGE 8, WHffBY FREE PRESS, WEFDNESDAY, MARcH 16, 1988 Neeé d'for voôlun teers for faniily respite program The Durhanm Association for Family 'Relief ' ,Services "needs volunteer -relief providers to assist about 70 familles who care for a- devlopmentally or. physically handicapped family member. That's the nuniber of familles onl a waiting list for the, service, partly due, to'the high level of support1 services offered in the region that attracts families, says 'Debby Blucher, the associations coordinator Of volunteer services.- After a program expansion last year to include respite care for those under 19 with a physical handicap, the association now serves 160 natural familles in the region through its 65 volunteer.familles. "I've been really impressed with the familles," 'says, Blucher of the volunteers who take developmentally or physically handicapped into their homes for up to a week, sometimes longer, to give respite to natural ENJOYING an "IAppreciation Evening"l Services, were Julie Lacy, Carolyn March 3 at Wheelies roller skating in > Dewar, Cindy MeAlpine and Becky Whlitby, for volunteer relief families of the Calder. Durham Association for Family Respite Free Press photo familles. Familles, or individuals, are trained to give temporary* relief at the home of the host family or at the home, of the relief provider. -An appreciation night, with a Caribbean theme, was recently held for volunteers at Wheelies roluer skating rink in Whitby. There were only short-term residential placements in the region' until the mid -70's when a famiuly relief program was developed by. the Oshawa & District Association for the Mentally Retarded. That program expanded to become the Durhanm Region Family Relief Services in 1978, and became incorporated in 1982 as the Durham Association for Family Relief Services. After last year's expansion, the name was again changed in January this year, to the Durham Association for Faznily Respite Services. Service is now provided to a family 'member who, has ,a developmental handicap and,-to those under, 19 'with a- physical handicap. Blucher saysý services decine for 'those over 19 with a physical handicap. The association, which operates on fiinding from the Province, had a total budget of $310,O00 for the 1987-88 year. A third of the budget was for relief, that is, nursing agency services and remuneration for- relief families. While relief providers are volunteers, they receive nominal rates ( non-taxable)- as reimibursement for the cost of having an extra individial in their home. One must be 18 to be a relief provider. There is also a screening process involving the police and Çhildren's Aid Society. Familles are eligible, for 24 days of relief each calendar year. In 1987, the, association provided more than 40,0OU hours of respite care. For more information, cali the association office at 668-3812. the office is at 209 Dundas St. E. (suite 302). St. John holds, poster contest The Whitby branch of St. John Ambulance is seeking entries for the branch's 25th anniverary poster contest. Cail 668-9006 for' m'ore information about' content and age categories. Wýhich did you see first, Les or the wheelchair? "Around the neighbourhood of my pharmacy, people are changing their attitude toward disabled persans. When they first deait with me, they had their reservations about my capabilities "as a pharmacist- now For a poster wri te: Ontario Office for Disabled Persons, 700 Bay Street, l6rh Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z6 they s'ee how much I can actually do." As owner/operator of two pharmacies, Les is a successful entrepreneur and an avid basketball player. He is also one of the 937,000 aduits in Ontario with some form of disability. Les, like many disabled Do you bave an open rmmd? Ontario persons, ofren finds that people are s0 concerned with what he can't do, they fait to see what he can. Now if Les won't let his disability stop him from being a contributing member of the community, why should we? Office for Disabled Persans Remo Mancini, Minister INTRODUCING THE MOSI SOPH.ISTICATED MODULAR CABINET SYSTEM- IN THE WORLD COMES FROM A CONCEPT SO SIMPLE, IT'S ALMOST EMBARRASSING. A CONTEMPORARY ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (VARIQUS SI.ZES AVAILABLE) Marbol 0 101112 Mary St. -W., Whltby